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*** September Low Content Thread *** *** September Low Content Thread ***

09-11-2009 , 09:58 AM
I use a passport as my primary ID. Probably comes from being an army brat.

And, ****, Dunkin Donuts Iced Hazelnut Coffee sucks royal ass. Their regular iced coffee is fine, so how can they possibly **** it up so bad with one squirt of flavor?
09-11-2009 , 10:12 AM
I have two methods for getting a passport in 24-48 hours in Los Angeles. Once involves a passport service that will do everything for you for around $400. The other is free (except for fees the government charges) but involves standing around the federal building in Westwood for hours on end.
09-11-2009 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
In the meantime, somebody convince my mother and/or girlfriend that this isn't ****ing crazy.
This is indeed very crazy, but in an "OMG this is the best idea ever" kinda way.

Garcia, if he goes to Thailand we will expect you to take a few days off work to visit him and supervise his medical care.
09-11-2009 , 10:34 AM
good luck cardo. that's actually looking like a pretty good idea. I may look into that myself.

who do you guys think has the best job in the world? i submit the 2 guys from mythbusters
09-11-2009 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
good luck cardo. that's actually looking like a pretty good idea. I may look into that myself.

who do you guys think has the best job in the world? i submit the 2 guys from mythbusters
i say the top gear guys
09-11-2009 , 11:12 AM
man vs. food? basically anyone with a tv show doing something interesting.
09-11-2009 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
yea, I was actually thinking somewhere along those lines, or a porn photographer would be pretty awesome too.
09-11-2009 , 11:31 AM
hey, what happened to gumpzilla, he was one of my favorite OOT posters. it makes me when people just up and leave.
09-11-2009 , 11:33 AM
Who doesn't have a passport?
Americans! I've been to 30+ states but not so much as Mexico.

Also, pretty sure you should ask for help with passport expedition, and not extradition
Thanks. Misspeaking is another thing I do these days.
09-11-2009 , 12:22 PM
just got my passport this year, took like 10 days to get it expedited. like lfs said tho, there are ways to get it same day that are either more expensive or time consuming.
09-11-2009 , 12:25 PM
I'm going to Atlanta. The figures they're quoting me are very reasonable, I can stay with my girlfriend's family, and I can be under the care of the doctor who did my last full workup, who is most familiar with my condition and whom I know, like, and trust. That said, I will be following up on this Thai thing w/ diligence as a valuetown option in the event of future flares. I heart you guys.
09-11-2009 , 12:43 PM
best of luck anacardo.
09-11-2009 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Triumph36
hey, what happened to gumpzilla, he was one of my favorite OOT posters. it makes me when people just up and leave.
Sometimes I get creeped out thinking - some of these people probably died. Like if someone's posting a lot one day, then not at all the next, and they don't know anyone from 2+2 irl, they could be dead. Creepy.

That's why I told my wife to come to OOT to report it when I die.
09-11-2009 , 01:46 PM
crohn's/colitis is nasty. one of my friends had to have a part of his intestines removed.
09-11-2009 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by otnemem
Sometimes I get creeped out thinking - some of these people probably died. Like if someone's posting a lot one day, then not at all the next, and they don't know anyone from 2+2 irl, they could be dead. Creepy.

That's why I told my wife to come to OOT to report it when I die.
Yeah I hate it when casual acquaintances randomly disappear because of this.

Years ago when I used to play in Magic tournaments every week, there was a guy who was pretty universally disliked as a jerk. Then, one day his attitude changed, he was suddenly really friendly and people started actually liking him. After a couple months, one week he shows up with a brand new crotch-rocket motorcycle. He came to the next couple Magic tournaments...and then disappeared. No one has seen or heard from him since. The assumption is he crashed the cycle and died, but no one knows
09-11-2009 , 02:25 PM
Or he just stopped wanting to roll with MTG nerds now that people liked him and he had a cool bike!
09-11-2009 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by ESnow
Years ago when I used to play in Magic tournaments every week, there was a guy who was pretty universally disliked as a jerk. Then, one day his attitude changed, he was suddenly really friendly and people started actually liking him. After a couple months, one week he shows up with a brand new crotch-rocket motorcycle. He came to the next couple Magic tournaments...and then disappeared. No one has seen or heard from him since. The assumption is he crashed the cycle and died, but no one knows
Removed from game and not in graveyard, IMO
09-11-2009 , 03:24 PM
one of the awesome things about having kids. my younger daughter lost her first tooth
yesterday, it was hanging on by a thread and as sometimes happens she lost it--probably at school. i find this letter under youngest's pillow last night, written by my older daughter, who doesn't believe santa exists but still believes in the tooth fairy for some reason.

dear tooth fairy,
emma accidentally lost or spit out her tooth.
can you still give her money? yes or no?
please put a check by yes or no and leave money here(there's a downward arrow).

lol. i have a couple hilarious notes to leprechauns as well where she somehow
thinks they're connected to our irish neighbors in some way. and another much
longer and more involved note to the tooth fairy from last year.
09-11-2009 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by offTopic
Removed from game and not in graveyard, IMO
09-11-2009 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by offTopic
Removed from game and not in graveyard, IMO
It's "exiled" now, thanks.

Everyone else,

I coated and fried two chicken breasts at work today. Nom nom nom.
09-11-2009 , 04:04 PM
I opened this thread thinking it was the "big liars" thread. It's kinda amusing if you read it all and just assume everybody is making everything up.
09-11-2009 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
one of the awesome things about having kids. .
My son lost a tooth recently. It was like his fourth one, when my wife went to kiss him goodnight, he was crying and had pulled the tooth out from under his pillow.

He "really liked that tooth" and didn't want the tooth fairy to take it away. We set it aside, and the next day, feeling a bit more rationale, he agreed to put it under for the tooth fairy, along with a note. The note said that it was his favorite tooth, and she could have it only if she would bring it back some time for him to visit with it, and could she leave a picture of herself with his tooth fairy money to prove that she was real.
09-11-2009 , 05:36 PM
haha that's a cool story ray
09-11-2009 , 05:39 PM
I think when I lost my first tooth I was similar in that I wanted to keep it, cuz frankly, I thought it was pretty cool. So I wrote a note, and pretty sure I was allowed to keep my tooth and still got money :-).

I also remember asking if instead of money I could get a particular kind of candy and the tooth fairy wrote back that with the money I could just buy the candy. The handwriting was in my dad's very unique style. Still didn't put two and two together.
