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The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in.

01-04-2015 , 10:48 AM
I'm not going to google a study you provide a link to ? Obvious ? You could have just posted the correct link right away ? Lol ?
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by GMLAW
That blog post is great, laughed at loud at it. "How is this fair?" Nice. Is that guy a serious therapist of some sort?
Yeah its a funny one.

I mean, the simple answer is 'life isn't fair', but nevertheless, he's a skilled writer and its hard not to feel that his disappointment and appeal for sympathy rather than hatred is a pretty reasonable one.

This is largely why feminists are so keen to attack the 'nice guys/nerds', (especially the ones who are clearly on board with the search for genuine equality), because they expose that fact that female sexual attraction is largely involuntary and is just as shallow as men's.

To this day, society maintains an underlying current of believing that women choose partners based on virtue rather due to the mercy of their physical urges. That idea is so powerful, so accepted, so taken-for-granted, that any challenge to it can really threaten female power, as well as the greatest aspect of female power; the fact that its covert, silent and unseen.

That's why sexually unsuccessful men are presumed to be unsuccessful because of their own willful deficiencies; and as such, a 100% rejection from the female species must therefore be entirely fair and just. This state of affairs is what gives insults like 'virgin' their power.

This is why Disney, guy-gets-girl-by-being-nice movies are such a powerful tool not for 'the patriarchy', but for feminists. They teach society that women simply have a greater agency than men when it comes to choosing their mates and thus, are in that sense, the superior gender.

Now of course, the side-effect of that is you might get the bubbling up of an occasional blog post from a real-life Peter Parker, but that's why they're so keen to stamp it out rather than go for the 'jock' stereotype who happily enough, contributes to the dumb-and-full-of-cum, easy-to-manipulate-whilst-proclaiming-innocence-and-wisdom female stereotype.
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Rei Ayanami
Rastamouse, in all seriousness, maybe experiment with being a good poster on the internet. It might start a social success spiral that can branch out into real life. You seem alienated from the entire world, which would be a problem. Start somewhere.
He sure seems to have RUSTLED numerous posters. Poor posters rarely rustle regs, they just get laughed at.

Originally Posted by Yakmelk
The classic rebuttal to that would be 'IKNORITEWHITEMALESHAVEITSOTERRIBLE'.
The classic rebuttal would be to strawman? Whiteness doesn't have anything to do with the subject at hand. And obviously, yes, white men clearly have it best on average; a fact which I doubt rasta would deny.

These posters want to reduce his thoughts on feminism (with which I mostly disagree) to him being isolated or "alienated from the entire world". But I have read, more than once, about him conversing on related subjects with his female friends, going to clubs, etc. People who are genuinely alienated/isolated don't have female friends and don't go to clubs. Trust me, I'm 28 and have never experienced either.

Rasta seems to be a normal enough person who suffers from some sort of sexual hangup when he's close to touchdown. I don't think his frustrations here are the CAUSE of his anti-feminism, although they perhaps have exacerbated them somewhat.

He was the person to come at me the hardest when I started posting, yet is currently the one most willing to dive deep to find whatever psychological underpinnings are behind my constant stream of massive failure in this arena. So I thank him for his time and for starting this thread.
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 11:28 AM
Definitely the same person
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 11:29 AM
Rasta you might like the Mating Grounds podcast. It's got Tucker Max, who feminists hate, but also a lot of good advice on how to do better with women.

Their view on money is it's most important to not be busto. If you can be witty, intelligent, kinda, attractive taking them to Olive Garden it's way better than being boring or a douche taking them to a Michellin starred restaurant. Obviously if you're witty, intelligent, kinda, attractive and can also drop $$$ on the restaurant that's best but as long as you're not ordering water and asking to split the check you're better off focusing on other things.

They might have one on living at home too, don't remember
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Anais
50% chance he's rasta
I'll give you 100 to 1 if we escrow. You look like you could use some FREE MONEY.

Seriously, we don't even post alike, and we don't even share the same opinion on most (every?) issue. Plus, he's clearly British, and I'm clearly not. Since there is no reason whatsoever to think we are the same person, I guess I have to assume posts like the above are pure, unadulterated trolling that detract from the subject topic and I should REPORT them as such.
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 11:40 AM
Yup, trolls need reported...

Originally Posted by horVeech
lol Eventual Victory has to be a troll right
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Anais
Definitely the same person
Wow, right on cue!

Well, ya gotta start the snitching somewhere, so REPORTED. Hopefully we can rid OOT from trolls, perhaps by 2019 or thereabouts.
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Anais
Yup, trolls need reported...
Accusation = Proof??

Who are you, Sen. Joe McCarthy?

Edit: is your "50%" confidence a shocking lie?? Because 100:1 is still on the table, troll. Even further, I'd accept a cessation of all trolling ITT in lieu of payment.
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 11:50 AM
You respond just like rasta

But it was, as I already said, a joke.
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Rastamouse
Curious as to what people actually think of this link without resorting to trolling Rasta. I thought it was a pretty good read.

I think it has more to do with introverts with low self esteem/depression and some form of trauma from females at an early age(though maybe I'm projecting), but they are real feelings that are more pervasive than some people want to acknowledge. The common "LOL you're a white male GTFO" response is pretty demeaning and inconsiderate to people who are having issues and only serves to making them feel worse about themselves. White males suicide rate is far higher in the western world than other classes.
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by Rastamouse
No, I'm saying that Gizmo is coming on here to make a malicious, gleeful proclamation that people are bullying me for their entertainment.

Yet she's instantly defended.

A perfect illustration of female privilege. She reminds me very much of my sister.
Oh for ****s sake. My privilege? Of what? Being able to speak my mind?

and for the record, I hope you never get a woman. Not because of your looks, not because of your job, not because you're a virgin. I hope for the unknown woman's sake that you remain celibate. Because your online persona is God damn insufferable.
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 01:07 PM
Wtg gizmo, check your privilege.
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Why doesn't Gizmo like you, Yakmelk? You and Anais are basically the same person.
No they're not.
Originally Posted by Yakmelk
Love to hate, hate to love, all that stuff. We've been PMing so its not all lost yet.
Lol, we have never said a word in private, nor will we ever.

Don't hate yak, just think he's dumb.
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
Oh for ****s sake. My privilege? Of what? Being able to speak my mind?
Of not having to face the same kind of responsibility, judgement and moral consequences for your actions that a man would. Its quite simple really.

Originally Posted by Gizmo
and for the record, I hope you never get a woman. Not because of your looks, not because of your job, not because you're a virgin. I hope for the unknown woman's sake that you remain celibate. Because your online persona is God damn insufferable.
Good for you hun
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
Oh for ****s sake. My privilege? Of what? Being able to speak my mind?

and for the record, I hope you never get a woman. Not because of your looks, not because of your job, not because you're a virgin. I hope for the unknown woman's sake that you remain celibate. Because your online persona is God damn insufferable.
Holy projection.

How is it possible that so many people who ostensibly defend equality, human rights etc are also the most shrill and vitriolic?

I am always reminded of all the anti gay activists who are in the closet with male prostitutes. It's baffling.
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Rastamouse
Of not having to face the same kind of responsibility, judgement and moral consequences for your actions that a man would. Its quite simple really.
which responsibility would I be facing, though? What the ever loving **** are you even talking about? Like, please be specific when you levy accusations my way.
Good for you hun
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 01:19 PM
I like Snagglepuss as Rastamouse.

The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by moo buckets
Holy projection.

How is it possible that so many people who ostensibly defend equality, human rights etc are also the most shrill and vitriolic?

I am always reminded of all the anti gay activists who are in the closet with male prostitutes. It's baffling.
Moooooooooo buckets.
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 01:24 PM
Uh oh, them female genes stirring up the hatred in the "totally not MRA" crowd
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Anais
Uh oh, them female genes stirring up the hatred in the "totally not MRA" crowd
Its more pity and boredom. There's nothing she could say that I haven't heard before. She might as well be a cardboard cut-out of any default feminist. No originality whatsoever.
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 01:38 PM
Lol, what have I even said that's femenist itt?

I mean, yeah, I am a femenist, but itt I've just been pointing out what a piece of **** you are.
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
Lol, what have I even said that's femenist itt?

I mean, yeah, I am a femenist, but itt I've just been pointing out what a piece of **** you are.
Reckon that hurts my feelings?
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 01:41 PM
I don't give a **** about your feelings.
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
01-04-2015 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
I don't give a **** about your feelings.
Then why are you posting here? A stressball or a gym membership would be a better outlet.
The Sexodus Thread: Now with more Rasta getting it in. Quote
