Saw it, enjoyed it quite a bit. Nothing will get me like seeing Borat in the theater though. If you like comedy it's definitely worth the admission. And MacFarlane was able to steer clear of too many family guy allusions, which was nice. This movie felt like its own thing, not another watered down Family Guy spinoff.
Oh I forgot to add, the theater was packed and we got there late so not much choice. There were 4 of us and 4 empty seats on the end near the very front. I went ahead and sat by the guy in the 5th seat so my wife, brother, and sister-in-law didn't have to sit next to some strange dude the whole time. Anyway he was hispanic and I'm pretty sure gay, too. There were a LOT of gay and hispanic jokes in the movie. Was kind of awkward at first but then I just laughed as if he wasn't there.
Last edited by A-Rod's Cousin; 07-11-2012 at 01:54 PM.