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R.I.P Patrice O'neal R.I.P Patrice O'neal

12-01-2011 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
With Patrice and Greg Giraldo gone, one can only hope that Lisa Lampanelli is the 3rd member of the roast death trifecta.

lol nh. butnah we runbad at roast deaths. im sure she'll live to 100 and jeff ross will probably get hit by a car next week.
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-01-2011 , 11:39 AM
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-01-2011 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
Amazing episode, especially during the later waves of guests.
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-01-2011 , 04:39 PM
Years ago he called one of my friends Eddie Munster during a set. The friend wasn't thrilled that the nickname stuck for awhile.
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-01-2011 , 09:39 PM
Patrice was amazing everytime he was on, but one of the best things I saw him take part in was the ni**er vs. nazi challenge. Who do the cabs pick up, the black guy or the nazi?
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-02-2011 , 03:06 AM
Good show on O&A. Bob Kelly stories were the best then Louie, Ant and Yimmy ragging was awesome.
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-02-2011 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by mikechike
Years ago he called one of my friends Eddie Munster during a set. The friend wasn't thrilled that the nickname stuck for awhile.
hahah how did it ever unstick?
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-02-2011 , 10:46 PM
Opie and Anthony Radio is flipping formats for the weekend and doing 16 hours worth of Patrice O'neal material. Sirius 105, XM 206.
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-02-2011 , 11:02 PM
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-04-2011 , 02:13 PM
Dammit, Michael!!
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-04-2011 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by mikechike
Years ago he called one of my friends Eddie Munster during a set. The friend wasn't thrilled that the nickname stuck for awhile.
LOL - I have a good friend who I took to the Comedy Cellar to see Greg Giraldo and Giraldo for some reason just destroyed my friend for about 4 minutes making fun of everything from his shirt, his red cheeks, and his hair. When Giraldo died, my friend said that he deserved it.
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-04-2011 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by PayTheSnucka
LOL - I have a good friend who I took to the Comedy Cellar to see Greg Giraldo and Giraldo for some reason just destroyed my friend for about 4 minutes making fun of everything from his shirt, his red cheeks, and his hair. When Giraldo died, my friend said that he deserved it.
You sit in the front row of a comedy show where the headliner is a prick, and that's the risk you run!
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-04-2011 , 04:16 PM
What? That'd be a f*cking honor.
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-04-2011 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
You sit in the front row of a comedy show where the headliner is a genius trash-talker, and you might make some great memories!

(and lol at PTS's friend if he took it seriously)
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-04-2011 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by lagdonk

(and lol at PTS's friend if he took it seriously)
He's normally level-headed, but Giraldo's smack talk really stuck with him. That's why there was only 1 Greg Giraldo.

Patrice handled a crowd like nobody I'd ever seen - seen Patrice headline at least 3 or 4 times and every time at least one or two people would be headed for therapy. It was like he had to make examples out of one or two to subdue everybody else so he could get through his set.

From what I've gathered from listening to podcasts (Jay Mohr, Marc Maron, etc.), Patrice was in his own category in terms of handling a crowd.
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-05-2011 , 02:09 AM
Ugh. This **** really depressed me some. I want to conjour up something poignant to say about his comedy, but really my words would not do it justice anyway.

If you just sample a random vid of his, you may misconstrue him to simply be an "edgy" or irreverant comic when he was so much better than that. The people that listened to his frequent guest appearances on O&A know what I mean. You felt like you understood him even if you had never met him because of how open, and even vulnerable, he would be about his personal life. And he called everyone out on their bull****. His death affected me much more than I thought it would, which I guess just confirms what I already thought of the man.

In some ways his life and death remind me of Bill Hicks and Greg Giraldo. All three led lives on their own terms and seemingly knew the possible consequences that came with it. All three died young.
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-05-2011 , 02:47 AM
yeah i haven't seen any of the people who said 'i'll have to check out some youtube clips' come back and say 'wow, those were great'. most comics lose something on youtube, but patrice loses more than most. i'm really disappointed i never saw him live, it's obvious that he's a phenomenal crowd work comedian.
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-05-2011 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by Triumph36
yeah i haven't seen any of the people who said 'i'll have to check out some youtube clips' come back and say 'wow, those were great'. most comics lose something on youtube, but patrice loses more than most. i'm really disappointed i never saw him live, it's obvious that he's a phenomenal crowd work comedian.
Me too. And I'm sure were not the only ones.
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-05-2011 , 03:43 AM
I saw Patrice live, but I didn't see him die.

+1 to getting ragged on being fun, especially if it was someone brilliant like Giraldo. Nobody cares, and it's not like he ragged on your friend about something that you and your other friends haven't already ragged on him about. Billy D. Washington tore me up pretty good in front of my gf and her parents. I was wearing jeans that were too tight (I remember getting dressed and all my jeans were dirty/wrinkled/balled up and I called a pair up from the minors and thought "Jesus I can't wear these they are too tight" but then just did anyway) and he felt the need to make mention of my ****ing package. Was awesome. I just laughed and enjoyed knowing her dad had to be less comfortable than me. Esp. when he said "is that your girl? I see why she dates you." HAHAHA. Right in front of her mom and dad. Actually he ragged on her dad, too. Asked how old he was and then said "Damn, what the hell happened to you?" lol.
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-05-2011 , 04:51 AM
never saw much of patrice's standup but never thought too favorably of him as most of my early exposure to him was from tough crowd with colin quinn, which was generally a weak and annoying show and he never seemed to stand out from its mediocrity
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-05-2011 , 01:55 PM
Watched elephant in the room twice over the weekend. Was really my first extended good.

Did he use audience plants do you guys think, or is he just that good?
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-05-2011 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by NameOnTheCake
Watched elephant in the room twice over the weekend. Was really my first extended good.

Did he use audience plants do you guys think, or is he just that good?
Don't think he used plants...but he did have a niche audience that loved him and came to expect his interaction with the crowd.
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-05-2011 , 05:59 PM
I don't think he had audience plants, but I think Comedy Central executives chose people from the audience to sit up front. Both girls in the front row were complete smoke shows.

I liked Elephant in the Room, but it seems like Patrice is so good at generating material, that he doesn't refine it as well as he should. I think he also extends metaphors/analogies to fair, but overall it's a really strong hour.
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-05-2011 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Triumph36
yeah i haven't seen any of the people who said 'i'll have to check out some youtube clips' come back and say 'wow, those were great'. most comics lose something on youtube, but patrice loses more than most. i'm really disappointed i never saw him live, it's obvious that he's a phenomenal crowd work comedian.
i don't know really how to put it to words about his sets, but the times i saw him, it was like he had 5 buoys out in a bay, and he could wade any which direction with the crowd to get to his points.

this is in contrast to most comedians you see who are basically like a highway that just run exits 58,59,60, until the show is over.

the ability to just flow with a crowd and get everyone on board his mindset was truly unique.

this stuff is lost in his specials for the most part, but Mr P i think will really highlight this style for fans that never got to see him. i really suggest picking it up, the contract has been reworked to give the sales money directly to his family and i highly highly suggest checking it out.
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
12-06-2011 , 02:58 AM
Listening to Giraldo, even though he is such a smart and funny mf'er, it always feels like a build-up/set up for a huge punchline. Which we all were privy to him being very prepared.

With Patrice, it's just the whole conversation is hilarious and natural. Winning at improving life.
R.I.P Patrice O'neal Quote
