Originally Posted by Naked_Rectitude
It's good to note that more people are starting to drive with cameras on their dash, and if there are any witnesses to a brake-check accident, they'll surely expose you.
There is a big difference in tapping your break to ignite the brake light, telling someone to back off, and slamming the breaks to cause an accident. I'd rather swallow my pride and change lanes, or even pull over completely than to cause an accident because someone is riding me.
It looks like there's a bad assumption being made here. I'm not a slow driver and I don't drive in passing lanes unless I'm passing someone. I also constantly check mirrors, so I gtfo the way appropriate, e.g., someone is going a lot faster than I am and I have room to move over (even if I'm passing; I can always resume passing after the faster guy goes by). I also actually use signals, the operation of which seems to be a mystery to many drivers.
There are situations that have been discussed previously in this thread where people will tailgate that don't involve "pride," bad driving on the part of the person being tailed, etc. For example, someone going the speed limit in a one-lane situation might draw a tailgater; also, someone going the speed limit in the far right lane of a highway near an exit ramp might draw a tailgater.
My experience has been that the people tailgating aren't overly-aggressive steroid monkeys looking to kill someone by running into the back of them. It seems more like they're oblivious that they're following at an unsafe distance. So hitting the brakes or even taking your foot off the accelerator is enough to get them to leave some space or pass.