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"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! "Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode!

10-21-2013 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by econophile
I've got to start taking some pictures of the daily reports from my daughter's preschool. According to one from a couple weeks ago, she is "scary of the swin."
Please say that this note was written by one of her classmates.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-21-2013 , 08:57 PM
"Scared of the swings?"

There's actually lots of illiterate teachers out there, that's what's scary. And they have degrees.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-22-2013 , 12:30 AM
"There are..."

Last edited by atakdog; 10-22-2013 at 12:32 AM. Reason: I find myself doing that one (orally) frustratingly often.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-22-2013 , 10:47 AM
Oops. Should have said "a lot..." for verb agreement. Yikes.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-22-2013 , 12:42 PM
I was taught in grammar school that a sentence should not begin with a conjunction. But I see this all of the time. And it is really annoying.

Why can't anyone spell "ridiculous" correctly? There is no ****ing "e" in ridiculous! I feel like some ******* spelled it incorrectly in 2001 and everybody copied that spelling.

Can anyone differentiate the proper use of anyone versus anybody? I'm not sure that I am always using it correctly.

Last edited by idlikeadrinkplease; 10-22-2013 at 12:56 PM.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-22-2013 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by idlikeadrinkplease
I was taught in grammar school that a sentence should not begin with a conjunction. But I see this all of the time. And it is really annoying.
It's a "rule" that is sometimes taught to kids just to keep them from using it as a crutch and just inserting some periods in run-on sentences. Good writing can and does begin sentences with conjunctions when done right. Style guides haven't prohibited this in many years afaik.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2013 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by Miley Cyrus
“America is just so weird in what they think is right and wrong,” the singer told Rolling Stone. “Like, I was watching ‘Breaking Bad’ the other day, and they were cooking meth. I could literally cook meth because of that show. It’s a how-to. And then they bleeped out the word ‘f—.’ And I’m like, really? They killed a guy, and disintegrated his body in acid, but you’re not allowed to say ‘f—’? It’s like when they bleeped ‘molly’ at the VMAs. Look what I’m doing up here right now, and you’re going to bleep out ‘molly’? Whatever.”

Not sure if I'm doing this thread right and/or already posted
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2013 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by TensRUs
Not sure if I'm doing this thread right
you're not
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2013 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by RollWave
your not
fyp (?)
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2013 , 09:43 AM
Miley Cyrus's usage of the word "literal" looks 100% correct to me. I guess the word is misused so much that some people can no longer recognize correct usage.

Her statement doesn't mean that the show makes her want to cook meth (which would be misusing the word), but she is saying that the "how to" nature of the show gave her enough information that she could literally do it herself now.

So to answer your question TensRUs, you are not doing it right.

Last edited by NewOldGuy; 10-24-2013 at 09:48 AM.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2013 , 09:50 AM

Literally is literally not literal, just figuratively literal or literally figurative or literally literal, by which I mean not literally literal, unless you mean literally literal. Hope this literally helps. Literally.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2013 , 10:02 AM

"Your" literally not doing it right.

Do you also think that Miley could perform open heart surgery, since she watches Grey's Anatomy?
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2013 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Nod88

"Your" literally not doing it right.

Do you also think that Miley could perform open heart surgery, since she watches Grey's Anatomy?
It isn't my opinion that matters. She voiced an opinion that the show Breaking Bad had given her enough information to literally cook meth herself. And she used the word correctly, whether her claim is believable or not.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2013 , 11:48 AM
1) It literally doesn't matter, because she's literally using it right, per the new definition. See my post to Tens. "Because" literal is now not literal. "Unless" it's literal.

2) "However," you seem to be using literally as in actually, without exaggeration or embellishment, corresponding to reality. "But" if her claim is wholly unbelievable, it's more likely that her usage is just wrong. For example, what do you think of the following sentences?

"I was watching Animal Planet the other day, and they were showing chickens laying eggs. I could literally lay an egg because of that show. It's a how-to."
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2013 , 12:05 PM

Stop with the stupid strawman. You are making yourself look foolish and I'm done engaging you.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2013 , 12:13 PM
Actually, I think you just literally don't understand.

Also, you might want to look up what "strawman" means.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2013 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Nod88
Actually, I think you just literally don't understand.

Also, you might want to look up what "strawman" means.
Ok, last time, even though at this point I feel like you are just trolling.

It's a strawman when you have to make your argument by substituting chickens laying eggs, which humans can't do, for cooking meth, which any reasonably intelligent human could do quite easily. Whether Miley's opinion that she could literally do it is accurate or not, has no bearing on her ability to make that claim. You seem to think that her right to use the word "literally" in its traditional sense here depends on whether you believe her or not. It doesn't.

The fact that you can even logically question whether her claim is believable, means she used the word correctly.

Last edited by NewOldGuy; 10-24-2013 at 12:42 PM.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2013 , 12:52 PM
Look, it's another empty threat, another wrong post, and another demonstration that you didn't understand my post!

1) It's not a strawman, and your own strawman sentence is just wrong.

2) Whether Miley's opinion that she could literally do it or not is believable or not, has bearing on the interpretation of how she intended to use literally, and thus, whether she used it correctly or not. Your own argument is actually the strawman, because you misinterpreted the meaning of my chicken & eggs post.

Bonus: Spot the comma error above, which I repeated from the mistake in your post. Normally this would be silly nittery, but that's the point of this thread!
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2013 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by NewOldGuy
The fact that you can even logically question whether her claim is believable, means she used the word correctly.
I literally jumped 24 miles the other day!

[X] Used "literally" correctly in the traditional sense, according to NOG.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2013 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Nod88
I literally jumped 24 miles the other day!

[X] Used "literally" correctly in the traditional sense, according to NOG.
How many hops did it take?
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2013 , 01:06 PM
This discussion shows why the evolution of "literally" to mean "figuratively" is more problematic than many other changes in generally accepted diction: sometimes (though usually not, I admit), it is difficult or impossible to tell which meaning is intended, even though they are dramatically different. Further, what we're left with is a language that has (literally, unless I'm forgetting something) no word that unambiguously conveys an idea that is frequently useful to convey, so such problems now have no simple solution.

Is bad.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2013 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Nod88
I literally jumped 24 miles the other day!

[X] Used "literally" correctly in the traditional sense, according to NOG.
Apparently you also don't understand the difference between reasonable claim and a preposterous one (similar to humans laying eggs). So for someone with that cognitive handicap, I suppose the word "literally" does require a different standard than for the rest of us.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2013 , 01:53 PM
Whoa, whoa, NOG getting feisty for someone who's so wrong!

So let's get this straight. You're claiming that it is totally reasonable to believe that Miley Cyrus could actually cook meth on her own solely from watching Breaking Bad, with no other info or assistance?!
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2013 , 01:57 PM
Atakdog, good point. Now there is literally no literal word for literally! Sucks. Also means that guys like NOG are right even when they're wrong!
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
