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11-19-2007 , 02:00 PM
ok i know how i met your mother doesnt get a lot of love but im bored and anxious for the episode tonight so im throwing this out there.

are people happy with the new season? will tonights episode be legend...ary? how is robin hot only 63% of the time?
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11-19-2007 , 02:11 PM
HIMYM, Office, and Earl are my 3 favorite sitcoms right now. I'm looking forward to the return of the slapbet. Also, Robin is hot 100% of the time to me. She's like the perfect non-skinny chick.
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11-19-2007 , 03:31 PM
donkey, im pretty hard on chicks when it comes to the skinny/non-skinny line but i dont even think i could call her non-skinny.

glad to see this thread sky rocketing. i get the feeling there are very few fans in OOT, just like the rest of the world.
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11-19-2007 , 03:42 PM
Well, she's not fat, she's just more solidly built or something. She isn't a rail, that's for sure. Maybe some pics will liven up this thread...

Robin (Cobie Smulders)

None of these pictures really prove my point, but whatever. Next to Allyson Hannigan, you can see the difference.
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11-19-2007 , 04:05 PM
I watch this show sporadically, and its usually pretty solid. Background on the slapbet? I saw the commercial and actually set the DVR for it.
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11-19-2007 , 04:10 PM
There's a clip on
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11-19-2007 , 04:12 PM
They have a countdown on

The entire episode is worth watching if you can find it.
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11-19-2007 , 04:41 PM
I watch this show sporadically, and its usually pretty solid. Background on the slapbet? I saw the commercial and actually set the DVR for it.
in arguably the best HIMYM episode ever (S02E09 "Slap Bet" or "Robin Sparkles" as it become labeled during a rerun), marshall and barney make a slapbet about why robin is afraid of malls. so as to avoid spoilers, i will leave it at that, but the end result is that marshall gets to slap barney 5 times from now until eternity. two have occurred. this is #3 and was alluded to in the end bit at the end of the first episode of this season where marshall calls barney who is working late and directs him to the website and time has officially expired as of tonight. woot.
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11-19-2007 , 04:46 PM
None of these pictures really prove my point, but whatever. Next to Allyson Hannigan, you can see the difference.
yea allyson has tiny arms. when she is eating cereal last week i was especially impressed.

i think cobie smulders lost a little weight before this season. when she was tan and skimpily dressed coming back from argentina to start this season to go with a few less lbs, thats when i started to turn from meh to hot. she does have smokin hot legs as showcased in the video when dancing next to the robot!!!

she's unconventional hot no matter how u slice it. but also canadian =).
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11-19-2007 , 05:06 PM
I liked her in the first season. Usually like skinny chicks but I think she's pretty attractive.
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11-19-2007 , 05:22 PM
I watched that three times. Barney being backhand bitch slapped cracks me up every time.

I'm confused though. barney's been slapped twice now? when did I miss the second one?
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11-19-2007 , 05:59 PM
I'm confused though. barney's been slapped twice now? when did I miss the second one?
S02E16 "Stuff" the one where barney puts on a one act play...
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11-19-2007 , 07:12 PM

I've been checking all day. Can't wait to get home to watch this one!
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11-19-2007 , 11:11 PM
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11-20-2007 , 01:56 AM
for some reason just this channel was all static and I missed it :-(
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11-20-2007 , 03:28 AM
This season has been really lousy for this show. What I liked about it was that it avoided some of the sitcom cliches and was slightly edgy for a show on CBS at 8. Now its just meh.

All that said, the slap bet was awesome.
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11-20-2007 , 03:32 AM
Season's been okay. Nothing as good as last year (which was incredible), but I've liked the episodes. Of course it's really hard to go more than a few seasons without turning the characters into caricatures.
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11-20-2007 , 04:11 AM
Good thread, keepitreal. I almost started a thread a few weeks ago on what I'm pretty sure was one of the best-written single episodes of any sitcom since the Seinfeld era.

It was the "how they all met" one with The Vicki Mendoza diagonal (which leads into the horrible Shelly Gillespie zone). The hot-crazy scale. It was genius -- but so were the running gags like eating sandwiches=smoking weed and Ted's sign language.

Some good lines:
Lily:"You're too much tongue guy?"
Ted: "And you're unreasonably small mouth girl?"
Barney: "Worst. Superheroes. Ever."
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11-20-2007 , 10:36 AM
That's the general idea.
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11-20-2007 , 10:40 AM
I think this show has actually gotten better this season than ever before, with the exception of last week (the week before slapbet).

I think Marshall and Barney make the show for the most part, with Robin, Lily and Ted just being filler for the rest of the show.

However, I definitely think it's getting better and compared to what's out there it's damn good.
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11-20-2007 , 12:29 PM
That's the general idea.
General Idea.

If it hadn't been for the look of insane glee on Marshall's face when he got permission from the commisioner, this episode would've been a waste.

The season is not as good as last but that's only cuz the bar was so high. I still can't see myself missing an episode and it's still one of the best shows on TV.
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11-20-2007 , 12:32 PM
I don't think this show airs over here, but someone sent me this clip and its awesome
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11-20-2007 , 01:40 PM
I don't think this show airs over here, but someone sent me this clip and its awesome
The best part of that episode is when he's playing the most random casino game with the Chinese. There were cards, dice, tiles, and jelly beans involved if I remember correctly. I can't find the clip though.
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11-20-2007 , 02:37 PM
I actually didn't like last season as much. The show is better when Ted is single, even though I love me some hot Robin.

Side note: now links to a Music Video of Marshall singing the "Slapped" song.
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11-20-2007 , 04:05 PM
i think its hard to judge seasons until they are done. that being said, i think the awkwardness of how robin has been fitting into the plot will ultimately hurt season 3 overall.

season 2 will always have the fact that marshall went thru so much more (with the break up/re-engagement) and in my eyes made for more fun times. him and lily this season have yet to make really great tv but we're not even half way thru.

but i still have enjoyed all this season's episodes to varying degrees. while some will say it about the office, this show on a bad day is still better than almost everything on tv imo. obv the viewing public doesnt fully agree though.

im not a big tv season dvd guy but i have both HIMYM and they are so rewatchable i would say i have watched the average episode over 4 times when u factor in initial airings, being bored with it still on my dvr and plowing thru seasons on dvd. point being, this show is amazing even if it slumps slightly from time to time.

as for slapsgiving the episode, it didnt live up to the hype but i dont really think it could have. i think the ted/robin thing could have been a few episode arc (i could see a whole episode of those two having to avoid each other being well done by the HIMYM people) rather than going from relapse sex to friendship over to bff all in the span of 15 minutes. and as cute as the "major buzzkill" resolution was, that was more telegraphed than i expect from HIMYM.

fwiw, NPH deserves to win an emmy instead of jeremey piven as ari one of these years.

bob was a great guest star:

his jello shots and his ensuing line about getting f'ed up
waving his cell phone during the piano scene
etc etc

and my favorite line of the night (paraphrased):

i've lost 10 lbs, my suits are wearing me.
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