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Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed?
View Poll Results: Should pitbulls be allowed to breed
392 46.83%
290 34.65%
Yes but only if you have to have a special license to own one
155 18.52%

12-06-2009 , 05:14 AM
To be fair my chow chow is black.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-06-2009 , 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by Lottery Larry
Ummmm.... isn't this how farming and civilization advanced, so that society could?
Ok, yeah thanks for being a nit.

My point is that in modern society there is no reason for people to own dangerous dogs, save possibly guard dogs or farm/working dogs. There is absolutely no reason for people to be walking around cities and towns with pitbulls.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-06-2009 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Oxygen
Ok, yeah thanks for being a nit.
Well, I wasn't quite sure if you were anti-pet or not, so I used a little license to illustrate my point.

My point is that in modern society there is no reason for people to own dangerous dogs, save possibly guard dogs or farm/working dogs. There is absolutely no reason for people to be walking around cities and towns with pitbulls.
Now THIS, I can understand, and I probably agree with it.... as long as we're not limiting this to just pitbulls.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-06-2009 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by FrankieBigNuts
akitas were BRED to be fighting dogs back in japan.
They were bred as hunting dogs. Not a huge difference, but significant enough to mention it.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-06-2009 , 12:46 PM
Not gonna read this thread and this has probably already been talked about but im all for holding owners responsible for harm their pet (any pet and any breed) causes to someone else.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-06-2009 , 02:56 PM
Pit bulls were bred to be friendly to people and vicious towards other dogs. This is because a fighting dog typically changes owners many times throughout its life and has to be able to get used to get used to new owners all time.

Pit bulls are dangerous because of scum bag owners that don't socialize them correctly at young ages towards people and other animals.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-06-2009 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
I didn't know Chow Chow's had a bad rep. Are they ill-tempered? It's hard to imagine anyone being afraid of this cuddly thing:

That's an animatronic Teddy Bear, it reads books to children.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-06-2009 , 09:37 PM
That's an ewok.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-06-2009 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
I didn't know Chow Chow's had a bad rep. Are they ill-tempered? It's hard to imagine anyone being afraid of this cuddly thing:

Pretty sure Chows are the most likely to attack people IIRC.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-06-2009 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
I didn't know Chow Chow's had a bad rep. Are they ill-tempered? It's hard to imagine anyone being afraid of this cuddly thing:

Is taht thing 6-legged?
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-06-2009 , 11:06 PM

I own a Pit Bull and I whole heartedly believe its the owners responsibility to have a sound minded dog. If you do not, you need to take on modified behavior training or put the dog down.

My Pit loves everyone and everything and has never had a problem.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-07-2009 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by Kataklysmos

That dog looks exactly like my pit mix!.

FWIW he has never had any aggressive behavior. In fact, my neighbors dachshund attacked him the other day and he just moved behind me and looked at me while my neighbor tried to kick her dog away.

CPLO is the voice of reason in this thread. Regardless of how you feel about banning pitbulls the idea of banning one specific type of dog is illogical, biased, and a logistical nightmare.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-07-2009 , 12:47 AM
Well England pulled it off apparently. Maybe it helps to be an island nation.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-07-2009 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Well England pulled it off apparently. Maybe it helps to be an island nation.
Maybe it helps to have a society of people that are accustomed to the government telling them what to do.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-07-2009 , 01:26 AM
I thought someone was saying earlier in the thread that they passed the laws but it is extremely difficult to enforce.

This website makes an interesting argument against breed specific legislation. Despite the unprofessional look its background gives it.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-07-2009 , 01:54 AM
Also here is a quote from this news story about a pitbull in a police K-9 unit.
Found here:

"A pit bull named Elliot Ness is anything but untouchable. Loving and friendly, these traits keep most pit bulls from being good police dogs.

"The main problem we're finding with pit bulls is that they're too darn nice. All they want to do is just sit at your feet or crawl in your lap. They're very nice dogs," said Deborah Thedos, Cook County K9 Unit."
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-07-2009 , 02:13 AM
Nice find.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-07-2009 , 02:40 AM
<insert drunken dog rant>
**** you people who wouldn't make it 2 min with a pack of dogs. You'll never get it.

Put a rope around that animal's neck.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-07-2009 , 03:08 AM
So I got pissed off half way through the thread and grunched like a chihuahua with a bunch of pits on my side.
Suzzer, I hope that you don't hate pits forever because of this.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-07-2009 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by 4 High
OP should not be allowed to breed.
4 High, wat the **** is this ****? Explain urself.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-07-2009 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by Oxygen
Nope, put me down as a person person if we're making lists.

I don't understand the desire to own an animal and it doesn't seem natural.
People have had dogs as pets for over 10 thousand years. How far back do we need to go to define natural?

Originally Posted by suzzer99
Well England pulled it off apparently. Maybe it helps to be an island nation.
The dangerous dogs act is a failure. There are more pits in Britain now than there was when the act was brought into law. They just sell the dogs bred in Ireland and claim they are another breed called the Staffordshire Terrier that basically looks identical.

Also bigger more aggro breeds are being bought as the pit isnt at the top of the dangerous dog rankings by any means.

Dunno if you should get rid of the pit bull, but it seems to wont be able too if you try so meh, i have no idea what the solution, if any, is.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-07-2009 , 04:53 AM
"The main problem we're finding with pit bulls is that they're too darn nice. All they want to do is just sit at your feet or crawl in your lap."
awwww how cute!

i take everything back. all those reports of pitbulls doing the exact opposite of that must be gross slanderous exaggerations

no billy hes not tearing your face off, he's just showing affection!
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-07-2009 , 04:55 AM
They just sell the dogs bred in Ireland and claim they are another breed called the Staffordshire Terrier that basically looks identical.
time to ban those as well

in fact ban any breed that's easily confused with a pitbull. how hard is that? how can you tell? any breed that rips peoples face off with any regularity and looks almost identical to pitbulls

im not advocating to put down peoples pets. just stop breeding them until their finished

Last edited by Dolt; 12-07-2009 at 05:06 AM.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-07-2009 , 05:20 AM
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
I didn't know Chow Chow's had a bad rep. Are they ill-tempered? It's hard to imagine anyone being afraid of this cuddly thing:

Yeah, Chow Chow's have been ****ing outrageous in my experience. I literally stopped going over to a friend's house in high school when he got one. The ****ing would stalk you and keep his head low by your feet and if you turned around and looked at him he would bite you. ****ing insane. The thing bit me, my friend, his girlfriend, his sister, his sister's boyfriend, and his dad that I know of. Drew blood on multiple occasions and ripped a pair of my jeans and they still wouldn't put it down because the mom loved it and the dog loved her. I would ring the doorbell to their house and the first thing I would see was this dog sprinting from the back and slamming himself against the glass barking his ass off. Then I would go back and sit in my car and wait for my friend to come out. It was ****ing absurd.

I mean anecdotal blah blah and it doesn't really mean anything overall, but this thing was ridiculously aggressive even as a small puppy, but it wasn't funny anymore once he got big. It was ****ing scary.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-07-2009 , 05:53 AM
I know these songs about Cuchulain, and I want to know what kind of dogs they had. Like the Hound of the Baskervilles, some monster Great Dane sized man-eater.

Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
