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Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Recommend the Ultimate Pizza

09-14-2011 , 11:12 PM
Madison has a good local chain called Glass Nickel. I like to get a pizza with pesto instead of regular sauce with salami, green peppers, and onions.

The best pizza I've had was also in Madison from a local Italian restaurant. It was sauceless with diced tomatoes and basel and several cheeses. Quality.
Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Quote
09-14-2011 , 11:30 PM
The Liberty Street Tavern, Allentown PA.
Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Quote
09-14-2011 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by Boobaloo
whenever I am in NYC I go straight to times square for Sbarro
Nice level
Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Quote
09-15-2011 , 12:50 AM
when i seattle, i would recommend:
AGOG Primo
Salumi's Spicy Pepperoni
The Original
from pagliacci pizza
Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Quote
09-15-2011 , 01:00 AM
Pags isn't bad, although atm I am struggling to think of something better here partially because there are some places I haven't tried yet since I've moved back.
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09-15-2011 , 01:22 AM
bacon and pineapple

pepperoni, hot peppers and mushrooms

sausage and green peppers
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09-15-2011 , 01:28 AM
cream cheese.
Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Quote
09-15-2011 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by Boobaloo
whenever I am in NYC I go straight to times square for Sbarro
Heh. I love goin there and gettin me a NY slice.

Honestly, I ****ing love stuffed crust from Pizza Hut. I spent a decade in NY so I be knowin what I'm talking about.

Not to mention, this thread is pretty pointless. Pizza Phil's across from the CVS in Fishkill is pretty good. Let me know when you make a trip out there based on this recommendation.

BTW expert topping selection:

diced tomato, onion, mushroom and a meat of your choice. Not bacon or pepperoni, though, too greasy.
Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Quote
09-15-2011 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by Boobaloo
whenever I am in NYC I go straight to times square for Sbarro
Originally Posted by KPowers
Heh. I love goin there and gettin me a NY slice.

Honestly, I ****ing love stuffed crust from Pizza Hut. I spent a decade in NY so I be knowin what I'm talking about.
jon stewart tho
Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Quote
09-15-2011 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by DemonDeac
Mack 'n Mancos

Ocean City, NJ
They put on a good show and move product quickly with their locations (a huge plus as NY style pizza is better fresh off the oven imo), but I've never been a fan. I mean they're okay but not even my favorite place in Ocean City and probably not top 3. The popularity of M&M seems like it's just exploded in name over the last ~15 years, years ago it was just another place (and I practically lived at Jilly's Arcade back in the day).

Tourists seem to love it but it's definitely a polarizing topic locally. There are lots of good pizza places in OC and two I like better aren't even on the boardwalk. There are even better places just outside the city also.
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09-15-2011 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka
Pags isn't bad, although atm I am struggling to think of something better here partially because there are some places I haven't tried yet since I've moved back.
It was the only place I'd make a point to hit. One of my fav things living on the Ave and going to the U. I moved away a couple years ago and miss the area. Have you hit up Northlake tavern and pizza house? That's some crazy think pie, and they cure all their meats in house.
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09-15-2011 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Really great pizza requires a really freakin' hot oven, far hotter than anything you can easily buy for your house. The few places in the US that still offer coal fired pizza are consistently rated as some of the best.
The shop I worked it had these asbestos bricks that were prized by the guy who had them. You couldn't make them anymore but could use, and you just dropped them into an existing oven. Definitely a difference.
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09-15-2011 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Aytumious
Madison has a good local chain called Glass Nickel. I like to get a pizza with pesto instead of regular sauce with salami, green peppers, and onions.

The best pizza I've had was also in Madison from a local Italian restaurant. It was sauceless with diced tomatoes and basel and several cheeses. Quality.
Love pizza with pesto, been steadily putting that into my rotation.
Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Quote
09-15-2011 , 02:30 AM
Oreganos in Tucson, AZ. I went to University of Arizona my freshman year and still have cravings over that place 7 years later. I usually got pepperoni, green peppers (or jalapenos) and sausage, but it really didn't matter what I got on it as long as it was the Chicago Style or Stuffed Crust.

Other than Oreganos, most other pizzas are close enough to where I don't have an absolute preference. In Denver, I think the best I've gotten is either Proto's pizza or Marcos Coal Fired Pizza. Freshness of ingredients and crust are usually my two priorities
Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Quote
09-15-2011 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by Buff Disciple
Freshness of ingredients and crust are usually my two priorities
This is about the right idea. Around here anyone who's worked a pizza oven long enough knows just about everybody who's worked anywhere, and most of the (popular) local places tend to have the same basic approach:
  • They keep on top of their dough supply. You use it before it's sat long enough or wait too long and the crust won't be right. Or, if you leave it out too short or too long a time before putting it in the walk in. Or, not giving the yeast enough time before adding flour. Or, water not being the right temp for the yeast (etc etc etc).
  • They use good ingredients, especially cheese (Grande is pretty standard).
  • Have guys who know what they're doing and can manage the oven well. Simple **** like not using the same spot on the brick right after another pizza just came off of it, rotating the pie, not having to open the thing any more than needed, etc.
  • They don't get too fancy with a basic pizza, putting all kinds of things in the sauce or dough. Most just add salt/pepper/water to the canned tomato sauce and make dough with yeast/flour/water/salt. Tomatoes, quality mozzarella & readied dough taste good if you cook them right.

I mentioned people being partial to certain types of ovens and there are differences, but really if you're talking about NY-style pizza you can make an awesome one in a totally standard Blodgett oven if you're doing the above.

Gourmet pizza with fresh mozzarella and all of that jazz is obviously a completely different case.
Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Quote
09-15-2011 , 03:12 AM
NY style thin crust crispy pepperoni ONLY pizza. More the toppings or thicker the crust depreciate the taste of the pizza.
Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Quote
09-15-2011 , 06:02 AM
American Sizzler from Asda (English Walmart)

Tomato sauce,Chilli con carne,Pepperoni,Spicy Chicken and Cheese (with chilli oil drizzled over the top)

It's like heaven on a plate
Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Quote
09-15-2011 , 06:04 AM
You can't go wrong with English Walmart pizza.
Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Quote
09-15-2011 , 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by wigan rl
Tomato sauce,Chilli con carne,Pepperoni,Spicy Chicken and Cheese (with chilli oil drizzled over the top)

It's like heaven on a plate
This sounds pretty similar to the "pizza" my Kiwi flatmate cooked. Some kind of flatbread/unyeasted dough topped with ketchup, assorted veggies (usually corn, carrots, bell peppers) and cheddar or jack cheese.

It's nothing like pizza, and for you to be discussing this in a thread about "the ultimate pizza" is like Americans coming into your thread about pro darts or snooker and talking about how we play at the bar.
Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Quote
09-15-2011 , 06:51 AM

Last edited by ShipDaSherb; 09-15-2011 at 06:59 AM.
Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Quote
09-15-2011 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by Brian O'Nolan
This sounds pretty similar to the "pizza" my Kiwi flatmate cooked. Some kind of flatbread/unyeasted dough topped with ketchup, assorted veggies (usually corn, carrots, bell peppers) and cheddar or jack cheese.

It's nothing like pizza, and for you to be discussing this in a thread about "the ultimate pizza" is like Americans coming into your thread about pro darts or snooker and talking about how we play at the bar.
Not really just cause it's called American Sizzler dont make it American most of the toppings if not all are not from America

It's the ultimate pizza to me that why i posted
Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Quote
09-15-2011 , 08:36 AM
Bazbeaux's in DownTown Indy is AWESOME! Any topping you can think of they will have and the different crust are top notch.

As far as from scratch I make a buffalo chicken pizza made with a slow-cooked buffalo chicken with grilled onion, turkey bacon, fresh sliced tomatoes. I use a mix of mozz and colby and instead of pizza sauce I use homemade ranch dressing. Recommend a thinner crust if you make it.
Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Quote
09-15-2011 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Pizza is not a gourmet item. It never has been, and it never should be. Anyplace bragging about their organic, whole wheat, new-age, high-dollar, hippy-dippy concoction isn't selling proper pizza. They should be beaten. Great pizza is simple ingredients prepared perfectly. Nothing else.

The list of acceptable pizza toppings is small. It does not include pineapple, arugula, broccoli, clams, barbecue sauce, or goat cheese. Anything with those or similar toppings is not a pizza.
Yours is a constricted, miserable dream. In reality, pizza is multiform; its capacity to undergo innovation is part of its charm and depth. You can find as basic and as experimental a version as culinary creativity permits.

And ruling out acceptable toppings is a schoolboy's approach to quality control. A better goal is to keep adding effective variations and enriching the spectrum.
Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Quote
09-15-2011 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by wigan rl
American Sizzler from Asda (English Walmart)

Tomato sauce,Chilli con carne,Pepperoni,Spicy Chicken and Cheese (with chilli oil drizzled over the top)

It's like heaven on a plate
What in the ****
Recommend the Ultimate Pizza Quote
09-15-2011 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by DOOM@ALL_CAPS

Wooster Street, New Haven, CT

+ infinity mirrion. As an added bonus they just set up a shop in the Mohegan Sun casino. After a long grind, stopping by and grabbing one for a late lunch (and a offering to my wife that doesn't mind that I have been at the tables for 36 hours)...f'n delicious.

Having just moved to Virginia I found this place that is pretty much the stone cold nuts around here:

Kind of a bohemian/hippy joint but the food is freaking fantastic and reasonably priced.

All that said, after having lived in southern Italy, any pizza I eat gets snap judged against anything I had there. Walk in and order a diavola pizza (spicy salami and crushed red pepper...sorry bowels), pay 2 euros, and just enjoy the mouth-gasm.

Any pizza in southern Italy>>>>>>>Frank Pepe's>>>>>>>>>Dr Ho's>>>>>>>anything else.
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