Originally Posted by SGT RJ
You say defeatist (lol), I say realistic.
If you want to spend your time obsessing over something in this one very narrow context and ignore the fact that you're still coming into contact with biological contaminants everywhere else, then feel free. It's your particular brand of crazy, not mine.
I have plenty of other things to worry about then OMG did I get some microscopic particle of another person's waste on me OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!
Humans have a wonderful capacity to decide what to focus on. I choose not to focus on something I can't see, is going to effect my life maybe 1 time in 1000000000000, and that serves no useful purpose other than to soothe imaginary neuroses.
The thing is, it's not even that you have this weird obsession with toilet sanitation that makes your comments so LOL. It's that you're so condescending and faux outraged by people who don't share your weird obsession.
Your are misinterpreting the threat, ignoring that microscopic stuff is gross in itself, in the event that you are a "do nothinger" there is risk of visible hair and fecal matter coming into contact with you. This doesn't bother you?. I hope that you are at least visually inspecting the seat/bowl beforehand.
I am well aware of the fact that germs abound, i do not see why taking steps to neutralize the threat is being perceived as "crazy", it is completely rational. My problem is that so many people do not have even the basic level of human decency of at least using the toilet properly, everyone has had instances where they encounter **** and piss everywhere. My cat, who without fail, observes the basic rules of **** where you are supposed to, in the proper method, is more intelligent than these people.
I suspect that some of this hostility is coming from hoverers who are ashamed to out themselves. Out yourself, so we can discuss the merits (?) and perils of hovering, so we can work towards creating a better world, without toilets with **** and piss everywhere, for our children.