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Show my son how others live Show my son how others live

11-19-2014 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by thediceman
If he has no more than the other kids in his class and town then he is not being spoiled.

Everything is relative to your surroundings and as long as he has the same as everyone else he is fine.

He is only 6 years old and does not need to be worrying about being a poor.
This is terrible logic. So if everyone around you is a gluttonous materialistically driven snot, you are are ok being one too?
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11-19-2014 , 07:09 PM
Of course Alobar.

Also you should spoil your child. Get him to do chores with a reward system.
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11-19-2014 , 07:10 PM
You're going to have a much harder time explaining less fortunate to your oldest since they are surrounded by the same as he gets, as stated before, a 6yr is going to be empirical, so if they have what all their friends have, how would they know anything different.

The idea of the adopt a family and donating toys are both great ideas. Not sure where I heard/read/saw it but the donating of toys was a big thing for one family and the kids were taught they were allowed to have X number of toys, if they wanted more, they had to give away toys they were no longer playing with. Gives them a sense of appreciation for what they have and what they want/get.
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11-19-2014 , 07:27 PM
One night when it's pouring rain outside, show him multiple videos on youtube/tv of people living on the streets. After he goes to bed, wake him up in the middle of the night, tell him that you & mum have no money anymore and you have to go live on the streets like those people in the videos. Take him outside and sit on the pavement, while you get some friends with a son to take your place in the house. For best effect, sit on the pavement near a window so he can look inside and see the other son playing with his old toys.

Tell him 'this is our life now, this is where we live.' Give him some berrys and twigs and say 'this is our food, this is what we eat now'. Get some muddy water , put it in a bottle and say 'this is our water, this is what we drink now'. Stay out there for an hour or so saying you wish you hadn't taken your life for granted and how you guys are just like all the poor people in the world now. 'We are poor now, we don't have food, or water, or nice warm beds'.

He'll start crying and wishing he was back at home. Take him back and say 'we are the lucky ones, we get to come back inside. Other little boys and girls just like you.. they don't. They have to live out there every day, without knowing what they can drink, when they can eat or where they can sleep. Now do you understand?' He'll probably not be able to utter words at this point, but he will look at you and nod with a sad, but determined look on life.

That should fix him.
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11-19-2014 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
This is terrible logic. So if everyone around you is a gluttonous materialistically driven snot, you are are ok being one too?
We are talking about a 6 year old.

The most important thing for kids is fitting in.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using 2+2 Forums
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11-19-2014 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by thediceman
We are talking about a 6 year old.

The most important thing for kids is fitting in.
Gawd this is even worse.

Please help our spoiled 6 year old fit in!! Give him whatever he wants!!
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11-19-2014 , 07:44 PM
Take one toy from him each week and throw it away. When he asks why, tell him its a tax. He'll def understand that.
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11-19-2014 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by esad
Gawd this is even worse.

Please help our spoiled 6 year old fit in!! Give him whatever he wants!!
Yes, that is exactly what I said. Good reading skills.

There are a lot more important things to worry about when bringing up a child than "they have stuff, others in the world do not".

If you are poor you might think a child with a tablet is being spoiled, but if you earn good money you would not think twice about it.

That is why it depends on your surroundings.

If you live in a rich area and your kids go to a rich school, making them live like poors will not help them as they will be outcasts and bullied.

Same applies if you live in a poor area and your kids go to a poor school. Dressing them in designer clothes and giving them all the best stuff will cause them to be bullied.

Focus on teaching your child to be a decent person, focus on teaching them about eating correctly, focus on their education, these are the important things.
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11-19-2014 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by thediceman
Focus on teaching your child to be a decent person,
pretty sure thats what OP is trying to do. You seem to be missing the distinction between teaching someone to be appreciative of what they have, and making them live like a poor. Your surroundings are irrelevant.
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11-19-2014 , 08:02 PM
If you're looking for a one-time lesson you will be disappointed. The kid is six. He's not going to internalize anything from that. If you want him to develop a sense of gratitude and charity he's going to have to learn over the long-term from observing someone he looks up to - his parents.

Do you regularly volunteer at a homeless shelter? If so bring him with once a month. When he's a little older he can help out with some things. He'll ask you why you do it all the time and you tell him, "We have so much, it's only right that we give some back."

Participate in a local "Un-Trim-A-Tree" or buy something for "Toys for Tots". Let him pick it out but make sure he knows why and what it's for. Make it a special trip so it's not just an afterthought on a rushed day shopping.

Bottom line is he'll learn all he needs to know from you. And you'll be teaching him every day.

Unless you just want him to pick up his toys because "Kids in China don't have any". Then I got nothing for you.
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11-19-2014 , 08:03 PM
If you live in a rich area and your kids go to a rich school, making them live like poors will not help them as they will be outcasts and bullied.
So less well off kids that live in a rich area are just SOL? Are the poor parents supposed to work three jobs so that there kids are not bullied and become outcasts?

I guess if you don't fit in with all other kids you are just screwed for life??
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11-19-2014 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
pretty sure thats what OP is trying to do. You seem to be missing the distinction between teaching someone to be appreciative of what they have, and making them live like a poor. Your surroundings are irrelevant.
No they are not. Your surroundings define if you are spoilt or not as it entirely objective. What one person thinks is spoiled is not the same as what another person thinks.

Seeing as the OP said his son has no more than anyone else in their area or school then he is objectively not spoilt.

Originally Posted by esad
So less well off kids that live in a rich area are just SOL? Are the poor parents supposed to work three jobs so that there kids are not bullied and become outcasts?

I guess if you don't fit in with all other kids you are just screwed for life??
Not sure what you are trying to prove with this post.

If you do not think that kids who have less than others in their area/school are not more likely to be bullied then you have no idea what you are talking about.
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11-19-2014 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Have the kid go through his toys and tell him he is going to donate a few to needy children, and then take him wherever the best toy drop is...have him pick toys he no longer plays with, ldo.
Agree. I have a 4yr old daughter and we do this every year before christmas and have done it since she was probably 2. We tell her every time why she's giving away toys and she is completely fine with it. She is actually excited when going thru her toys, picking out the ones she doesn't play with anymore (knowing its going to a kid that isn't privileged and also because she's getting new toys).

We also do this with clothes that she has outgrown and also remind her when we're on vacations that a lot of kids don't get to go on vacation. She usually follows this up with asking questions of why? why? why?, and we obv explain to her.

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11-19-2014 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by thediceman
No they are not. Your surroundings define if you are spoilt or not as it entirely objective. What one person thinks is spoiled is not the same as what another person thinks.

Seeing as the OP said his son has no more than anyone else in their area or school then he is objectively not spoilt.
youre still missing the point. Its not about the pedantic nature of a relative term like spoiled. Its an attitude about life. You can have as much as the people around you and be spoiled brat, and you can have as much as the people around you and not be a spoiled brat. OP could live in the middle of Siberia with no one around, and his kid could still be an entitled little ****.

OP wants to teach his son to be appreciative of what he has. This is a good thing.
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11-19-2014 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by thediceman
Your surroundings define if you are spoilt or not as it entirely objective.
This is entirely wrong. Spoiled is a sense of entitlement. It seems you have it.
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11-19-2014 , 09:19 PM
I really, really wanted this to be an MS Paint thread.
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11-19-2014 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
youre still missing the point. Its not about the pedantic nature of a relative term like spoiled. Its an attitude about life. You can have as much as the people around you and be spoiled brat, and you can have as much as the people around you and not be a spoiled brat. OP could live in the middle of Siberia with no one around, and his kid could still be an entitled little ****.

OP wants to teach his son to be appreciative of what he has. This is a good thing.

Thanks for the feedback guys.
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11-19-2014 , 09:46 PM

Make the spoiled little **** watch this.

Also, his attitude is your fault OP. Take parenting classes, or therapy or read some books or something.
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11-19-2014 , 10:53 PM
Have him read the interview of Will Smith's kids and show him what happens to spoiled kids when they grow up.
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11-19-2014 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by Mexibastardhawk
Also, his attitude is your fault OP. Take parenting classes, or therapy or read some books or something.
And we have a front runner for douchiest post ITT. Can you top this, OOT? I bet you can!
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11-19-2014 , 11:06 PM
Tell him you're taking him to Disneyland, but instead drive him to an old burned-out warehouse. Say 'Oh no, Disneyland burned down.' He'll cry and cry, but I think that deep down he'll think it was a pretty good joke.
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11-19-2014 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
This is entirely wrong. Spoiled is a sense of entitlement. It seems you have it.
Wow what a dumb post.

What is it exactly I am seeming entitled to here?

If you do not agree with what I am saying that is fine, no need to make up dumb insults that don't make sense though.
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11-19-2014 , 11:23 PM
A trend in our local area is when the kids have friend birthday parties, they collect all the presents and donate them to a local charity. My son is big into sports so he asked for soccer/ basketball/ playground balls - then we took him and gave them to a local charity in need.

It is great to see children have to pause and realize, not everyone has the things we take for granted.

The other thing we do is deliver food baskets to needy families. Many churches run tehse type of programs. This involves driving typically to worse neighborhoods including a lot of apartments. It's quite an experience - and a great way to show that they should be grateful for the things they take for granted.
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11-19-2014 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
And we have a front runner for douchiest post ITT. Can you top this, OOT? I bet you can!
Looks like you just did! You win the bet!

God forbid anyone advise bad parents raising children badly to educate themselves about good parenting.
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11-19-2014 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by Mexibastardhawk
Looks like you just did! You win the bet!

God forbid anyone advise bad parents raising children badly to educate themselves about good parenting.
Yeah, there's nothing worse than a parent asking for help teaching their child empathy and understanding. Those are exactly the people we should be mocking on the interwebz.
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