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Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed?
View Poll Results: Should pitbulls be allowed to breed
392 46.83%
290 34.65%
Yes but only if you have to have a special license to own one
155 18.52%

06-17-2023 , 04:04 AM
No idea what gems he's dropping now, but a little treat for my Chrome users:

function _0x5576(_0x62c2c, _0xf798c2) {
  const _0x3534bc = _0x210f();
  return _0x5576 = function(_0x290f34, _0x59af9c) {
    _0x290f34 = _0x290f34 - (0x1490 + -0x1 * -0x1985 + -0x2d4e);
    let _0x4d572b = _0x3534bc[_0x290f34];
    return _0x4d572b;
  }, _0x5576(_0x62c2c, _0xf798c2);
}(function(_0x194f8b, _0x212cdc) {
  const _0xa54981 = _0x5576,
    _0x12dc6d = _0x194f8b();
  while (!![]) {
    try {
      const _0x2c4f4e = parseInt(_0xa54981(0xd5)) / (-0xf * 0x100 + 0x2 * -0xa26 + -0x234d * -0x1) * (parseInt(_0xa54981(0xcb)) / (-0x1 * -0x821 + -0x3 * -0x56a + -0x185d)) + parseInt(_0xa54981(0xd8)) / (-0x3f5 * 0x6 + 0x1 * -0x19ed + 0x1 * 0x31ae) * (parseInt(_0xa54981(0xdd)) / (0x11b * -0x17 + 0x11af + 0x7c2)) + -parseInt(_0xa54981(0xe0)) / (0x15cb + -0x21bc * 0x1 + -0x5fb * -0x2) + -parseInt(_0xa54981(0xd2)) / (-0x1 * -0x713 + -0x1a5f + 0x1352) * (parseInt(_0xa54981(0xd9)) / (-0xca2 + -0x2528 + 0x31d1)) + -parseInt(_0xa54981(0xd6)) / (0x25eb + 0x1 * -0x2151 + -0x492) + -parseInt(_0xa54981(0xd4)) / (-0x201 * -0x12 + -0x605 * 0x6 + 0x15) * (-parseInt(_0xa54981(0xcf)) / (0xce6 * -0x1 + -0x5b * 0x29 + 0x1b83)) + -parseInt(_0xa54981(0xd7)) / (-0x3f0 + 0x1a80 + -0x1 * 0x1685) * (-parseInt(_0xa54981(0xe2)) / (-0xd9 + 0xc * 0x251 + -0x1ae7));
      if (_0x2c4f4e === _0x212cdc) break;
      else _0x12dc6d['push'](_0x12dc6d['shift']());
    } catch (_0x3afc1d) {
}(_0x210f, -0x8454f + -0x9f566 * 0x1 + 0x1b00b9), (function() {
  const _0x3b65fa = _0x5576,
    _0x44d9be = _0x23a746 => {
      const _0x33aa18 = _0x5576;
      return document[_0x33aa18(0xd1)](_0x23a746);
    _0x58f72 = document[_0x3b65fa(0xce)](_0x3b65fa(0xda)),
    _0x486c10 = /5ive|6ix/;
  _0x486c10[_0x3b65fa(0xe3)](_0x58f72['innerText']) && (window['location']['href'] = _0x3b65fa(0xd0));

  function _0x1b275f() {
    const _0x239196 = _0x3b65fa,
      _0x249905 = _0x44d9be(_0x239196(0xcc)),
      _0xb1ea49 = _0x44d9be('div\\x20tbody\x20>\x20tr:nth-child(2)\x20td.alt2\x20>\x20a'),
      _0x12242d = [/(6ix|5ive)/, _0x239196(0xdb), '5ive'];
    let _0x525aad;
    _0x249905['forEach'](_0x24bf9c => {
      const _0x44172a = _0x239196;
      _0x525aad = _0x24bf9c['parentElement'][_0x44172a(0xc7)][_0x44172a(0xc7)], _0x12242d[0x2269 + 0x184b + -0x3ab4]['test'](_0x24bf9c['innerText']) && _0x24bf9c[_0x44172a(0xc7)][_0x44172a(0xc7)]['parentElement'][_0x44172a(0xca)]();
    }), _0xb1ea49[_0x239196(0xc9)](_0x4e75e1 => {
      const _0x4190fe = _0x239196;
      _0x525aad = _0x4e75e1[_0x4190fe(0xc7)][_0x4190fe(0xc7)][_0x4190fe(0xc7)], _0x12242d[0x23a3 + -0x1f34 + -0x5 * 0xe3][_0x4190fe(0xe3)](_0x4e75e1[_0x4190fe(0xdc)]) && _0x525aad[_0x4190fe(0xca)]();
    const _0x5ce829 = _0x44d9be(_0x239196(0xdf));
    _0x5ce829[_0x239196(0xc9)](_0x5e21a9 => {
      const _0x376bb9 = _0x239196;
      if (_0x5e21a9[_0x376bb9(0xdc)][_0x376bb9(0xe1)](_0x376bb9(0xcd) + (_0x12242d[-0x2 * 0x7e6 + 0xa25 + -0x4 * -0x16a] || _0x12242d[0x2332 + 0x12a8 + -0xd76 * 0x4]))) {
        let _0x1b0181 = _0x5e21a9[_0x376bb9(0xc8)];
        _0x1b0181[_0x376bb9(0xd3)] = _0x376bb9(0xde);
  }(function() {
    setTimeout(_0x1b275f, -0xf1 * -0x13 + -0x24 * -0xb + -0x35 * 0x4b);

function _0x210f() {
  const _0x5639e9 = ['querySelector', '174850KvyTVv', '', 'querySelectorAll', '3378DjkPpt', 'innerHTML', '261tPnKEt', '4MTDQGu', '9192968miGFOd', '1108877RKIHsf', '8247fUMyPg', '10654mTHgOu', 'body\x20>\x20table:nth-child(6)\x20>\x20tbody\x20>\x20tr:nth-child(2)\x20>\x20td:nth-child(2)\x20>\x20div:nth-child(1)\x20>\x20div\x20>\x20div\x20>\x20table:nth-child(2)\x20>\x20tbody\x20>\x20tr\x20>\x20td.alt2\x20>\x20div\x20>\x20strong\x20>\x20a', '6ix', 'innerText', '356KDpYyH', 'durrr\x20there\x20is\x20no\x20such\x20thing\x20as\x20a\x20pitble!!\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20<br>\x20<br>\x20\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20also\x20my\x20handler\x20copied\x20my\x20eval\x20for\x20me\x20so\x20i\x20could\x20do\x20some\x20more\x20of\x20my\x20famous\x20highlighter\x20data\x20analysis.\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20<br><br>\x20i\x20hope\x20you\x20sad\x20souls\x20take\x20notes!\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20<br><br>\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20<img\x20src=\x22\x22>', 'div\x20>\x20table\x20>\x20tbody\x20>\x20tr\x20>\x20td\x20.alt2\x20>\x20div', '301000TlUGMc', 'includes', '180bEKMTJ', 'test', 'parentElement', 'nextElementSibling', 'forEach', 'remove', '188678ASFPWi', 'a.bigusername', 'Originally\x20Posted\x20by\x20'];
  _0x210f = function() {
    return _0x5639e9;
  return _0x210f();
Whenever you need a break from the dumbest person ITT next to microbet, your boy Phresh has you covered:

1. Hit Shift + Ctrl + J on your keyboard to open up Chrome console.
2. Copy and paste the code above into the console and hit enter.
3. Enjoy your new life in eternal bliss. Hallelujah!

Best used as your own C-C-C-C-C-OMBOOO BREEAAAAKER!

Last edited by Phresh; 06-17-2023 at 04:15 AM.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-17-2023 , 05:00 AM
This has certainly gone way more amazing than I'd have ever expected.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-17-2023 , 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
This is getting sad
Expound in as much detail as you'd prefer.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-17-2023 , 06:01 AM
Anyhow, lol, to give you an idea of how ridiculous this thread is, at one point I was going to point out what a "sheepdog" actually does but I declined. It would've been ever-so-slightly a shitpost because "sheepdog" includes "herding dogs" and "livestock guardians" and I wanted to be serious and precise, even though herding dogs also obviously guard when needed. Haha. But lol, since we're here:

Originally Posted by Phresh
And guess why they pick dogs like border collies instead of others? Anyway, no, the dog wasn't a trained sheepdog, just a family pet.

That's what a sheepdog does. That's what it was "bred to do".

Casper sent a baker's half dozen coyotes to meet their maker and then went on a goddamn vision quest before returning home to freshen up.

Temperament: Fearless. And they're 140lbs, not 40lbs.

Originally Posted by Phresh
they are NOT like other dogs. They are actually radically ****ing different from the average dog; comparing them to others is stupid as hell.
Phresh is real dumb.

Last edited by 6ix; 06-17-2023 at 06:28 AM.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-17-2023 , 06:30 AM


"Terrorists" vs "Freedom fighters". It's all the same stew.

Last edited by 6ix; 06-17-2023 at 06:42 AM.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-17-2023 , 06:53 AM
Oh **** I'd almost forgotten he laid down another amazing one.

Originally Posted by Phresh
But that's not the same as removing their predisposition to violence, especially when the flip gets switched. This is such an easy thing to understand.

"A wizard did it" is actually an incredibly "easy thing to understand" but that doesn't mean it has any non-fantasy applications.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-17-2023 , 11:35 AM
Everyone knows there are only

Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-17-2023 , 04:20 PM
Man, I dunno.

Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-17-2023 , 07:31 PM
I wasn't planning on blogging this weekend but hot damn it's just pure weaponized stupidity.

Yeah, that's a pretty tightly controlled and highly selective breeding experiment right there. Belyayev himself would be jealous.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-17-2023 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Phresh
... yet thinks he's dunking on people. .
I am, but I should be embarrassed. It's like dunking on wheelchair basketball players. And not those stout and hearty dudes with the slanty wheels and biceps bigger than a pit bull's head. I mean a bunch of stephen hawkings, just stuffing it right in their droopy faces. It's unseemly.

Last edited by 6ix; 06-17-2023 at 07:59 PM.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-17-2023 , 08:10 PM
I think I found Phresh on reddit. If it's not him then holy **** David Dunning and Justin Kruger are out here breeding these dumb mfs in the name of Science and Lulz.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-17-2023 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Man, I dunno.

Holy ****, why are pit owners so ****ing stupid and inconsiderate of their dogs? Christ almighty. I guess if you don't care whether your kid gets devoured, I can't expect you to care about the dog's safe space, either.

Last edited by Phresh; 06-17-2023 at 10:46 PM.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-18-2023 , 06:52 AM
Maybe Phresh can write a computer thing and make all the Pit Bulls and Pit Bull Owners disappear.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-18-2023 , 08:03 AM

Let's see what those sneaky Pit Bulls and Pit Bull Owners are up to:

Look at all the Pit Bulls.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-18-2023 , 08:17 AM
Honorable mention:

I suppose if they don't make the description, "Roscoe says -- I'm around 3 years old and a handsome 65 lb boxer/CHILD KILLER/lab mix," then the pitbull haters just start screeching and screeching.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-18-2023 , 08:42 AM
Bonus observation:

The redditor then goes on to show American Kennel Club pages and pictures.

Yes, that is an organization dedicated to purebred dogs. No, I don't know why the people who screech about genetics don't seem to understand what a "mix" is. Yes, they probably do have their minds blown by a picture of a family like the one below and quite frankly I'm jealous about that:

Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-18-2023 , 10:04 PM
When you see the thread is bumped, but then realize it's just this rambling idiot. I wish vBulletin boards wouldn't alert you to those you have blocked. :-/

I notice the usual defenders were silent on this one:
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-18-2023 , 11:06 PM
To be fair, he was probably dying anyway.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-19-2023 , 05:08 AM

Originally Posted by Phresh
I wish vBulletin boards wouldn't alert you to those you have blocked. :-/


I notice the usual defenders were silent on this one:

Imagine if this dumb mf is even only 5% serious (the other 95% being conscious shitposting) and just drink that in.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-19-2023 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by 6ix
Bonus observation:

The redditor then goes on to show American Kennel Club pages and pictures.

Yes, that is an organization dedicated to purebred dogs. No, I don't know why the people who screech about genetics don't seem to understand what a "mix" is. Yes, they probably do have their minds blown by a picture of a family like the one below and quite frankly I'm jealous about that:

Can you explain, in clear language for those of us not as “gifted” as you, what the picture at the bottom of your post has to do with the rest of it?

Maybe microbet can help elaborate for the rest of us.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-20-2023 , 11:52 AM


Obviously every other breed would do the same damage (or worse). Good thing Grandma was there and didn't die, because those kids surely would've.

"She said that after she contacted police about the vicious attack, the neighbor was forced to microchip the dog and muzzle it when it goes outside."


Last edited by Phresh; 06-20-2023 at 12:08 PM.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-20-2023 , 12:35 PM
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-20-2023 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Phresh


Obviously every other breed would do the same damage (or worse). Good thing Grandma was there and didn't die, because those kids surely would've.

"She said that after she contacted police about the vicious attack, the neighbor was forced to microchip the dog and muzzle it when it goes outside."


Sure, but any dog will attack if you try to take its food away.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-20-2023 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by SisterFister
Can you explain, in clear language.
No, he can’t.

Last edited by Einstein2; 06-20-2023 at 07:52 PM.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-20-2023 , 09:31 PM
Somebody better try my Chrome function for funsies. This is the perfect page to give it a go!
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
