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Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you?

04-01-2010 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by Duke
But who would make that story up? Nice that the pics indicating height were removed, though.
Imageshack has AIDS or something. When you try to load them it just hangs. I don't get it.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-01-2010 , 04:46 PM
jesus ed

jesus hornblower
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-01-2010 , 05:05 PM
Bill Walton is one tall mother****ing dude. Like, really tall.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-01-2010 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Bill Walton is one tall mother****ing dude. Like, really tall.
Bill Simmons always talks about how he is really like 7'3" instead of the 6'11" he was listed at when playing. Apparently he didn't want to be regarded as a 7 footer as he was so athletic for his size; I guess it had a negative connotation associated with being slow and lumbering.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-01-2010 , 08:21 PM
A number of years ago I was in the airport in Nice, France, ticked-off that I couldn't find my mountain bike after the baggage had been unloaded. I was complaining to my buddy when a recognizable Scottish accent says "Why don't you look over there?"

What surprised me was that Sean Connery was as cool in person as you'd imagine. He and his buddy took-off out the door to his jeep and he jumped in the driver's seat like he was Bond. Very cool guy that didn't need to help me out and draw attention to himself.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-02-2010 , 02:55 AM
John Cena is gigantic.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-02-2010 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by Irieguy
One of my friends is a waitress at Tao here in Vegas and Jay Z and Beyonce were just there last weekend. She met them and I asked her about Beyonce because she was the most memorable celebrity I have ever met.

She said Beyonce is the most beautiful person she's ever met and that there is something about her that cannot be described.

About 5 years ago I somehow got front row tickets to one of those award shows (The VMAs or the AMAs or something) in Vegas and it was cool to see everyone up close... but when Beyonce came on stage to perform it was totally different than when anyone else performed. I was not at all a Beyonce fan but she absolutely lit up the stage and captivated the entire crowd.

At one of the intermissions I ran into her in the hallway next to the seating area and she was just mesmerizing. It's almost like she's an alien or something because she is very much different from any person I have ever met (and growing up in SoCal, going to school in LA I have seen a ton of celebrities.)

I'm curious to know if Beyonce has this effect on most everyone or if it is just a coincidence that she had this effect on both my friend and I. I wasn't star-struck... like I said I really couldn't have cared less about her before I met her... she's just hypnotizing.

This is going to sound really really gay, but I felt the same way about durrrr the first time I met him. Not from a looks standpoint, but from a "wtf is going on in this guy's head?", and "what is it that seems so special about this person?" standpoint. It was at the final table that Usher made at the 2006 WSOP (where durrrr had a piece of Usher). Just watching him run around and react to hands with Raptor was kind of mesmerizing. Man I am opening myself up for some major blasts here.

Note: this was before I got drunk and lost a huge pot to him. All I knew was that he was some high stakes cash player.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-02-2010 , 05:08 AM
All of these were years ago:

Tom Cruise was shorter than the short person I was expecting him to be.
Nicole Kidman at the time was so pale she looked like she was seriously ill.

Bob Geldof was a really cool guy who had no interest in being treated as special because he was famous and also swore more than 99% of the population.

Prince Charles was surprisingly normal in an old out of touch uncle kind of a way.

Mick Hucknall (Simply Red) came in with a massive hat and sunglasses on and then played the don't you know who I am card.

Joan Armatrading had no problem with me not having any idea who she was.

The South African Rugby team were uniformly massive.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-02-2010 , 06:44 AM
Another person I saw at the old Dunes was the guy who played Grandpa on the Munsters. He was just sitting at a slot machine playing away. Kind of freaked me out. Of course if the guy who played Herman was playing that would have really freaked me out.

The Dunes had a lot of history that I never realized until many years after I left. For example I read Cary Grant and Dianne Canon got married there which I never knew. Also Liz and Dick Burton used to like to eat in their restaurant when in town. In one of their restaurants they had someone playing a harp on a little island that was in a small pool. Was probably a classy place in its prime.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-02-2010 , 10:57 AM
John Voight - relatively small (5'7 - 5'9) with very a bad complexion - red like he'd been sailing kind of look

Bob Lainier - Saw him in about 1995 so he was long since retired and had gained some weight - not sloppy fat, but spare tire chubby. Biggest human I've ever seen 6'10" tall and at least a foot and a half thick front to back. Had to weigh 350 to 400 lbs.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-02-2010 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Btw I finally saw the bimbos again. But they weren't dressed up at all and the super hot brunette has gotten a little chunky. I thought about sneaking a picture. But I decided it definitely wasn't worth going to jail for stalking or anything just to have you guys blast me for them looking shlubby. Plus I have come to find out they were probably in high school when I was seeing them. Which is freaking scary on several levels.
Snap Ban, IMO.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-02-2010 , 11:52 AM
I fap to myself on a daily basis.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-03-2010 , 04:20 AM
Almost bumped into nicholas anelka. What surprised me about him was he was wearing a big sheep skin type coat an sunglasses but it was baking hot summer time.

Met evander holyfield at a book signing an got a picture etc. He looked bored out of his head and you could tell he didnt wanna be there. When ppl would try an speak to him he wouldnt say anythin back but wouldnt be nice about it either. He wasnt very big but you can just tell that the mans in super shape.

Went backstage and met ronnie o'sullivan at a exhibition of his. Ppl where tryin to shoot the **** with him whilst gettin photos an i dont think i saw him say 1 word back He'd smile and politely nod his head. He just looked awkward. Made me think thats how id handle the situation.

Saw steve gerrard once and it made up for a awkward moment. I was on a date at the pictures with some girl waiting to go into a theatre and gerrard walks out with some girl. I'm like wow here's gerrard an the girl i'm with turns away an looks embarrased an me an gerrard end up lookin at each other awkwardly. I didnt know what was going on. Turns out they had been dating not long before.

Seen colleen mcgloughlin a few years ago in a clothes shop an she is 50x better looking in real life. An i think she liked me aswell.

Met a few others aswell but not worth mentioning.

Last edited by jayvechi; 04-03-2010 at 04:26 AM.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-03-2010 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by relayerdave

John Elway (playing pool at a bar in Orlando)--very friendly. But what I remember most is that he has the biggets ass (as in muscular) I've ever seen;

Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-03-2010 , 05:29 PM
Surprised at how many people have seen Ali in person.

I saw Kevin Garnett a few years back when he was still playing for Minnesota. He looks damn skinny on TV, but his forearms were about the size of my legs. He was buying video games for some kids, so I didn't want to bother him for an autograph. I just complimented him on his game the previous night (he pwned Duncan), and went off. Definitely seems really laid back and nice off the court.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-03-2010 , 07:05 PM


I had no idea you were related to theBruiser.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-03-2010 , 07:10 PM
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-03-2010 , 07:47 PM
Saw Paul Wall at the Palms as he was getting on the elevator to the hotel rooms.

He had a huge beer belly and a one man entourage.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-03-2010 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Wizard of Raise
Alex Trebek is just as much of an asshat as you'd expect from his TV persona.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-03-2010 , 11:25 PM
been in a bunch of nba locker rooms (sports freelance writer ftw) and most of them look like what you'd expect buttt:

1. ray allen without his shirt off is one of the most impressive things i've seen nohomo. super nice guy though.
2. mark madsen is surprisingly HUGE. no wonder he sticks around.
3. i met paul pierce twice and he could not have been ruder/more of an ******* each time.
4. dwyane wade is just like he is during tv interviews--chill, nice, willing to talk.
5. kg is a scary ****er and not nice.
6. kobe is too cool to hang out in the locker room with everyone else.
7. derek fischer isnt as nice of a guy as everyone pretends (or at least wasn't with me)
8. chris bosh nice guy...SUPER tall and big.
9. rajon rondo is shy but cool; he really seemed just like an average kid. he seemed to have gained a lot more confidence in the year between the two times i talked to him.
10. chauncey billups has a really, really, really, REALLY deep voice.
11. pops mensah-bonsu could be the nicest person i've ever met (went to undergrad with him so i'm biased, but still)
12. antawn jamison is a really good guy and LOVES to talk.
13. nick young is goofy and funny.

im sure theres more but those jump out. sorry the descriptions mostly suck but really pierce is just a huge *******. and i say that as a huge celtics fan.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-04-2010 , 01:03 AM
i saw matthew lesko at target once. what surprised me was that he was wearing the question mark suit.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-04-2010 , 01:53 AM
Watched the b-ball games today with a guy who's dad played the 6 Million Dollar Man's boss (Oscar Goldman). I think I was more geeked out about that when I found out than most celebrities I've met. That was my favorite show growing up.

He was like "Oh yeah you might have heard of my dad, he was a character actor. Did some stuff in the 70s and 80s..." OMG OMG your dad was Oscar Goldman?!??

Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-05-2010 , 03:37 PM
I saw Johnny Bench playing tennis down in Florida after he retired. He had kind of a weird build and didn't seem too quick, but I guess crouching behind the plate for 15 years or so will do that to an athlete.

I also saw Bobby Riggs (who played Billy Jean King) at the same club.

He look like such a old geek, but he hit the ball great. I could see how he could make a fortune hustling at tennis because of how he looked.

Last edited by Kevin B; 04-05-2010 at 03:44 PM.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-05-2010 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Phildo
i saw matthew lesko at target once. what surprised me was that he was wearing the question mark suit.
saw him walking around DC once...wearing the question mark suit
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
04-05-2010 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by BukNaked36
John Voight - saw him in LAX about 2 years ago - very short with terrible skin
Originally Posted by BukNaked36
John Voight - relatively small (5'7 - 5'9) with very a bad complexion - red like he'd been sailing kind of look
wtf. do you mean jon voight, father of angelina jolie? he is said to be 6'2. can't believe you think he's that small.
Seeing famous people in person: What surprised you? Quote
