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Repo dudes are casing my house - containment strategies pls Repo dudes are casing my house - containment strategies pls

08-25-2009 , 02:24 AM
Okay so they're obv not here for me.

I rent a modest, mid-sized-dog-capable three-bedroom in Orange County, with said dog and my girlfriend. We pay our bills and even, so help us God, our taxes. Our house was previously occupied by a bunch of goddamn hippies who left some cool painted accent walls, along with all traces of their current whereabouts. We get a ton of their mail and it's pretty much all overdue bills, collection notices, et al, except for the occasional book of cigarette coupons. Which we appreciate. 'Cause, y'know, baby's gotta have her medicine.

Anyway, we've been getting repo / collection guys at our door every other week or so, asking about the previous tenants. Obviously I could do without prying myself loose from six tables and putting on pants just to tell some Affliction-wearing dude that we don't know Mr. Xxxxxxxx and that he should call my landlord and/or take a hike. I mean, repo man is some 'my uncle hooked me up with this gig after I got outta Chino' **** anyway - the last guy was talking about casing my house out earlier in the week like this was just a conversation you have with somebody.

I dunno how to get rid of these guys. I tell them to take it up with my landlord, who's a pretty lackadaisical, hands-off kind of guy - I usually like that in a property manager but it ain't doing **** for me now. I really don't like doing anything to further a repo man in his rounds, either, but being uncooperative obviously doesn't do a lot to get this person off my doormat. They always apologize and say they'll check it out but it's never the same guy and perhaps not even the same agency or whatever.

OOT, how can I better rid myself of these hired goons?
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08-25-2009 , 02:27 AM
build a moat
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08-25-2009 , 02:27 AM
Fence with radio connected to your desk.
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08-25-2009 , 02:29 AM
Maybe a solution that doesn't involve tens of thousands of dollars spent on 'improvements' to a property that I don't even own?
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08-25-2009 , 02:32 AM
Big ass sign on door:

"Dirty ****ing hippies named xxxx moved and left no forwarding address.
Take it up with landlord if you want.
If not, hire a skipfinder.
Have a nice day.
Now go away."

Also, hook up intercom so you can tell people at door to **** off without leaving computer.
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08-25-2009 , 02:34 AM
Tell your dog to stop being such a pussy
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08-25-2009 , 02:34 AM
well ****. i opened this thread to post "pay your bills."

do you get a lot of random visitors? if not, maybe stop answering the door unless you're expecting someone?

edit: intercom idea seems better than just not answering the door.
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08-25-2009 , 02:35 AM
I think you can shoot them if you're in Texas. If you get 'em in the back, plant a tv on them.
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08-25-2009 , 02:36 AM
Repo dudes are casing my house - containment strategies pls Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:39 AM
Put a sign on your door stating :

XXX and YYYY don't live here anymore. Best of luck to any repo men, creditors, process servers, and jilted lovers. Unlike them we've paid good money to live here., so please leave us in peace.
Repo dudes are casing my house - containment strategies pls Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by nutsflopper
Tell your dog to stop being such a pussy
He's such a huge vag, particularly w/ re: to swarthy dudes of above average height and bulk.

Originally Posted by Phildo
well ****. i opened this thread to post "pay your bills."

do you get a lot of random visitors? if not, maybe stop answering the door unless you're expecting someone?

edit: intercom idea seems better than just not answering the door.
Intercom seems like not the worst idea. Problem with prickly, NO TRESPASSING type messages is I feel like it's likely to make the repo guys feel like we're likely the deadbeats they think we are and thus should skulk even harder.
Repo dudes are casing my house - containment strategies pls Quote
08-25-2009 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
Okay so they're obv not here for me.

Anyway, we've been getting repo / collection guys at our door every other week or so, asking about the previous tenants. ..

OOT, how can I better rid myself of these hired goons?
stop having pavlovian response to your doorbell.
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08-25-2009 , 02:53 AM
Answer the door in a Hippie wig the next time they come calling. Invite them in. Then talk so much smack to them they beat your ass really bad. Then call the local TV reporter and explain how some vigilante bill collectors mistakenly beat your ass. All the other bill collectors will leave you alone.

Then call your attorney. Profit.
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08-25-2009 , 03:00 AM
Change your life. As they say, "You're doing it wrong."
Repo dudes are casing my house - containment strategies pls Quote
08-25-2009 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by TheNoodleMan
Put a sign on your door stating :

Yeah, this seems like the obvious solution to me.

Also maybe call a collection place or repo type agency or whatever the hell those things are that do this stuff and inquire how you could maybe get this fixed since you are sick of repo people coming to your house every freaking week.

Another strategy might be to consult with a lawyer and get his advice on this. You're being harassed after all. Unfortunately, I hear that lawyers do sometimes actually cost money.
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08-25-2009 , 03:20 AM
wtf? you answer your door when not expecting someone?
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08-25-2009 , 03:23 AM
I feel like your use of "said dog" in the second sentence was wrong. The only previous mention of the word "dog" was that your house was dog-capable. While dog-capable is related to your dog it is not referencing your dog.
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08-25-2009 , 03:37 AM
Repo dudes are casing my house - containment strategies pls Quote
08-25-2009 , 03:39 AM
Something tells me that a sign isn't the ultimate defense against repo men, they would suck really hard at their jobs if a simple sign was enough to get them to go away. Alternatively, if it does work, I now know what to do if I ever get behind on bills.
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08-25-2009 , 07:11 AM
Move to a new house where they respect your paid bills or settle with them for tree fiddy.
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08-25-2009 , 07:57 AM
tell them they aren't welcome and nobody from their firm is welcome and not to trespass on your property. Maybe call the cops and tell them you feel threatened, of course they won't do anything but it would be nice to have that on record.

Then shoot them if they come back.
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08-25-2009 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by oldgrandma18k
I feel like your use of "said dog" in the second sentence was wrong. The only previous mention of the word "dog" was that your house was dog-capable. While dog-capable is related to your dog it is not referencing your dog.
If he had used "said three cars" after a "three-car garage" then your point would stand imo, because "three-car garage" is common and doesn't imply anything about the existence of three cars; however, "mid-sized-dog-capable" probably does imply the existence of a specific kind of dog, and in fact a specific dog, since you know he wouldn't mention it if there weren't a dog about which to be specific.
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08-25-2009 , 10:08 AM
Cardo did you trade in the Honda on a 64 Malibu?

The life of a repo man is always intense.
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08-25-2009 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by LFS
Cardo did you trade in the Honda on a 64 Malibu?

The life of a repo man is always intense.
i can't believe it took this long for someone to quote repo man

yeah, i think a sign is a pretty poor idea, but i don't have any good suggestions either.
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08-25-2009 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by LeapFrog
wtf? you answer your door when not expecting someone?
WTF? You don't?
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