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Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed?
View Poll Results: Should pitbulls be allowed to breed
392 46.83%
290 34.65%
Yes but only if you have to have a special license to own one
155 18.52%

12-24-2022 , 10:53 AM
the ban is so laughably unenforced in ontario
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-20-2023 , 11:35 AM
Pit loons acting as if BSL doesn't work is so insane to me. Because if it's enforced, how the **** can't it work? If there aren't pits to bite people, the stats will obviously go down.

I had some moron on reddit telling me the example I provided of BSL working didn't count because the dogs were removed. As in, the bite stats didn't change because the dog count changed lol delusional idiots, all of them.

Also I finally bit the bullet and posted an "anti" pit article on my FB. Got a response from a friend who has always had them about how incorrect the author was. I asked them to list anything and it was what you'd expect, including quoting bogus studies and tests like the ATTS temperament test bullshit.

Oh, and guess what site they were linking? That awful pitbullinfo travesty I warned about earlier. Insane how much money the pit lobby has to spend on their misinfo campaign.

I definitely pissed off some friends, but whatever. It's a necessary step if my goal is to prevent pits from mauling people.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-20-2023 , 11:43 AM
Also I am seriously so fed up with the push for no kill shelters because they're responsible for so much of this. The more the pit lobby gets its claws into politicians to prevent BSL or adopt no kill policies, the more attacks guaranteed.

These POS shelters will dump problematic dogs on people as a SOP. Their garbage descriptions chock-full of cutesy euphemisms to obfuscate dangerous behavior should get them shut down.

Why the **** should a pitbull who can't be around children, cats, or other dogs be adopted out? Last time I checked, neighborhoods in our society are filled with those things.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-20-2023 , 01:42 PM
They should build a robot that looks and moves like a really annoying toddler. Put it in the shelter pen with a pit bull for a day. If the toddler robot comes out ok, the pit bull lives.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-20-2023 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
They should build a robot that looks and moves like a really annoying toddler. Put it in the shelter pen with a pit bull for a day. If the toddler robot comes out ok, the pit bull lives.
Why a robot? Use the annoying toddler of a pitbull owner.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-21-2023 , 04:24 AM
One of my biggest pet peeves is allowing dogs off leash, but it's become so commonplace that I've been beaten down into accepting it as normal now. Pretty much everyday I see multiple dogs off-leash now in my neighborhood. Hell, there's even a guy that comes to our neighborhood from time to time and runs his pit bull at a public park. Normally the park is pretty empty and he seems to have pretty good command of his off-leash pit so I guess I have to accept that too, and save my battles for the worst offenders.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this but a few months ago a different pit came aggressively at my dog but not quite close enough for a fight to ensue. The worst though is that after calling his pit back that owner waited 2 or 3 minutes to leash him. This is just pure irresponsibility, stupidity, and disregard for everyone else (including his own dog) That day I passed a family walking with toddlers and I had to warn them not to continue walking towards the park because of the pit bull. It's quite sad such things have to be said. Of course the owner wasn't from the neighborhood and fortunately I haven't seen him or his pit since.

My other pet peeve is people walking on the wrong side of the street. In the state of Texas, the law is very clear: absent of sidewalks, pedestrians are to walk on the left side of the street (towards traffic). Some people, even those (or perhaps especially those) walking on the wrong side of the street, are very adamant about not changing course when walking towards another party. It's like a game of chicken.

I highly recommend you never play a game of chicken when there is a dog involved that could maul you. If you see a pit bull walking towards you, leashed or otherwise, you should always move to the other side of the street. Period. It's not about being right or even about being the better person. It's about acting in your own best interests and not being stupid. It seems some people would rather get mauled so they can point the finger so they can say "Hey I was in the right." Ok, you were in the right but now you are mauled and what happens to the pit bull owner? Next to nothing. Most of these pit owners have absolutely nothing to lose, no money, nothing. If their pit mauls you, they aren't going to jail. Absolute worst case they lose their pit bull but then they can just go adopt on of the ~million healthy pit bulls in shelters.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-21-2023 , 05:54 AM
I was taught about walking on the side of the street facing the traffic when I was a child, but it feels so unnatural that I almost always do the opposite. I'm sure most of the people walking with traffic don't realize it's against the law.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-27-2023 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
They should build a robot that looks and moves like a really annoying toddler. Put it in the shelter pen with a pit bull for a day. If the toddler robot comes out ok, the pit bull lives.
There was a demonstration an animal trainer did with pits where they threw a ball into a pen and nothing, but a fake baby and they mauled it.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-27-2023 , 03:21 PM
Off-leash dogs were the bane of my existence back in the day. The city tore down some old Middle School across the street from me and it turned into a de-facto dog park because it still had a field/track area. So many morons letting their dog walk up on me and my boxer. "Don't worry, she's friendly!" My boxer wasn't so I'd always pay super close attention to our surroundings and her reactions so I could scoop her up if needed.*

This one loser would let his 4 dogs roam around the entire area off-leash while he napped in his car. I got into it with him once before because he noticed me watching him so I called him out for it and not cleaning up their dog ****. I caught him doing the same thing after when I was drunk coming home from the bar. Not super proud of this but I told him I would **** him up if I saw him there again. I don't believe he showed up again after, so I guess being a drunken lunatic worked. But seriously, **** that clown.

I got into it with a few people and was close to fighting with some *******. Dude was talking to me aggressively after I picked up my dog and told him to get his on a leash. So I snapped back because I wasn't in the wrong like "Why the **** are you pissed at me? Get your ****ing dog on a leash. This isn't an off-leash area." I called him an irresponsible pet owner LOL hilarious thing to call someone aggressively, especially when you've already told him you'll **** him up.

* One time I was walking my pup super late/early at like 3AM. I noticed Annie stop and put her paw up to listen so I took my headphone out and paused my music. I could hear some guy yelling for their dog so I instinctively picked up Annie because I assumed it was loose and coming towards us. Then I saw a headlamp in the field and noticed the dog was still in there based on his reaction. When the dog got close to him, this ****ing ********** hit it in the face! He didn't see me there and I yelled back, "Don't hit your ****ing dog!" Dude was startled since he wasn't expecting me and told me to mind my business. I really wish I didn't have my dog so I could've done more but she hates other dogs and it'd probably make him hurt the dog worse when home. I called him a ****ing loser and when he said some threatening **** back I started walking toward him and told him I'm not a dog, I'll **** him up. He started walking off with his dog and I think I called him a pussy before leaving. Anyway, he needs his dog on a leash, too.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-27-2023 , 05:27 PM
I thought the whole point of dog parks was to let your dog socialize with other dogs.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-27-2023 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Phresh
Off-leash dogs were the bane of my existence back in the day. The city tore down some old Middle School across the street from me and it turned into a de-facto dog park because it still had a field/track area. So many morons letting their dog walk up on me and my boxer. "Don't worry, she's friendly!" My boxer wasn't so I'd always pay super close attention to our surroundings and her reactions so I could scoop her up if needed.*

This one loser would let his 4 dogs roam around the entire area off-leash while he napped in his car. I got into it with him once before because he noticed me watching him so I called him out for it and not cleaning up their dog ****. I caught him doing the same thing after when I was drunk coming home from the bar. Not super proud of this but I told him I would **** him up if I saw him there again. I don't believe he showed up again after, so I guess being a drunken lunatic worked. But seriously, **** that clown.

I got into it with a few people and was close to fighting with some *******. Dude was talking to me aggressively after I picked up my dog and told him to get his on a leash. So I snapped back because I wasn't in the wrong like "Why the **** are you pissed at me? Get your ****ing dog on a leash. This isn't an off-leash area." I called him an irresponsible pet owner LOL hilarious thing to call someone aggressively, especially when you've already told him you'll **** him up.

* One time I was walking my pup super late/early at like 3AM. I noticed Annie stop and put her paw up to listen so I took my headphone out and paused my music. I could hear some guy yelling for their dog so I instinctively picked up Annie because I assumed it was loose and coming towards us. Then I saw a headlamp in the field and noticed the dog was still in there based on his reaction. When the dog got close to him, this ****ing ********** hit it in the face! He didn't see me there and I yelled back, "Don't hit your ****ing dog!" Dude was startled since he wasn't expecting me and told me to mind my business. I really wish I didn't have my dog so I could've done more but she hates other dogs and it'd probably make him hurt the dog worse when home. I called him a ****ing loser and when he said some threatening **** back I started walking toward him and told him I'm not a dog, I'll **** him up. He started walking off with his dog and I think I called him a pussy before leaving. Anyway, he needs his dog on a leash, too.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-27-2023 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
I thought the whole point of dog parks was to let your dog socialize with other dogs.
They are. That's why people should go to them if they want their dogs off-leash. This was a random area with a track, not an actual dog park. Perhaps I worded it too loosely; it became a de-facto dog park because *******s would show up and let their dogs off-leash. It wasn't a dog park.


I don't have any. "Children?" No, elephant books.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-27-2023 , 11:42 PM
My bad, you did say de-facto. 100% that guy's an idiot.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-28-2023 , 12:42 AM

ps. I love you Phresh

Last edited by Chip Niche; 01-28-2023 at 12:48 AM.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-28-2023 , 07:45 AM
I'm super proud of you for saying you'd **** him up. I actually like all of your interactions that you posted.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-28-2023 , 11:56 AM
Dropped another pit post on my FB and man nobody likes it, of course. But I'm dropping facts to the standard stupid ****. "But I've known pitbulls and they're sweet!" SMH. It must be an insane hurdle to jump over to realize you have a dangerous dog and your kids are at risk. Easier to just ignore it and let the cognitive dissonance do its thing.

Stop breeding these ****ing things, holy ****.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-29-2023 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by Phresh
Dropped another pit post on my FB and man nobody likes it, of course. But I'm dropping facts to the standard stupid ****. "But I've known pitbulls and they're sweet!" SMH. It must be an insane hurdle to jump over to realize you have a dangerous dog and your kids are at risk. Easier to just ignore it and let the cognitive dissonance do its thing.

Stop breeding these ****ing things, holy ****.
I would love to see some of your posts and the replies.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-29-2023 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Chip Niche
Some of these stats seem really off. 6 times as many labs as Goldens?
Almost as many greater Swiss mountain dogs (a breed I have never even heard of) as Goldens?

I have a dog who is a mix of maltese and yorkshire terrier. Both are pretty popular, especially Yorkie, but none of either breed can be found on the chart.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-29-2023 , 06:04 PM
I thought about posting some screenshots earlier, but don't want to parade my friends around for laughs. Most of them, I like and respect. There are a few random acquaintances from years back I might show. Like folks I met once at a party in 2015 and **** lol

Ok, here's one with an old acquaintance I knew was a lost cause. I obviously ignored most of what she said since it was unhinged. Normalizing some dog brutalizing everything and sending people to the ER, wtf?

A few friends had shared that BS ATTS study in the past and referenced it earlier. I hammered that one kind of hard here hoping they'd see it and be more receptive to reading it in the background vs. logic smackdown in a direct confrontation.

Yellow at the end is very solid female friend.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-29-2023 , 06:40 PM
"A little rusty"

Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-29-2023 , 11:17 PM
"They were nanny dogs long before they were fighting dogs"

Holy **** lol
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-30-2023 , 12:17 AM
66 year old woman killed in Georgia. Husband and her bred pits.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-31-2023 , 08:11 AM
I got unfriended by 2 people and folks are bringing up how I'm a hypocrite because my boxer hated other dogs. Not sure how that compares since my stance wasn't, "Nah, she's fine. Any dog can hate other dogs!" and pretend she's not capable of hurting something. Instead, I never let her off-leash once I realized the potential. She was 45lbs and I could restrain her easily. And I announced to everyone with their dog off-leash that mine wasn't friendly and picked her up each time they got close.

But nobody who posted fake stats, misleading studies, untrue talking points, or any of the standard pit nutter logic ever had much after I disproved them. Nobody replied to my comment asking them how it's always Chihuahuas who are the true evil dogs, but pits are only bad when the owner is? How can one dog be inherently evil, but not another if all dogs are the same. Last go-round, someone said BSL doesn't work, which is silly. I replied with multiple datasets showing it absolutely does. No response.

All in all, I'm glad I did it, even if it alienates me from some friends. Too may people genuinely do believe they are harmless due to pit propaganda. I'd rather a friend not get some mislabeled fighting dog from the shelter and get their neighbor's dog killed.

A few years ago I came in here because I also believed it's all in how you raise them. I didn't believe what I believe now at first, but researched it and quickly realized how wrong I was. At some point, adults need to be able to take in facts without their personal bias clouding their judgment. I realize I didn't have a pit myself like they do and that makes it harder. But still, come the **** on.

Also the only person comparing pits to black people is one of my black homies lmao makes it much tougher to confront how dumb that is.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-31-2023 , 03:26 PM
Chihuahuas are the worst dogs IMO, I don't understand why anyone would want one for a pet.

But a chihuahua isn't going to kill anyone.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
