Originally Posted by tenderloinig
I'm sorry but you are just dead wrong here. Chikatilo is significantly worse and sicker than those russian kids. Yes the kids disregard for human life is stunning. Their killings are about power and killing men their own age. Their killings are violent and personal but also for the most part quick and not sexual in nature. They weren't afaik involved in extremely drawn out sadistic torture.
You watched a video of one of the russian kids? I'm assuming the one with the hammer and the orange bag? Absolutely awful and terribly hard to watch, worse even than jihadi beheading vids imo.
But if there was a video of Chikatilo murdering a 9 year old boy or girl you would be literally unable to physical watch it. I'm sure any non psychopath would pretty much vomit or pass out. He would bind the arms and stuff some dirt in a kids mouth after leading them away from the train station into the woods. He would slowly stab and slash them in ways to make it last. enucleate the eyes. cut off the tip of the tongue or bite it off. Also would bite off genitalia and nipples. Intercourse with knife wounds and a living victim. He would then start to stab and cut and eviscerate organs etc. At the moment of death he would take out the tongue hold it over his head and run around the body.
I actually want to advocate for extensive torture as punishment (and to lesser extent deterrent but lets not pretend) for people like this. Your humanity card gets pulled and you are fair game. Don't even have to have a death sentence if you guys are wrongly opposed to it as many are. Bring em within an inch and back till they are old men, death isn't enough. I don't believe in hell but I am all for creating it.
I watched some docus on Chikatilo. He couldn't apparently have normal sex. It was also said that this cannibalistic tendencies could have been caused by his childhood. He was born in a time of big famine in UdSSR and it was said that his older brother was killed and eaten. It was also said that he witnessed the rape of his mother in the second world war by german soldiers.
So he probably had been in Hell.
I do not justify him in any way, but I am very against any torture or death penalty.
As to the OP, I watched one time a docu, with two boys age 13 and 15 have tortured and tried to kill with a hammer a mother of one of him. They had somehow the idea, that then they could take the money and have a good life.
That was for me really bad. I mean this personal connection and the motive for killing and then not shooting but really hitting and kicking her and jumping on her head for hours.
I don't have a link to that. Was in russian and not very famous, because of only one victim.