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Rent for sleeping on a couch? Rent for sleeping on a couch?

12-19-2013 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by TensRUs
Everyone laughs at how low my BR is, then wonders why I didn't pay for all my Vegas expenses myself. Honestly, wtf
Originally Posted by TensRUs
I want to be steadily rolled for LLSNL before I try taking on expenses myself.

If I try supporting myself on a limited roll, it's more likely I will go broke since my roll isn't healthy

I hope that's clear. And yes, I think it's awesome that I get to see a Vegas show on my parent's dime. I would like to be able to do that on my own dime eventually
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-19-2013 , 05:49 PM

While I agree w a bunch of recent posts, props to you for continuing to be honest about what happens, that makes the thread awesome and worth following.

As long as you keep doing that, I'll keep giving you legit feedback.

In that spirit, how do you think the aces hand would have played out had the turn and river bricked out?

I don't think you understand how much you lucked out on those hands and the huge parlays you hit to have them turn out the way they did. Figuring out what is due to luck and what is due to reads/skill is a key part of getting better at poker.
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-19-2013 , 05:55 PM
Oh I understand, trust me. I played 2.5 hours of poker. It's sort of bitter sweet. Obv the money is good, but the first thing I thought when I ended my session was

"Now I'm even further away from realizing my true WR"

I can't really say what I think would happen since it's so dependent on what specific cards come on future streets. I've folded over pairs otf to a single flop raise before, so I think it would be too belittling for anyone to say I would've gone broke if I didn't turn a set
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-19-2013 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by TensRUs
I've folded over pairs otf to a single flop raise before
Why haven't you moved up to 2/5 yet? Is it just a bankroll issue? You pretty clearly know what you're doing.
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-19-2013 , 10:22 PM

Yeah, I don't expect you to fully support yourself or anything yet. I just think it's strange that you say you hate your parents supporting you, yet still hit them w/ the food tab when you're up $700 in Vegas. It seems like playing some cards and winning money + being able to buy yourself stuff should make you happy, given what you said about your parents.

You'll never make enough while you're in school to fully cover all your expenses (cell phone, car insurance etc) but having money of your own would enable you to stop mooching off them for things like gas, social activity, and personal vacations - which is pretty pathetic for someone your age. So that's what I meant when I questioned why you put lunch on their tab.

Anyway, good luck at the tables!
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-19-2013 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by TensRUs

Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-19-2013 , 11:26 PM
Real advice... Don't pick an arbitrary number like 10k and say ok now I'll start supporting myself off poker. Your bankroll will dwindle and one downswing will kill you. Slowly start paying for some things (like the $50 in alcohol) and ramp it up over time. If your parents aren't going to like your poker plan you run the risk of losing their support once you tell them and things go south.
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-20-2013 , 12:23 AM
OP-congrats on the score. I assume reds are 5 and blues are 2, am I right here? Also, I notice that on my google chrome, the link for the picture has a facebook logo on its tab. Was the two full chip racks something you shared with your friends?

Secondly, what were you on vacation from? I've never been to vegas, but I don't think 200 dollars for 2 (1?) nights in Vegas is that crazy. It's certainly much less than what the city would take out of me, especially if I could suckle on the parental teet. I'm actually not trying to be snide here.
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-20-2013 , 12:37 AM
Thanks dude. Blues are 1, reds are 5. I'm too lazy to make a photobucket, so every time I wanna post a pic I just upload it on fb and put it on private so only I can view it. I have a friend that used to post pics of literally ALL his house game 25NL winning sessions on fb. Kind of lol, I don't wanna be like that.

The semester is over, so vacation from that. And yeah, I don't think $200 is that crazy either (2.5 days, got to Vegas around 3pm on Monday). I think most people were taken aback from the fact that I wanted to save $120 by sleeping on a couch instead of a bed in my own room, and here I am dropping $200 in Vegas. The difference is that I would be funding the room/couch myself, whereas I have a little splurge leeway from parental support since I'm in Vegas and they know it.


I plan to start slowly paying for things once I have a healthy roll. I know I said "all out", but I didn't mean it in terms of borderline professional player. Just in terms of buying the things that would have been purchased by my parent's card
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-20-2013 , 01:13 AM
What's a healthy roll for you?
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-20-2013 , 01:25 AM
9k sounds good for $2/$3 at the Bike, unless I decide to keep making drives to PS because I like it so much

Also, the couch thing isn't really settled. We agreed on her giving me back my $300 deposit and a portion (undecided) of the $320 in rent. She just texted me today saying that she couldn't meet up until next week. Prior to this, I missed a call in the afternoon from an attorney I contacted last weekend (a follow up call since he wasn't in his office when I called)

If things go smoothly with the couchlord, there will be no need to call him back. If not, lawyer fees can be included in lawsuits the last time I checked (Suits ftw).
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-20-2013 , 01:32 AM
ok, I now understand why your 200 dollar Vegas excursion attracted such opprobrium.
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-20-2013 , 01:35 AM
Tens, serious advice here, stop being stupidly stubborn with the whole suing her for $300 thing. The energy that you're going to spend on that would be better used grinding 1/2 and building your roll, if that is your ultimate goal. Cut your loses, get your deposit back, find a new sleeping arrangement, and move on.
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-20-2013 , 01:37 AM
Also, please call the attorney back and relay the conversation back to us.
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-20-2013 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by El_Timon
Tens, serious advice here, stop being stupidly stubborn with the whole suing her for $300 thing. The energy that you're going to spend on that would be better used grinding 1/2 and building your roll, if that is your ultimate goal. Cut your loses, get your deposit back, find a new sleeping arrangement, and move on.
Disagree. Regardless of the money,if OP is a man, he should not allow himself to be exploited nor should he tolerate broken contracts. Most people learn that this is the first step towards financial autonomy.
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-20-2013 , 01:40 AM
Getting my deposit back is what I'm trying to. Tomorrow would be the first full month of the initial contract that is technically still in effect. I'm not sure what legal ramifications that has on getting my money back, but this is more about principle than anything else at this point.

I mean, she gave my room away and offered a couch for $250. Wtf. I honestly can't tell if she thinks that's a fair deal or if she's trying to screw me
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-20-2013 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by TensRUs
If not, lawyer fees can be included in lawsuits the last time I checked (Suits ftw).
In small claims court?
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-20-2013 , 01:47 AM
I thought you said she agreed to give the deposit back five posts ago.

If your time is worth any money (and apparently it's worth over 30BB/hour) then going through the huge hassle of going to court is not worth it.

**** principle. What's your EV on going to court? At most $250. What's your EV on grinding for all those hours? Potentially lots of fiddies rubbing on your titties.

Just make the most sound financial decision.
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-20-2013 , 01:56 AM
I'm going give her a chance to meet next week before hitting up the attorney. It just bothers me a little that I tried meeting up with her this past weekend and that didn't turn out, and she didn't try contacting me at all in the past three days. Now she's saying she can't meet until next week.

She has my $620, so I'm just a little suspicious of ulterior motives. I'm not a law student, so it's not like I know what she can or can't do since we're one month into an active contract
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-20-2013 , 02:01 AM
If the parents are okay with paying for some of your expenses, then keep letting them do so imo. When they get tired of it, they will let you know. Until then, makes no sense for you to pay for stuff they are okay with covering. Pretty much logical and common sense imo.

This advice is from a father paying the expenses of his daughter while at university. If I didn't want to, or couldn't afford to, then I wouldn't be doing it. When it's time for her to make it on her own, then I'll be telling her that it's time for her to do it on her own.

Just accept their generosity graciously. They are your parents and they want to do this for you.

Like I said earlier, when they don't want to pay anymore, they will let you know.
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-20-2013 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by TensRUs
I mean, she gave my room away and offered a couch for $250. Wtf. I honestly can't tell if she thinks that's a fair deal or if she's trying to screw me
The contract says it starts on Nov 20, my first and only night staying over there was the 30th (Saturday). I agreed to this because I suck. She then called me on Dec 4 (while I was in LA) explaining that she was interested in a new tenant and wanted to terminate our contract and that I could take the couch for $200/mo. I did verbally agree to these terms since cheaper rent sounded good to me.
So you agree to sleep on the couch then flip out and threaten legal action hen she rents out the room? Are you going to lie about this in court?

she was interested in a new tenant and wanted to terminate our contract
I did verbally agree to these terms since cheaper rent sounded good to me.
Is this where Judge Judy calls OP a moron?
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-20-2013 , 02:06 AM
No, I won't lie about it. I'm sure I have some options since I intend on having an attorney present.

Like I said, if we meet next week and everything goes smoothly, it won't have to go to court
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-20-2013 , 02:21 AM
Btw, I find it very peculiar that you come here just to comment on the couch thing. Maybe you really did contact her.

I can only imagine her shock when you initially told her pursuing legal action was a bluff, only to find out a little later that I was dead serious. Pretty unfortunate for her to have a random person give her false information
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
12-20-2013 , 02:23 AM
Woah, lol #paranoia
Rent for sleeping on a couch? Quote
