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*** September Low Content Thread *** *** September Low Content Thread ***

09-19-2009 , 11:13 AM
I don't want to troll ITT, but it seems like the House thread is a great example of a TV thread that shouldn't exist. Let me guess someone has an incurable disease, House tries some radical procedure, no one thinks he should do it, it works.
09-19-2009 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
I don't want to troll ITT, but it seems like the House thread is a great example of a TV thread that shouldn't exist. Let me guess someone has an incurable disease, House tries some radical procedure, no one thinks he should do it, it works.
the formula is not what makes the show interesting, the characters are
09-19-2009 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
I don't want to troll ITT, but it seems like the House thread is a great example of a TV thread that shouldn't exist. Let me guess someone has an incurable disease, House tries some radical procedure, no one thinks he should do it, it works.
it has a great home in the tv sub-forum though
09-19-2009 , 11:28 AM
I'm warming to the issue of a TV forum simply because there's so many TV threads in OOT. The problem I have is that

1- those threads aren't very good.
2- personally I care more about what OOT thinks about these shows than the posters who might flock to a TV forum thinks
3- I'm petty and creating an A&E forum will make diebitter happy and nobody wants that
4- Clearly I should mod a TV forum and clearly they won't let me.

I have no desire to watch House- but enough people who aren't idiots seem to like it- so I assume if you can get past the formulaic nature of the show (I can't, but then I also can watch CSI and other shows using equally stale formulas) there's something there to enjoy.
09-19-2009 , 11:32 AM
Swimming teacher is coming over to give my daughter a lesson at 9. Aside - she's 18, yes she is hot, but I can't imagine a scenario that I'll be able to get a pic. So I need $20 to give her, which I don't have. I go out to get some cash (it's 7AM or so), but instead of just going to an ATM I figure let's go to the market, get a couple of things I need, and get some cash back. So I do a little shopping, check out, ask for cash back, and the cashier (picture central casting's bored fat cashier girl) tells me they haven't done their "money count" yet so no cash back. I say, not complaining just saying, "Damn, that's the whole reason I came here." The cashier, not skipping a beat, and without mockery or empathy, says "That sucks." You had to be there, but it was hilarious. She was completely flat, no emotion at all, just an observation she was making. I laughed for a while.

Then I went to an ATM, and in the car heard "Carry On" by CSN and "Pictures of You" by The Cure, both of which I enjoy. So it wasn't a total loss.
09-19-2009 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
I'm warming to the issue of a TV forum simply because there's so many TV threads in OOT. The problem I have is that

1- those threads aren't very good.
2- personally I care more about what OOT thinks about these shows than the posters who might flock to a TV forum thinks
3- I'm petty and creating an A&E forum will make diebitter happy and nobody wants that
4- Clearly I should mod a TV forum and clearly they won't let me.

I have no desire to watch House- but enough people who aren't idiots seem to like it- so I assume if you can get past the formulaic nature of the show (I can't, but then I also can watch CSI and other shows using equally stale formulas) there's something there to enjoy.
THANK you.

I didn't want to mention but I'm going to anyway that if a ****tastic show like survivor has its own thread, so should house. and why is it MY thread that suddenly breaks the camel's back? it's ****ing september, there's a ton of new seasons of great shows starting.
09-19-2009 , 11:38 AM
House is obviously a terrible show (I should know, I've seen every episode), but it's different from shows like CSI and Law & Order because it actually has plotlines and character development that continue from episode to episode. Thus, it is threadworthy.
09-19-2009 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
THANK you.

I didn't want to mention but I'm going to anyway that if a ****tastic show like survivor has its own thread, so should house. and why is it MY thread that suddenly breaks the camel's back? it's ****ing september, there's a ton of new seasons of great shows starting.
and that's precisely the problem, there's a lot of great shows starting. eventually someone will realize that a tv forum is necessary and that the dids and stabns of the world are just resisting change because they're lazy and don't want to make one more click, but it will make OOT and the TV threads that much better.
09-19-2009 , 11:40 AM
If TV is a subforum of OOT, diebitter still won't post there right? If so, then I support TV subforum wholeheartedly.

Last edited by Claunchy; 09-19-2009 at 11:47 AM. Reason: oops top of page. since we were talking about House...
09-19-2009 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by RayPowers
No Pics? No Video? You're no Alan Dyer.
because it was probably consensual.
09-19-2009 , 11:42 AM

Get off the vikes, dude. Its only a matter of time until you're giving handys to old men in the ferry parking lot.

8-12 is ridic. 2-3 is still unacceptable.

What did you start taking them for again?
09-19-2009 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit

Get off the vikes, dude. Its only a matter of time until you're giving handys to old men in the ferry parking lot.

8-12 is ridic. 2-3 is still unacceptable.

What did you start taking them for again?
yea believe me dude it took a lot to get me to this point where I realized how dependent I am. It put me in the hospital a few weeks ago, it's causing me 99% of my problems right now, while only fixing that 1%. The extent of how many painkillers I actually take didn't hit me til the hospital incident.

I broke my tibia several years ago in sports, never went to the doctor for it and didn't realize it was broken til last year when I got an MRI done on it. It healed wrong and I need surgery, which I can't afford because it's a preexisting condition and insurance won't cover me.
09-19-2009 , 12:00 PM
How do you get them?

Using 8 as a number, that's like 240 a month. Who gives a guy with no insurance a script for 240 vikes a month (or more), and how much does that cost?

I totally wrecked my back a few years ago and I got like 10 percocets at the onset and I really liked them. I kept asking and asking my doctor for more, but he refused time and again and just gave me horse pill ibuprofens.
Looking back, I really thank him for this now because vikes and percs are soul-crushing drugs that soon become necessary just to feel 'normal'.
I know a couple people with pill problems, and they can't get out of bed now without chewing a handful of vikes first. Pretty sad to watch.
09-19-2009 , 12:07 PM
it's not all legal, which you probably already figured out. my stash was pretty massive in its glory days, I usually have 1 prescription of vicodin from my normal doctor which I fill once or twice a month, I order tramadol/kratom online which affect me pretty much the same as vicodin does. I have 1 friend who gets prescribed darvocet but rarely uses them, so he gives them to me for pretty cheap. My dad takes a lot of painkillers for his health condition and gives me them. I really have never kept careful track, I just have a million ways to get them and in this country tbh it's not really that hard to get them if you're desperate enough. It's bad, I know, it's why I'm quitting. I have no idea why it never occured to me before that I had possibly had a problem.

it's either impossible or extremely dangerous to consume 240 vicodin in a month because of all the acetemenophen they put in them, which is why I have all this other ****

wow typing that all out and reading it, I feel like an enormous degen. I really do have a pain problem though, that's the bitch.

Last edited by jmakin; 09-19-2009 at 12:10 PM. Reason: fail at life >.>
09-19-2009 , 12:10 PM
Yah, that stuff really ****s up your stomach too.
09-19-2009 , 12:21 PM
yea, the whole industry is just evil in my opinion. there really needs to be something done, I think pain killer abuse is the #1 drug problem in our country today, because it has the potential to affect so many normal people who would otherwise not be exposed to gnarly habit forming drugs. whatever, I still blame myself. i should eat better, work out more, take active steps to make myself feel better but it's so much easier to just pop a few pills.
09-19-2009 , 12:26 PM
That's the spirit!..
09-19-2009 , 12:26 PM
wtf, the industry is evil? give me a break. some people can actually use pain killers responsibly. what do you want to do? i know, let's make them illegal! wait!! you're already obtaining them illegally!
09-19-2009 , 12:28 PM
yea, that's why in my post I took responsibility for my own addiction rather than blaming it on pharmaceutical companies and doctors which you seem to think I'm doing.

as far as "responsibly" using vicodin and other similar drugs for chronic pain, I can tell you there is no worse drug out there for it. Tolerance builds rapidly and never plateaus, leaving you with 2 options, be in pain or take more to alleviate the pain. a lot of normally responsible people will take the 2nd option.

don't even try to talk down to me about what it's like to be in chronic pain and the way I chose to manage it, because you really don't know.
09-19-2009 , 02:21 PM
ffs does anyone have the 'leads' picture from the big lebowski
09-19-2009 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
anyone have any good opioid quitting strategies, seems like I've read everything there is to read but I have yet to see any good suggestions except "go to rehab"
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
THANK you.

I didn't want to mention but I'm going to anyway that if a ****tastic show like survivor has its own thread, so should house. and why is it MY thread that suddenly breaks the camel's back? it's ****ing september, there's a ton of new seasons of great shows starting.
Can't imagine why jmakinmecrzy loves the show about the cranky guy with a bum leg and percocet addiction...

The obvious solution to your problem is to lock yourself in the bathroom with Cuddy.
09-19-2009 , 02:47 PM
weird story:

going to lunch at the mall, cheesecake factory. i drop my friend off at the door to get on the list and then i go look for parking. i see this family walking down an aisle so i stalk them and they indicate they are heading to a car just a few up on the left. nice! sick spot. nobody else is in the whole aisle. so i'm sat there with my blinker on waiting. nobody else in SIGHT. finally they start backing out and i kinda see a car coming up from the other end of the aisle. the way the car backs out of the spot is like, to go in the opposite direction i'm facing. any time this happens there's always a tiny part of me that thinks "wow this person on the other side could totally steal my spot" but it normally never happens.

so of course, it happens. this lady just blatantly steals my spot. i'm 100% sure she was aware i was waiting there with my blinker on. so i'm still in the same spot with my blinker on, waiting for her to get out of the car. i put my window down. i think of all the stuff i could/should say. inside i'm just going wild. thinking of letting loose with a profanity laden tirade on this idiot. finally i decide to go with the super polite but clearly annoyed angle.

she emerges from the car and sees me looking at her, and she's like "WHAT??". so i say

"excuse me, i'm just wondering what kind of person would do that. i mean you saw me, right? i mean, what would make a person do that?"

"well i've been driving around this parking lot of a half hour and i'm pregnant and i have to go to the bathroom, i have all this pressure on my bladder!!!"

"ok, but that's kind of irrelevant. i mean, at the end of the day you knowingly stole a spot i was waiting for."


and she gets back in her car to get some stuff that she needs. at this point i consider my options. i could just drive off and find another spot. i could stay where i am and wait for her to get out and unleash the previously mentioned tirade upon her. but i just chose to stay there and stare at her as she went into the mall. so she gets out again and i'm just staring. she says

"do you have a problem???"

"no, actually i'm just in shock really!"

at this point she cold loses her mind. she's just like "WHAT.. YOU WANT THE SPOT THAT BAD HUH? FINE!!! I'LL MOVE THEN!!!

i simply say "thank you" and she gets back in her car and backs out. i give her a thank you wave and she flips me off and says "**** you!!"

so i park and start to head into the cheesecake factory. it turns out she immediately found another spot, CLOSER TO THE BUILDING. so i see that she enters cheesecake factory like 30 seconds before me. i run into her again in the "lobby" of the restaurant and say "was it really necessary to swear at me?" she again says YOU'RE AN ******* and heads to the bathroom. then her sister who was with her comes over to apologize to me about the whole thing.

Last edited by daryn; 09-19-2009 at 02:58 PM.
09-19-2009 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Cry Me A River
Can't imagine why jmakinmecrzy loves the show about the cranky guy with a bum leg and percocet addiction...

The obvious solution to your problem is to lock yourself in the bathroom with Cuddy.
09-19-2009 , 02:52 PM
BTW I think having an A&E subforum would be a bad idea. I think a TV subforum makes sense, because the threads only apply to a small percent of OOTers who are active in those threads and they would find the thread if it wasn't on the front page of OOT. Specific movie/music and general movie/tv threads (aka potentially good threads that denigrate into list threads) should remain in OOT
09-19-2009 , 02:59 PM
The season long (or episode specific) threads would be ideal in a sub forum. I'll even volunteer to go green and mod it. ( not going to actively push for it like diebit.ter)
