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Roommate issues in student house Roommate issues in student house

10-08-2008 , 08:39 PM
Ok I'd like some views of the OOT community on this situation, thoughts on if I'm being too nitty and advice to solve the problem.

I recently moved into a student housing unit next to a university, a standard house converted into ~12 apartments. It's kind of close quarters.

I'm in the room right by the front door. I've had to deal with people slamming the door when they come and go, waking me up randomly at 3am (pub closes), to 8am (classes start). As well as the following issues with one specific person:

- She orders a pizza at 2am and forgets about it, the pizza guy rings and knocks on the door, finds out its not me who ordered and eventually calls her. The next day, I make a joke like 'how does he think you'd even hear the doorbell, he should have just called', blaming it on him and trying to build a rapport. I ask her to tell them to do that instead, and things seem to be fine, even good relations, we briefly talked about classes, etc.

- She locks her keys out at 3am, and rings the doorbell/knocks on the front door like non-stop, until I get up to let her in, obviously kind of pissed. She doesn't apologize but just says 'thanks, I locked my keys out' and quickly goes upstairs... Kind of the start of our bad relations from my perspective.

- She plays music so loud that I hear the bass, through an entire floor (she's on the third, I'm on the first). If it was just someone above me, I'd have asked them to put their speakers on a table or a folded up blanket. Instead since it was just unreasonably loud, I emailed the landlord about this who asked her to play it quieter, which she now does.

- I also asked the landlord to do something about the slamming door, he puts up a note saying please close this door quietly, which most people now do.

- However, some people still slam the door during the day, and whenever I look to see who it is, it's always her. I don't usually hear anything at night anymore, because I've gotten used to sleeping with earplugs and only wake up if they fall out or something.

I don't want to write another note since it's obvious everyone else saw the first one/got the email and complied. I also don't know what to say to her as I think she could be now slamming the door out of spite for the music complaint (?). I don't think I'm being unreasonable as other people have been closing it quietly and it really is loud when I'm studying, but it is a student house and at least she's not having crazy parties at 2am or something.

Should I try to talk it out? Install a door-muffling device of some kind? Chop her body into pieces and dispose of it discretely in various locations? (sorry, watching too much sopranos lately)

Finally, in before:
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-08-2008 , 08:48 PM
dude if you hear her slam the door, go talk to her and tell her to not slam the ***** door. instead of asking it here. If your annoyed by her music, just give her some times she has to turn it down. if they dont listen, get pissed at them till they do.. i never get why people are so weak with this kinda stuff. i used to be a runover, untill i realized that all you gotta do most of the time is asking. if they ignore you, and you have to fight them, and dispose of their bodies in the river, they were douchebags anyway.
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-08-2008 , 08:55 PM
Drink more before you go to sleep, then you won't wake up to random door slammings. This is obv all your fault.
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-08-2008 , 10:28 PM
Student Life ftl
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-08-2008 , 10:44 PM
A woman not thinking about other people? I am shocked, shocked, that something like that would happen.
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-08-2008 , 11:22 PM
I bet there's like a 95% chance that she isn't doing it on purpose, especially not in response to your request to have the music being turned down.

Also, is seems like a bitch move to email the landlord about the music instead of you know... just asking her to turn it down.
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-08-2008 , 11:26 PM
OP, you are acting as though this is some kind of war. More likely is that she is just arrogant. You need to be direct and to the point with these types of people, tell her straight up that she needs to turn her music down during times XYZ and that it's rude for her to slam the door. Other people have no problems closing the door quietly, neither should she.
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-08-2008 , 11:26 PM
lathe lathe lathe
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-08-2008 , 11:27 PM
Have you considered buttering the floor?
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-08-2008 , 11:50 PM
That pic cracks me up every time.

Also don't be weak about it.
She is walking over you and you are allowing it to happen and instead of confronting her with it you are being even weaker by emailing the owner.
It's not unreasonable to not slow the door at 3 am and i'm surprised you would come to a forum to ask if its reasonable to complain at someone slamming a door at 3 am.
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-09-2008 , 12:04 AM
ever heard of returning the favor? next time u go out late try beating the **** out of her door on the way in until she answers, say "sorry wrong apt #!!!". or get her cell number and call it in the middle of the night.

i used to do this kinda **** all the time in college. my friends were total *******s. my next door neighbor (and best friend) thought it would be funny to take a **** on my doorstep, my return favor was pissing in his dishwasher, obv after it ran and they were "clean"

ah college, i should've gone to grad school somewhere.
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-09-2008 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Golden_Rhino
A woman not thinking about other people? I am shocked, shocked, that something like that would happen.
this is a very rare case
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-09-2008 , 12:09 AM
she's probably just stupid. Tell her to get in line before things get ugly, and everyone knows stupid and ugly are a bad combo.
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-09-2008 , 12:15 AM
So you live in student housing. and sometimes you hear music. and sometimes the door slams. get over it.
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-09-2008 , 12:22 AM
You never mentioned what's keeping you there in the first place. If you somehow manage to straighten her out (unlikely), what about the other 10 people living there? Either move out or join the party.
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-09-2008 , 09:42 AM

and youre in ****ing college?

quit being such a pussy.

Originally Posted by Keyser.
So you live in student housing. and sometimes you hear music. and sometimes the door slams. get over it.
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-09-2008 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Keyser.
So you live in student housing. and sometimes you hear music. and sometimes the door slams. get over it.
Yeah, seems typical to me. I had a loft (since my room's design was so ******ed, it had the air conditioner inside my bedroom, buried under a 6x2.5x4 cutout in the room. Music upstairs at 3AM on weekends blasting through my face that was 1 foot from the ceiling was fun.

I also had the pleasure of having a guy next door park his motorcycle between my building and his. It wasn't too bad, except the dumbass liked to rev the engine and and burn rubber right there, so it smelled like complete ass coming in my window at 7 AM.
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-09-2008 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Keyser.
So you live in student housing. and sometimes you hear music. and sometimes the door slams. get over it.

Sounds pretty tame imo.
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-09-2008 , 10:25 AM
meh not caring about the door slamming is pretty unconsiderate.

I used to have a roommate who complained when i got home at 1 am and tried to be quit telling me he wanted to go to sleep at 11.
I stopped caring after that.
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-09-2008 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by VanGoghsLeftEar
You never mentioned what's keeping you there in the first place. If you somehow manage to straighten her out (unlikely), what about the other 10 people living there? Either move out or join the party.
Hello Henry18
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-09-2008 , 10:33 AM
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-09-2008 , 11:14 AM

kill her and take over her apartment. that way you have a place to keep all the bodies fresh so you can feast on their flesh
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-09-2008 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Bucureşti

kill her and take over her apartment. that way you have a place to keep all the bodies fresh so you can feast on their flesh
I was just about to say this
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-09-2008 , 11:28 AM
Ono not the door slamming. When I lived in the dorms we had 3 guys living in a place the size of a closet. One roomate was bipolar or something and if he didn't take his pills he would freak out. I was once awakened to him coming into the room at about 5AM and he was hammered. He grabbed anything in sight, including CDs, our vacuum cleaner, our fan, etc and started whipping them all over the room. **** was shattering all over the place. I had to get out of bed and hold his ass down and then kick him out to sleep in the hallway.

So the next day I talked to him, and he didn't do that **** anymore.

So seriously, just talk to this girl and tell her what's up. Tell her you can't sleep when she comes in slamming the door at 3am, and you'd appreciate if she would show some respect and be quiet at night.
Roommate issues in student house Quote
10-09-2008 , 11:31 AM
I am baffled at the lack of communication skills and/or common sense in some people. I had a similar problem in the dorms in college. Did I tattle to the RA? No, I went down and talked to the guys. It took a while, and at times involved stomping on the floor or hitting it with hammers, but we worked it out.

And I'm willing to bet the door slamming is not out of spite. If you grew up in a house with a front door that was difficult to close you're not going to think twice about doing it all the time. It took me a long time to fully break that habit.
Roommate issues in student house Quote
