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"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! "Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode!

08-01-2010 , 03:24 PM
Pokerstars, why are you doing this to me!?

Beat: Was looking up a money clip.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-01-2010 , 04:12 PM
idk if this counts, but the guy who refuses to write 'black' is tilting the **** out of me
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-01-2010 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by Ben Young
idk if this counts, but the guy who refuses to write 'black' is tilting the **** out of me

I can't read that thread anymore because of it. And what's worse is that he's vowed to ban hip-hop culture if he ever gets the chance because it encourages improper use of the English language. That's like Elton John saying he wants to ban flamboyant clothing.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-03-2010 , 06:06 PM
Someone posted this in the Mad Men thread. Genius.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-03-2010 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by private joker
Someone posted this in the Mad Men thread. Genius.
This is awesome.

I swear at 0:57 Don is saying "lay down", where in the youtube description the author of the video goes on about him saying "lie down."

Anyone else hearing "lay down" there?
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-03-2010 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by baumer
This is awesome.

I swear at 0:57 Don is saying "lay down", where in the youtube description the author of the video goes on about him saying "lie down."

Anyone else hearing "lay down" there?
Yeah it's close. I can hear both if I try, so it's too fast and muffled to understand fully. But I agree with the author that since Don gets it right every other time, makes sense to give it to him this time. Also I mean come on, it's Don Draper.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-03-2010 , 08:11 PM
Nice wikipedia article of the day:
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-03-2010 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by private joker
Yeah it's close. I can hear both if I try, so it's too fast and muffled to understand fully. But I agree with the author that since Don gets it right every other time, makes sense to give it to him this time. Also I mean come on, it's Don Draper.
True enough.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-07-2010 , 05:59 PM
From a BBV thread:

I dont get all this hate for king fish his thread's are great the one where he drink drive's home to complete a prop bet or what about the degan father who take's meth and chip dump's his son's bankroll pure entertainment
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-07-2010 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by SJUHawks
I'm glad you brought this up. This tilts the hell out of me. My kids use it frequently and I constantly yell at them for it. "Dad, I was versing Brian in Pokemon...."

Drives me crazy.

LOL- Doesn't drive me crazy, but mine do it as well. I chalk it up to the same type of speech that makes a fast-food chicken sandwich restaurant, that isn't open Sundays, into "Chic-a-lay!"

Of course, having said that.... whaddaya wanna bet that the word "versing" shows up 10 years from now in a dictionary?
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-08-2010 , 05:59 AM
You know when you're watching a movie or a TV show like Curb Your Enthusiasm, and you see an ass hole character do something totally dickish but it's hilarious because nobody would have the gall to do that in real life, so seeing it on TV is really funny in sort of a live-vicariously-through-that-character way?

Tonight I pulled a move so dickish that it could only have been done by a fictional Larry David or something, but I did it anyway just because I knew how funny it would be to tell the story.

Okay so I met this chick a couple weeks ago and slept with her. Then she got annoying and kept calling and texting, asking to go out again. I really didn't want to see her anymore, and assumed it would just be a one-night stand. But her texts kept coming so I decided I had to break it off tonight. I texted her back something about how I wasn't interested in dating, and she writes back:

"Oh but you were interested in ****ing me? I see. Well you could of just been decent and honest in the first place!"

And all I wrote back was: "could have."

My friends and I had a good laugh for several minutes that I actually sent that. Wow, what a dick I am. But I mean, come on. "Could of?" She's 27.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-08-2010 , 06:06 AM
PJ, well done.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-08-2010 , 08:09 AM
Yeah but you could of, though. B*stard!
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-08-2010 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by private joker
You know when you're watching a movie or a TV show like Curb Your Enthusiasm, and you see an ass hole character do something totally dickish but it's hilarious because nobody would have the gall to do that in real life, so seeing it on TV is really funny in sort of a live-vicariously-through-that-character way?

Tonight I pulled a move so dickish that it could only have been done by a fictional Larry David or something, but I did it anyway just because I knew how funny it would be to tell the story.

Okay so I met this chick a couple weeks ago and slept with her. Then she got annoying and kept calling and texting, asking to go out again. I really didn't want to see her anymore, and assumed it would just be a one-night stand. But her texts kept coming so I decided I had to break it off tonight. I texted her back something about how I wasn't interested in dating, and she writes back:

"Oh but you were interested in ****ing me? I see. Well you could of just been decent and honest in the first place!"

And all I wrote back was: "could have."

My friends and I had a good laugh for several minutes that I actually sent that. Wow, what a dick I am. But I mean, come on. "Could of?" She's 27.
The example is weak, since it was an SMS text. If it had been an e-mail, fair enough.

BTW is 'could of' any different from 'wanna'?

Oh, and obviously: good guy with bad grammar > bad guy with good grammar
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-08-2010 , 09:36 AM
Quality PJ.

Originally Posted by Tony_P
My company has a web application that runs searches, and when you click the button to send them into the background queue you get a dialog that says "Your search job has been backgrounded".

Apparently backgrounded is technically a word, but it's clearly being used in the wrong context here. What is a good way of articulating this since my previous discussion with the web developer went like this:

Tony (2:01:40 PM): that's not a word
Developer Douche (2:01:48 PM): Yes it is.
Tony (2:03:20 PM): oh, i guess it is, but it's not being used right. Background as a verb means to "rpovide with background"
Developer Douche (2:03:33 PM): It's fine.
I'm with the web developer on this.

Backgrounded = Act of assigning a task or process to a non-interactive potentially lower priority state.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-08-2010 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by sorrow

Backgrounded = Act of assigning a task or process to a non-interactive potentially lower priority state.
That definition makes it sound even MORE made-up.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-08-2010 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by Lottery Larry
That definition makes it sound even MORE made-up.
I background many times daily. I've never used the word backgrounded, but I've never used engined either (except on a scrabble board)
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-08-2010 , 12:26 PM
I'm gonna credit backgrounded as a legitimate word. It's an action that has only been possible since the invention of multitasking, inventing a new word is perfectly cromulent there.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-08-2010 , 12:30 PM
This isn't a grammer nit, just a composition nit:

Tonight I pulled a move so dickish that it could only have been done by a fictional Larry David or something, but I did it anyway just because I knew how funny it would be to tell the story.
This sentence is unnecessary and makes your story significantly less funny. You're answering the question you posed, but that question was rhetorical and had already sufficiently prepared the audience for a dickish act by you.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-08-2010 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by BartJ385

BTW is 'could of' any different from 'wanna'?
Oh hell yes.

Originally Posted by FlyWf
This isn't a grammer nit, just a composition nit:

This sentence is unnecessary and makes your story significantly less funny. You're answering the question you posed, but that question was rhetorical and had already sufficiently prepared the audience for a dickish act by you.
First of all, "grammer?" Really?

Also, I guess you're right, but I wasn't going for shock value or surprise. And I was still a little drunk when I wrote the post.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-08-2010 , 02:09 PM
Grammer is like moron or poast imo. Also if OOT isn't for fine tuning the humor value of anecdotes, what is it for?
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-08-2010 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Grammer is like moron or poast imo.
Do you mean moran? Anyway, I didn't realize that. I'm behind the internet meme times.

Also if OOT isn't for fine tuning the humor value of anecdotes, what is it for?
Fair point.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-08-2010 , 06:08 PM
When quoting someone, does the quotation mark go before or after the full stop?

Last edited by aao; 08-08-2010 at 06:11 PM. Reason: edited to make the question clearer
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-08-2010 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by aao
I'm wondering if any of you guys know which is correct (I'm assuming you do though) when using quotations:

1) ...I think that’s like a role you have to have in a meeting really”.

2) ...I think that’s like a role you have to have in a meeting really”.
I don't see a difference. You just typed the same thing twice.

But if you're asking about punctuation and quotation marks, read the thread -- it's been discussed a lot. The period goes inside the quote marks.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
08-08-2010 , 06:11 PM
Also, if I am quoting someone from an interview who, for anonymity reasons, is now referred to as 'participant three', should the 'p' and 't' be in capitals?
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
