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07-04-2009 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by JammyDodga
Broke up 5 months ago in a slightly messy, very painful but generally quite civil break up.
First...what the hell does that mean?

Don't apologize. You made a mistake, and even sent a follow up text after you realized it. Obviously she thinks you did it on purpose, and you can't change it. So why even fight since it won't end well and it's not even worth it?

I love the "your vagina is an eternity" line.
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07-04-2009 , 12:37 PM
Look, I'm really sorry, I really am. But that was an accident, and I'm not doing anything ur not, sorry again
I thought this was the only part that was unnecessary, you really don't have to point out why you think you're right in this situation, just apologize and move on.
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07-04-2009 , 12:37 PM
You sent it by mistake?.......yeah right....
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07-04-2009 , 12:41 PM
The problem with deleting ex's numbers is that if they call, you might answer not really knowing who it is but recognizing the number...

To avoid this, I rename all ex's "No Don't Answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!." Depending on how bad things ended they get more or less !!!!!!!!!!!!.

System works
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07-04-2009 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by ohiou
The problem with deleting ex's numbers is that if they call, you might answer not really knowing who it is but recognizing the number...

To avoid this, I rename all ex's "No Don't Answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!." Depending on how bad things ended they get more or less !!!!!!!!!!!!.

System works
good lookin out yo. ya heard?
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07-04-2009 , 01:14 PM
This is a situation where a little wit would come in handy. Instead of apologizing for nothing...
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07-04-2009 , 01:22 PM
Pics of ex and minute penis?

Otherwise this tread sucks
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07-04-2009 , 01:31 PM
lol you two never should have gotten married, and I'm pretty sure based on the little I can tell about you would have blown up just as much if she sent you a similar text.
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07-04-2009 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by ohiou
The problem with deleting ex's numbers is that if they call, you might answer not really knowing who it is but recognizing the number...

To avoid this, I rename all ex's "No Don't Answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!." Depending on how bad things ended they get more or less !!!!!!!!!!!!.

System works
I would rather have the ex call and make it very awkward for her and let her know how awesome I am doing. Cuz usually if they are calling you, it usually means one of two things. So deleting it avoids seeing their name randomly come up within my phone book when I am dialing and such. I have better **** to do that worry about that *insert any bad word here*
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07-04-2009 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Wee-Bey

Originally Posted by bbones31
Wow, there really is an app for everything huh?

Well almost. AFAIK there is nothing for a minute penis.
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07-04-2009 , 02:09 PM
perfect retort is: well ma'am i may be drunk, but tomorrow i will be sober. you will always be ugly.
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07-04-2009 , 02:12 PM
And have a huge vagina.
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07-04-2009 , 02:17 PM
"lol this wouldn't have happened if you didn't have a boy's name"
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07-04-2009 , 02:17 PM
I also have several "Do Not Answer" numbers in my phone. Works very well.
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07-04-2009 , 02:55 PM
Respond to "minute penis" with "Still big enough for you to choke on" imo
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07-04-2009 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by RoundTower
"lol this wouldn't have happened if you didn't have a boy's name"
kim's a boy's name?

i always thought kim was short for kimberly (unless Asian, in which case its probably just the first name rite).
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07-04-2009 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by me to ex
Gah! Wrong kim, sorry!
Originally Posted by me to ex
Look, I'm really sorry, I really am. But that was an accident, and I'm not doing anything ur not, sorry again
So OOT, do I owe her an apology? I'm thinking she'll probably have calmed down now, and get the impression she was quite drunk last night.

WTF? You already apologized and did fine. She threw it back in your face and was pretty ridiculous about it. And now you want to apologize again? Don't be a total ******-wuss. It's her that owes you an apology.

The fact that you would even think about apologizing for this mistake again says as much about your relationship as her ridiculous over-the-top reaction and minute penis line.

The answer is: No. You shouldn't try to apologize to her now that she has calmed down. You already did apologize. What you should do is erase her from your phone and never contact her again. You did break up 5 mths ago you know. You don't need to worry about her or her feelings anymore.

Now go take your minute penis and go try to find a chick that is only part-psycho and not complete-psycho (obviously finding a chick that is zero-psycho is impossible).
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07-04-2009 , 03:08 PM
1. just leave it, don't apologize or do anything else, in a week when you don't feel as omg dramabomb about this you'll see the sense in stopping now.

2. don't go with the eternal vagina burn, she obviously meant minute as in micropenis, and trying to make a sick pun out of it will just make her and her sewing circle laugh at you for not understanding minute.

3. as it stands now, she comes off as the bigger jerk in the text exchange, just leave it like that. And if she can't see that her reaction was a little harsh then she's just that big a bitch and who cares.

4. but that said, my psychologist mom used to always say "there are no accidents," she is wrong but probably not this time.

5. three-to-one your ex's name is Pat, or you would have used that as the example instead of the superconfusing Kim

6. sorry about the micropenis, but motion of the ocean etc, and also your ex sounds mean by nature and would have probably been a semicrappy mom
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07-04-2009 , 03:42 PM
"well everything looks small compared to your whale-sized vagina" ldo
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07-04-2009 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Wigwam

5. three-to-one your ex's name is Pat, or you would have used that as the example instead of the superconfusing Kim
looking back at OP, not once did he say that ex is female. he stated that his friend who shares his ex's name is male, but he never does come out and state that ex is female. I believe that ex ismale and op is gos
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07-04-2009 , 03:50 PM
Awesome. I wouldn't have replied back other than to say it was a mistake. Just ignore the rest ldo
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07-04-2009 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by M2d
looking back at OP, not once did he say that ex is female. he stated that his friend who shares his ex's name is male, but he never does come out and state that ex is female. I believe that ex ismale and op is gos
lol, and ex-gayboyfriend is mad that OP insinuated that ex-gbf turned him straight, now that he's going clubbing for girls now. I like this turn in the story.
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07-04-2009 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by punkass
lol, and ex-gayboyfriend is mad that OP insinuated that ex-gbf turned him straight, now that he's going clubbing for girls now. I like this turn in the story.
Well at least OP is presumably a top.

Still 3:1 that ex's name is Patrick.
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07-04-2009 , 04:15 PM
Ex sounds like a bitch, I can see why you two are not together anymore.
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07-04-2009 , 04:25 PM
+1 on the possibility that this is not a heterosexual drama.

Originally Posted by ex to me
f*** you twice from sarah, jane, and sally. t***.

Can somebody tell me what the t*** is?
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