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RIP Crocs?!  YAY! RIP Crocs?!  YAY!

07-16-2009 , 04:38 PM
within the shoe industry crocs is known for very ****ty business practices, including bullying smaller companies and retailers.

somehow they got it in their heads that although they were not the ones to invent this shoe or style, but because they put that hinged strap on the shoe, they owned the intellectual rights of the shoe. they would then sue smaller companies that didn't have the money to fight these ridiculous claims.
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-16-2009 , 04:46 PM
Crocs aren't nearly as unacceptable as croakies or whatever those sunglasses strap things are.
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-16-2009 , 04:51 PM
I never owned nor wore a pr of Crocs, but sandals or water shoes I have. They were like any other fad clothing accessory. And as a fashion statement, someone was sniffing glue when they decided on that marketing plan for the company.
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-16-2009 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Crocs aren't nearly as unacceptable as croakies or whatever those sunglasses strap things are.
You should stay away from SEC schools, imo
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-16-2009 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by ESnow

Any girlfriend I have had over the last several years has been under orders to never wear crocs. Doing so in my presence was grounds for ending the relationship right there.

Dating any girl to whom it would be even remotely necessary to say that is a massive fail imo.

Originally Posted by diddyeinstein
This. Like every nurse that I know wears them to work and has multiple pairs.

My GF is a nurse. She wouldn't be caught dead wearing them and it doesn't have anything to do with the arch-support thing (which I don't think she was aware of).

How on earth is it possible for this company to fail that miserably? Obviously the fad was fading but it shouldn't have been hard for them to not open so many money-losing stores all over the place and just keep raking in the dough even if it was a slower pace than a couple years ago.

Never tried on a pair. I wouldn't have a problem wearing them at the pool or maybe the beach or a public shower I guess. I hate flip-flops with the little string thing for your biggest two toes. Can't wear them.
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-16-2009 , 05:27 PM
The story of Crocs mirrors the country's tale of economic expansion and contraction. At the height of the real estate market, in 2006, the company sold shares to the public, raising more than $200 million in the biggest stock offering in shoe history. It ramped up manufacturing to keep up with demand, only to then find that shoppers were snapping their wallets shut.

I'm not sure I really agree with that assessment. They make it sound like their down-trend in sales is because so many people have so much less money so won't splurge for them. But I think people are actually ditching them in favor of equally priced shoes that don't suck as much.

Really dislike the media making EVERY single sucky business model into further proof that the economy is totally in ruins, etc. Sometimes a product or fad just sucks. Parachute pants in the 80's didn't last either and it had nothing to do with people not being able to afford them. It had to do with people being laughed at for wearing those awful things.

Anyway, the crocs were pretty freaking cheap. And probably getting cheaper I'm guessing. They were a fad that faded. People weren't buying them anymore because people were bored with them.

The people who did buy them had already bought them and many of those people weren't interested in a 2nd or 3rd pair later on IF they actually did wear out their first pair.

"the industry was taken by surprise by the severity of the downturn. It affected us more than most because the brand had been gearing up for a continuation of the extraordinary growth in the prior years."

This is incredible. How on earth could these people think the fad would continue at that ridiculous rate? It was obviously at a peak and was going to fall and I think anyone could see that. But somehow they were blind to it.
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-16-2009 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Crocs aren't nearly as unacceptable as croakies or whatever those sunglasses strap things are.
omfg this, insta douche tag
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-16-2009 , 05:57 PM
Weird. I just found out last night that my roommate took that photograph in the OP.
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-16-2009 , 06:25 PM
Time to buy buy buy IMO!
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-16-2009 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by mmbt0ne
You should stay away from SEC schools, imo
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
omfg this, insta douche tag
Croakies were a plague at UGA. PLAGUE.
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-16-2009 , 10:14 PM
These are pretty dang comfortable and good to wear when I dont want to wear flip flops. (Crocs Santa Cruz)

RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:12 PM
I've been meaning to get a pair of Sanuk's. they look very similar.

I don't really get the Croc hate. I don't wear them, but they're fine for kids
and stuff.
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by Spota
These are pretty dang comfortable and good to wear when I dont want to wear flip flops. (Crocs Santa Cruz)

i would probably have a pair of these if i could find them in my size and try them on first, but all the local croc sellers seemingly refuse to carry anything larger than a men's 12 (PM me ladies!)
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:25 PM
not surprised at all by this news. the crocs craze faded several years ago, yet over the past few years it only seemed like crocs was expanding. they went from being in select stores to basically every other kiosk in every mall in america. i always had no idea how they could keep expanding when it seemed like everyone with a pulse thought they were terrible looking (after the initial fad).
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-17-2009 , 01:33 AM
Didn't Ron Burgandy just post about how they were required for some cooking school ****?
uh... wat?

I've yet to see anyone wearing crocs in a kitchen.
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-17-2009 , 02:13 AM
Mario Batali is famous for wearing orange Crocs. He's probably stocked up already.
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-17-2009 , 02:41 AM
Oh, no wonder there were some grey market Crocs on sale at the local parellel-import store. US$4 per pair. They were legit, too. I bought a pair.
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-17-2009 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by diddyeinstein
This. Like every nurse that I know wears them to work and has multiple pairs.
Wtf at this? Even assuming they were the best shoes for your feet and were good to walk around in for 10 hours a day, what kind of hospital has no dress code policy for nurses shoes?

Lol onehospitaltownaments I guess.

Last edited by lank4ever; 07-17-2009 at 03:06 AM. Reason: I went to nursing school and know many nurses
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-17-2009 , 04:44 AM
ya, those were the ones i was going to mention as the ones i see a lot of nurses/cooks
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-17-2009 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
Never tried on a pair. I wouldn't have a problem wearing them at the pool or maybe the beach or a public shower I guess. I hate flip-flops with the little string thing for your biggest two toes. Can't wear them.
??? Have you ever seen someone wearing a pair of flip flops? Maybe we have discovered why you find them so uncomfortable.
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-17-2009 , 05:27 AM
freaking - I don't know what you mean. Pretty much all the flip-flops I've seen have that thing that goes between your big toe and your second toe. And I can't stand it. It feels icky to me.

RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-17-2009 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by lank4ever
Wtf at this? Even assuming they were the best shoes for your feet and were good to walk around in for 10 hours a day, what kind of hospital has no dress code policy for nurses shoes?

Lol onehospitaltownaments I guess.

At a lot of places I think nurses can where whatever types of Nurses Clogs they like or even just sneakers if they prefer. My GF was looking at some site with hand-painted art drawn on the nurses clogs and is thinking of getting a pair.

Some hospitals have pretty strict dress-codes and others are way more lenient. In regard to your onehospitaltown comment: we've been travelling some and it was the smaller towns that had the stricter dress code whereas now in a larger city at a much bigger hospital they are not at all color-nazis irt to the color of the scrubs and stuff like that like they have been in other places.
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-17-2009 , 09:16 AM
what a weird article. what does the real estate boom have to do with timing their stock sale?


runners enjoyed their light feel
wtf? people run with these?

and 2,000 employees? wtf? unless they own their own Crocs stores and have retail employees, etc, I don't see how that's possible
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-17-2009 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by Ron Burgundy
uh... wat?

I've yet to see anyone wearing crocs in a kitchen.

RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
07-17-2009 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
Didn't Ron Burgandy just post about how they were required for some cooking school ****?

I agree that they're ugly and look stupid in public, but they seem to have enough utility for other reasons that I'm surprised they'd go out of business.
Didnt go through the whole thread, but the Crocs sold by that company are **** and most ppl other than mario batali wouldnt wear those inthe kitchen,the good clog for a kitchen are all fairly thick leather, that actually will protect from a knife that flies down at them some even have steel toes
RIP Crocs?!  YAY! Quote
