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Pro Wrestling AUCTION! discussion and signup thread Pro Wrestling AUCTION! discussion and signup thread

10-12-2011 , 08:30 PM
british bulldog at $51 completes my absolute coup of this draft. another guy that baffles me he didn't get a title run

how over was he?

also christopher daniels at $1 kthxbai
Pro Wrestling AUCTION! discussion and signup thread Quote
10-12-2011 , 09:26 PM

For the main event, I have the luxury of having Flair and having a bunch of guys that he actually faced in the main event at big shows, including two guys who were planned to take the title from him before their career came to an abrupt end (David Von Erich and Magnum TA) and one guy who briefly did have the title after beating him (Kerry Von Erich, who unlike the former two was not considered a long term champion despite his absurd peak popularity because of his excessive personality) back when the world title actually didn't change hands constantly because of myopic thinking. I also have Andre, giving me #2 and #3 of the 'greatest wrestlers of the PWI years' list which covered about 1972-2001. The list is unfair to Austin and the Rock because they were so recent but still that is a nice top two. They are also two guys that perhaps appeal to a different segment of the audience.

Flair will feud with Andre (who will start as a babyface and later turn) to start things off in a dream feud to try and get attention for the federation, then Superstar Billy Graham, then the Von Erichs and Magnum TA during the first 6 months of the year. Magnum will lose a marathon match with a dirty finish in which the stipulation, snuck into the fine print, is that it is his last chance at the title. Flair taunts him still in promos, until he starts causing problems in the organization until finally, because of overwhelming fan support and the issues his conduct is causing, he is given another chance. Andre prevents outside interference and Magnum TA wins, only for Andre to later say that he never got a fair chance to be world champion, and that he wants a title shot... Flair will be aided by his limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheeling dealing stable mates Tully Blanchard and Gino Hernandez in dirty tricks.

Few can sell hate like Tully Blanchard and he will be used as the #2 heel until Andre turns, using his all around talents to help get the faces over on their way to feuding with Flair. His legendary feud with Magnum TA can have another chapter, and he can have a bloody no dq match with Andre built up by Gino Hernandez and Tully giving Andre various troubles and pissing Andre off womanizing and showing off their wealth and good looks. Tully and Flair will feud with Flair briefly being a face as Tully is upset he never got to be the QB in the stables or #1 guy with Flair around, and how he was the top guy before Flair, and how he will show him who the man has been all these years. These are two 60 minute men so there will be some long matches here.

Superstar Billy Graham will work part of the year as heel and part of it as face, and will get a ton of promo time either way.

Old WCCW guys like to say that Alberto Del Rio is a watered down version of Gino Hernandez, and though Del Rio is the most similar current wrestler to him, Gino was more like a cross between Del Rio and Rick Rude. Gino will start feuds by taking faces girlfriends (and also trying and failing to do so), breaking their car windows, and interfering in their matches after coming down and getting hot girls phone numbers in the audience.

Bobby Heenan will announce with Sean Mooney and Terry Taylor (whom will be lured back into the ring by heels who make fun of him for turning down the Mr. Perfect gimmick and instead becoming the red rooster, and for winning all sorts of 'most underrated wrestler' awards he got while working various **** gimmicks). Bobby will try to get wrestlers to accept him as a manager and they will turn him down. During a key moment the Japanese stars I have will come out of the crowd and ruin an important match beating down both competitors. They will wreak havoc and it will be revealed that Heenan brought them in. Heenan will do heel promos for them (solving any issues with talking) and do his usual occasional match where the fans get to see what they want: Heenan getting beat up. America's boys the Von Erichs, later working with other faces, will feud with them and a ton of Von Erich merchandise associated with America and American symbols will be made, giving all the southern girls who already have a Von Erich poster (etc.) a reason to get still more. The feud will culminate in a 5v5 War Games ultimately, a match that I, along with Jim Ross, wonder why in the heck has not been used by WWE.

Rick Steiner will be using his varsity club gimmick that got him the best gimmick of the year in 1988 from WON and got him ranked in the top 10 in worldwide singles wrestlers by PWI. After awhile, in some comic relief, Bobby will convince him that Gran Hamada, wearing a mask, is actually his brother because he uses the Frankensteiner. When Steiner figures out Hamada is Japanese finally, Heenan will convince him that Rick is also Japanese because he is so over in Japan.

Tag Teams

Von Erichs
Japanese team
Dynamic Duo (Tully Blanchard and Gino Hernadez)
Killer Bees

All will also work singles matches, but I don't think I will require Kevin and Kerry to work both tag and singles matches on the same card (which they did in WCCW because they were so much more over than any of the other faces). See above for main feuds.

Random Entertainment

Andy Kaufman will have his own show (comedy basically but he didn't like to be called a comedian) with regular appearances by Heenan for half an hour during the secondary weekly program.

Last edited by moorobot; 10-12-2011 at 09:53 PM.
Pro Wrestling AUCTION! discussion and signup thread Quote
10-12-2011 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
british bulldog at $51 completes my absolute coup of this draft. another guy that baffles me he didn't get a title run

how over was he?

also christopher daniels at $1 kthxbai
A little unfair because that was in the UK and the crowd was rooting partly out of nationalism, and Davey Boy was nowhere close to that over in the U.S., but those are both utter steals regardless.

Last edited by moorobot; 10-12-2011 at 09:45 PM.
Pro Wrestling AUCTION! discussion and signup thread Quote
10-12-2011 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by moorobot
A little unfair because that was in the UK and the crowd was rooting partly out of nationalism, and Davey Boy was nowhere close to that over in the U.S., but those are both utter steals regardless.

Davey wasn't that over in the US, nor did he deserve to be. He was maybe slightly above average in the ring, awful on the mic, and could only be believable as a babyface. Putting the world title on him would have been stupid.

But certainly worth more than $51.
Pro Wrestling AUCTION! discussion and signup thread Quote
10-13-2011 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by MikeyPatriot
I love Dusty, but I think his physique would prevent him from becoming a huge national star. But maybe he could. Mick Foley got super over for a few years there.
If Mick Foley didn't wear a shirt, I don't think he'd have gotten close to as over as he did :cringe:
Pro Wrestling AUCTION! discussion and signup thread Quote
10-13-2011 , 11:57 AM
Week 1: Hersheypark Arena, Hershey, PA

Gorilla: “Welcome everyone to MCW! I’m your host, Gorilla Monsoon, along with the Queen of the Ring Missy Hyatt. We’ve got an action packed card in store for you tonight featuring the World Champion in action.”

Missy: “That’s right, Gorilla. All four titles are on the line tonight, featuring Bruno Sammartino against Alex Wright in the main event.”

Gorilla: “Let’s get right to the action. The first match of the evening is about to start.”

Match 1: Tito Santana vs. Yukon Moose Cholak

Gorilla: “It’s speed against strength in this one, Missy. You can’t let the big Moose get his hands on you if you want to survive.”

Missy: “Tito loves to fly around the ring. I hope he lives to tell the tale.”

Face vs. face in this matchup. The Moose arrives at ringside resplendent in his 20 pound stuffed moose head helmet. Santana flies down the aisle and starts in on Moose with a dropkick from behind. Cholak tries to get Santana down to the mat repeatedly to take advantage of his size, but Santana proves too quick for the big man from Yellowknife. Tito catches Cholak with a top rope dropkick, and follows it up with a flying forearm as Moose struggles to his feet resulting in a pin.

Winner: Tito Santana via pinfall

Missy: “I just love watching Santana bounce around the ring. He’s stronger than he looks.”

Gorilla: “The Moose couldn’t get his hands on him, and Santana made him pay dearly. Put one in the books for Tito Santana.”

Match 2: The Fabulous Moolah (c) vs. Anne Howe – Women’s Championship

Missy: “Where does Moolah come up with these opponents? I’ve never heard of this girl”

Gorilla: “Me either, Missy. I think Moolah has outdone herself this time.”

Anne Howe enters the ring looking like a deer in headlights. She’s small, and appears like she’s never seen the inside of a gym before let alone a wrestling ring. Moolah quickly pounces on her, and uses her for target practice. Howe gets the snot beat out of her for about five minutes before Moolah delivers a backbreaker and finishes her off for the pin.

Winner: The Fabulous Moolah (Retains Women’s Championship)

Gorilla: “Score another one for the champ. She holds on to the belt with ease. Wait, what’s going on here?”

Missy: “It’s Cheerleader Melissa, and she looks upset!”

Cheerleader Melissa has walked to ringside as Moolah poses with the belt.

Melissa: “What a joke of a champion. You haven’t fought anyone worth fighting in years. I’m the number one contender for the title, and you keep ducking me and all the other girls in the locker room. I’m calling you out in front of the entire world. I’ve earned my shot at the title, and I want you in the ring next week with the belt on the line.”

Moolah: “Listen here, sweetheart. I’m the champion, and I fight who I want when I want. Anne Howe was one of the toughest wrestlers in the world…”

Melissa (cutting her off): “Anne Who?? That girl couldn’t wrestle her way out of a paper bag. This isn’t over. You can’t hide forever. I’ll get that belt off of you if it’s the last thing I do.” (Slams the microphone down and storms backstage)

Gorilla: “Whoa! Missy, we’ve got trouble brewing on the ladies side. We’ll see just how Moolah responds to the threats from the Cheerleader.”

Missy: “Enough of that, Gorilla, my favorite wrestler is about to come to the ring!”

Match 3: “Hot Stuff” Eddie Gilbert (c) vs. Jim Londos – World Television Championship

Gorilla: “Here comes Londos to the ring. A magnificent specimen of a man. Gilbert has his hands full tonight. In many ways, this belt is the toughest to hold on to because you have to put it on the line every night.”

Missy: “Londos? Magnificent? You’re blind, Gorilla. Here comes the perfect man. Eddie Gilbert is a stud!”

Eddie Gilbert comes down the aisle to the strains of Donna Summer’s “Hot Stuff” mostly to boos, but with a sizable amount of cheers thrown in. He struts cockily into the ring, and squares off with the Golden Greek. Londos attempts to use his size, and gets Gilbert into a headlock. Eddie counters with a thumb to the eyes of Londos.

Gorilla: “Blatant cheating by the champion there.”

Missy: “He learned it by watching you do it all those years.”

Gorilla: “I resemble that remark.”

Eddie works over Londos and attempts to hit him with his patented Hot Shot. Londos sees it coming and gets out of the way and begins to take control. He starts working over Gilbert, taking control of the match. Gilbert is soon out on his feet, and he signals to the crowd that the Full Nelson is coming.

Gorilla: “Londos setting him up for the Full Nelson. This could be it for Gilbert. Wait, what’s this?”

Missy Hyatt has left her position at ringside and slithered into the ring behind Londos. She whacks him in the back of the head with her purse, knocking him to his knees. As the referee rings the bell to end the match, Gilbert begins mercilessly stomping the fallen challenger until the referee can stop him.

Winner: Jim Londos via DQ (Gilbert retains TV title)

Gorilla: “What a blatant disregard for the rules there. Londos had him until Hyatt stepped in. You’re going to get quite a fine for those actions, Missy.”

Missy: “I didn’t do anything wrong. He was sneaking up on my baby, and I had to step in.”

Gorilla: “What do you have in that purse anyway, a brick?”

Missy: “None of your business. Can’t a girl have any privacy?”

Gorilla: “We haven’t heard the last of this, that’s for sure. The MCW Championship Committee is sure to be heard from on this!”

Match 4: The Mulkey Brothers vs. Mr. Fuji & The Great Kabuki (c) – World Tag Team Championship

Gorilla: “This is the danger of being a young wrestler. You sign an open contract to get experience, and you get matched against the champions.”

Missy: “I don’t think this is going to last long.”

Missy’s words prove prophetic. Randy Mulkey starts against Mr. Fuji, and doesn’t fare well at all. He gets thrown around the ring like a rag doll as Fuji and Kabuki take turns beating him up. When he’s all but beaten mercilessly, Fuji whips him into his own corner on purpose so he can tag in Bill. Bill Mulkey reluctantly tags in and starts receiving the same treatment his brother got. Fuji distracts the referee as Kabuki spits his green mist into the eyes of Mulkey. Bill drops to his knees and Fuji delivers the deadly Asian Spike. The three-count quickly follows.

Winners: Mr. Fuji & The Great Kabuki via pinfall (Retain Tag Team Championship)

Gorilla: “No trouble there for the champions. The Devious One, Mr. Fuji and Kabuki retain the belts. Missy Hyatt is in the ring to talk to the winners.”

Missy: “You made it look easy, Mr. Fuji. Tell us about the win.”

Mr. Fuji. “No team can beat Mr. Fuji and the Great Kabuki. We fear nobody. There is nobody in the MCW that can equal our ability. We’re too intelligent and too strong to be beaten.”

Missy: “Well, I heard the Road Warriors are coming to MCW. They’re pretty tough. I know they scare me.”

Fuji: “Stick with us, Missy. Kabuki-san and I will protect you. As for the Road Warriors, we’ve got plenty of tricks up our sleeve. We defend the title against all challengers, and we always manage to end up on top.”

Missy: “There you have it, Gorilla. Now it’s time for the main event.”

Main Event: Bruno Sammartino (c) vs. Alex Wright – World Heavyweight Championship

Gorilla: “Here comes the challenger. The crowd hates this guy.”

Wright struts to the ring, glammed out in the latest Euro-trash designer wear. He sneers at the crowd, grabbing a couple of Bruno signs from fans and tearing them up.

Missy: “And here comes the World Champion!”

Bruno enters the ring to an eruption of applause. The fans obviously love him, as he gets the biggest pop of the night.

Gorilla: “The capacity crowd here in Hershey loves the champion. Let’s get to the action in the ring.”

Wright starts off aggressively, but he is clueless in how to penetrate the champion’s defenses. Every move he tries is quickly countered by Sammartino. Bruno’s strength wears down Wright, and he locks him in a bear hug in the middle of the ring.

Gorilla: “Wright is in trouble. He can’t get his arms free. That’s it. He gives up. Sammartino wins via submission. Listen to this crowd!”

Winner: Bruno Sammartino via submission (Retains World Heavyweight Title)

The crowd is chanting “Bruno! Bruno!” as Sammartino acknowledges the fans. He gives Wright a pat on the back as he exits the arena. Passing him as he leaves the ring is Baron von Raschke, microphone in hand.

Baron von Raschke (to Wright): “STAND UP! You are a disgrace to the German people. How can you be so weak? A German never surrenders. I will teach you respect.”

von Raschke gives Wright an open handed slap to the face, bringing him to his knees. He then slams the microphone to the ground, and leaves the ring area.

Gorilla: “Whoa! The Baron isn’t happy with young Alex Wright. Not sure what that was about.”

Missy: “Nobody likes a quitter, but von Raschke seemed to take that personally.”

Gorilla: “That’s it for tonight. Join us next week for another action packed edition of MCW wrestling!”

Credits roll including the following schedule:

Friday: Nassau Coliseum – Long Island, NY
Saturday: Madison Square Garden – NYC, NY
Sunday: Hartford Civic Center – Hartford, CT
Monday: Boston Garden – Boston, MA
Tuesday: Allen Co. War Memorial – Ft. Wayne, IN
Wednesday: Pepsi Coliseum – Indianapolis, IN
Thursday: MCW Wrestling on TV: The Mecca – Milwaukee, WI
Pro Wrestling AUCTION! discussion and signup thread Quote
10-13-2011 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by mattsey9
Week 1: Hersheypark Arena, Hershey, PA

Gorilla: “Welcome everyone to MCW! I’m your host, Gorilla Monsoon, along with the Queen of the Ring Missy Hyatt. We’ve got an action packed card in store for you tonight featuring the World Champion in action.”

Missy: “That’s right, Gorilla. All four titles are on the line tonight, featuring Bruno Sammartino against Alex Wright in the main event.”

Gorilla: “Let’s get right to the action. The first match of the evening is about to start.”

Match 1: Tito Santana vs. Yukon Moose Cholak

Gorilla: “It’s speed against strength in this one, Missy. You can’t let the big Moose get his hands on you if you want to survive.”

Missy: “Tito loves to fly around the ring. I hope he lives to tell the tale.”

Face vs. face in this matchup. The Moose arrives at ringside resplendent in his 20 pound stuffed moose head helmet. Santana flies down the aisle and starts in on Moose with a dropkick from behind. Cholak tries to get Santana down to the mat repeatedly to take advantage of his size, but Santana proves too quick for the big man from Yellowknife. Tito catches Cholak with a top rope dropkick, and follows it up with a flying forearm as Moose struggles to his feet resulting in a pin.

Winner: Tito Santana via pinfall

Missy: “I just love watching Santana bounce around the ring. He’s stronger than he looks.”

Gorilla: “The Moose couldn’t get his hands on him, and Santana made him pay dearly. Put one in the books for Tito Santana.”

Match 2: The Fabulous Moolah (c) vs. Anne Howe – Women’s Championship

Missy: “Where does Moolah come up with these opponents? I’ve never heard of this girl”

Gorilla: “Me either, Missy. I think Moolah has outdone herself this time.”

Anne Howe enters the ring looking like a deer in headlights. She’s small, and appears like she’s never seen the inside of a gym before let alone a wrestling ring. Moolah quickly pounces on her, and uses her for target practice. Howe gets the snot beat out of her for about five minutes before Moolah delivers a backbreaker and finishes her off for the pin.

Winner: The Fabulous Moolah (Retains Women’s Championship)

Gorilla: “Score another one for the champ. She holds on to the belt with ease. Wait, what’s going on here?”

Missy: “It’s Cheerleader Melissa, and she looks upset!”

Cheerleader Melissa has walked to ringside as Moolah poses with the belt.

Melissa: “What a joke of a champion. You haven’t fought anyone worth fighting in years. I’m the number one contender for the title, and you keep ducking me and all the other girls in the locker room. I’m calling you out in front of the entire world. I’ve earned my shot at the title, and I want you in the ring next week with the belt on the line.”

Moolah: “Listen here, sweetheart. I’m the champion, and I fight who I want when I want. Anne Howe was one of the toughest wrestlers in the world…”

Melissa (cutting her off): “Anne Who?? That girl couldn’t wrestle her way out of a paper bag. This isn’t over. You can’t hide forever. I’ll get that belt off of you if it’s the last thing I do.” (Slams the microphone down and storms backstage)

Gorilla: “Whoa! Missy, we’ve got trouble brewing on the ladies side. We’ll see just how Moolah responds to the threats from the Cheerleader.”

Missy: “Enough of that, Gorilla, my favorite wrestler is about to come to the ring!”

Match 3: “Hot Stuff” Eddie Gilbert (c) vs. Jim Londos – World Television Championship

Gorilla: “Here comes Londos to the ring. A magnificent specimen of a man. Gilbert has his hands full tonight. In many ways, this belt is the toughest to hold on to because you have to put it on the line every night.”

Missy: “Londos? Magnificent? You’re blind, Gorilla. Here comes the perfect man. Eddie Gilbert is a stud!”

Eddie Gilbert comes down the aisle to the strains of Donna Summer’s “Hot Stuff” mostly to boos, but with a sizable amount of cheers thrown in. He struts cockily into the ring, and squares off with the Golden Greek. Londos attempts to use his size, and gets Gilbert into a headlock. Eddie counters with a thumb to the eyes of Londos.

Gorilla: “Blatant cheating by the champion there.”

Missy: “He learned it by watching you do it all those years.”

Gorilla: “I resemble that remark.”

Eddie works over Londos and attempts to hit him with his patented Hot Shot. Londos sees it coming and gets out of the way and begins to take control. He starts working over Gilbert, taking control of the match. Gilbert is soon out on his feet, and he signals to the crowd that the Full Nelson is coming.

Gorilla: “Londos setting him up for the Full Nelson. This could be it for Gilbert. Wait, what’s this?”

Missy Hyatt has left her position at ringside and slithered into the ring behind Londos. She whacks him in the back of the head with her purse, knocking him to his knees. As the referee rings the bell to end the match, Gilbert begins mercilessly stomping the fallen challenger until the referee can stop him.

Winner: Jim Londos via DQ (Gilbert retains TV title)

Gorilla: “What a blatant disregard for the rules there. Londos had him until Hyatt stepped in. You’re going to get quite a fine for those actions, Missy.”

Missy: “I didn’t do anything wrong. He was sneaking up on my baby, and I had to step in.”

Gorilla: “What do you have in that purse anyway, a brick?”

Missy: “None of your business. Can’t a girl have any privacy?”

Gorilla: “We haven’t heard the last of this, that’s for sure. The MCW Championship Committee is sure to be heard from on this!”

Match 4: The Mulkey Brothers vs. Mr. Fuji & The Great Kabuki (c) – World Tag Team Championship

Gorilla: “This is the danger of being a young wrestler. You sign an open contract to get experience, and you get matched against the champions.”

Missy: “I don’t think this is going to last long.”

Missy’s words prove prophetic. Randy Mulkey starts against Mr. Fuji, and doesn’t fare well at all. He gets thrown around the ring like a rag doll as Fuji and Kabuki take turns beating him up. When he’s all but beaten mercilessly, Fuji whips him into his own corner on purpose so he can tag in Bill. Bill Mulkey reluctantly tags in and starts receiving the same treatment his brother got. Fuji distracts the referee as Kabuki spits his green mist into the eyes of Mulkey. Bill drops to his knees and Fuji delivers the deadly Asian Spike. The three-count quickly follows.

Winners: Mr. Fuji & The Great Kabuki via pinfall (Retain Tag Team Championship)

Gorilla: “No trouble there for the champions. The Devious One, Mr. Fuji and Kabuki retain the belts. Missy Hyatt is in the ring to talk to the winners.”

Missy: “You made it look easy, Mr. Fuji. Tell us about the win.”

Mr. Fuji. “No team can beat Mr. Fuji and the Great Kabuki. We fear nobody. There is nobody in the MCW that can equal our ability. We’re too intelligent and too strong to be beaten.”

Missy: “Well, I heard the Road Warriors are coming to MCW. They’re pretty tough. I know they scare me.”

Fuji: “Stick with us, Missy. Kabuki-san and I will protect you. As for the Road Warriors, we’ve got plenty of tricks up our sleeve. We defend the title against all challengers, and we always manage to end up on top.”

Missy: “There you have it, Gorilla. Now it’s time for the main event.”

Main Event: Bruno Sammartino (c) vs. Alex Wright – World Heavyweight Championship

Gorilla: “Here comes the challenger. The crowd hates this guy.”

Wright struts to the ring, glammed out in the latest Euro-trash designer wear. He sneers at the crowd, grabbing a couple of Bruno signs from fans and tearing them up.

Missy: “And here comes the World Champion!”

Bruno enters the ring to an eruption of applause. The fans obviously love him, as he gets the biggest pop of the night.

Gorilla: “The capacity crowd here in Hershey loves the champion. Let’s get to the action in the ring.”

Wright starts off aggressively, but he is clueless in how to penetrate the champion’s defenses. Every move he tries is quickly countered by Sammartino. Bruno’s strength wears down Wright, and he locks him in a bear hug in the middle of the ring.

Gorilla: “Wright is in trouble. He can’t get his arms free. That’s it. He gives up. Sammartino wins via submission. Listen to this crowd!”

Winner: Bruno Sammartino via submission (Retains World Heavyweight Title)

The crowd is chanting “Bruno! Bruno!” as Sammartino acknowledges the fans. He gives Wright a pat on the back as he exits the arena. Passing him as he leaves the ring is Baron von Raschke, microphone in hand.

Baron von Raschke (to Wright): “STAND UP! You are a disgrace to the German people. How can you be so weak? A German never surrenders. I will teach you respect.”

von Raschke gives Wright an open handed slap to the face, bringing him to his knees. He then slams the microphone to the ground, and leaves the ring area.

Gorilla: “Whoa! The Baron isn’t happy with young Alex Wright. Not sure what that was about.”

Missy: “Nobody likes a quitter, but von Raschke seemed to take that personally.”

Gorilla: “That’s it for tonight. Join us next week for another action packed edition of MCW wrestling!”

Credits roll including the following schedule:

Friday: Nassau Coliseum – Long Island, NY
Saturday: Madison Square Garden – NYC, NY
Sunday: Hartford Civic Center – Hartford, CT
Monday: Boston Garden – Boston, MA
Tuesday: Allen Co. War Memorial – Ft. Wayne, IN
Wednesday: Pepsi Coliseum – Indianapolis, IN
Thursday: MCW Wrestling on TV: The Mecca – Milwaukee, WI
7 days in a row? Good luck not killing your roster
Pro Wrestling AUCTION! discussion and signup thread Quote
10-14-2011 , 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
7 days in a row? Good luck not killing your roster
Meh. Booze and painkillers should dull the pain. 300 nights a year seems about right for an old school wrestling fed.
Pro Wrestling AUCTION! discussion and signup thread Quote
10-14-2011 , 09:12 AM
After reading about Tomko's arrest im definitely doing some kind of gimmick over it on my show. TNA had these awesome on a pole matches where with two poles you can have two wrestlers fighting for different things - on a pole! I think on one side ill have a bottle of Oxycodin, and on the other side mandatory rehab. I just need to find the right person to fight Tomko to make him go to rehab, which i might even swerve by having him turn heel mid way through and help Tomko get the Oxy and shoot up in the middle of the ring by providing him with a deeper spoon.

According to a report on TMZ, police say Tomko robbed a CVS Pharmacy last night and allegedly threatened to attack the pharmacist unless he was provided with several bottles of Oxycodone. Tomko left the store with 210 pills of the painkiller and fled to a local Chili's restaurant.

At the restaurant, Tomko asked a waitress for a spoon, and then asked for a deeper spoon when presented with a teaspoon. He then went to the bathroom for 30 - 40 minutes, and police were contacted.
Pro Wrestling AUCTION! discussion and signup thread Quote
10-14-2011 , 10:01 AM
Well, no one has objected so I'm going to go ahead and make the changes that I listed earlier which I would have made if it weren't for the software problem. The only change from my post earlier is I'm gonna take the One Man Gang instead of Abdullah the Butcher since RickRolled picked up Abdullah. If any of the others get taken then tough **** as I have already started my writeups Here are the changes to my roster as it is shown on the site:

Chris Adams
Butcher Vachon
Madison Rayne
Madusa/Alundra Blayze

Killer Kowalski
One Man Gang
Mildred Burke
Sensational Sherri Martel

I plan on writing some cards so I'm not going to go too far into how I plan on using my talent right now. However here is a brief run-down of my roster:

Main Event:

The Rock (Face)
Freddie Blassie (Heel)
Gorgeous George (Heel)
Jack Brisco (Face)
Killer Kowalski (Heel)
Tommy Rich (Face)

The Rock will be the face of my company with Freddie Blassie as the top heel. These are two of the best mic workers in the history of the industry and therefore a feud between the two should prove to be highly entertaining even if the matches themselves won't be technical masterpieces. Gorgeous George will also be in a long running feud with The Rock but will mainly be facing Brisco and Rich aswell as some of my midcarders. Killer Kowalski rounds out my main event scene and will fill in where he is needed.


Rikidozan (Face)
One Man Gang (Heel)
Antonio Rocca (Face)
The Sheik (Heel)
Mad Dog Vachon (Heel)
Billy Robinson (Face)
Ray Stevens (Heel)
Don Muraco (Heel)
El Santo (Face)
Blue Demon (Face)
Mil Mascaras (Heel)
Great Sasuke (Face)

A lot of these can work equally as well as either faces or heels but this is how I plan on starting things out. Most of the heels in both my main event and midcard will be managed by either Lou Albano or Sensational Sherri. I have a wide range of workers here with a monster heel, a couple of psychotic heels, a couple of cocky heels and a plethora of lovable babyfaces, two of whom (El Santo and Rikidozan) are the biggest stars in wrestling history in their respective countries.

Womens Divison:

Trish Stratus
Mildred Burke
Manami Toyota
Sensational Sherri
Velvet Sky

I think I have a very strong women's division. Trish Stratus is arguably the most over female wrestler in modern times and can also play a very good bitchy heel, and to compliment her I have two of the best female workers of all time in Mildred Burke and Manami Toyota. Sherri will mostly be used for managerial duties but is also a good female worker and will be used as a wrestler when required. Velvet Sky and Maryse will be mostly used as valets and enhancement talent.


Lou Albano
Sensational Sherri

Both of my managers are great as generating heat and will enhance any feuds they are a part of.

I'm going to plan a years worth of storylines for my roster so I'll probably post a few cards and then a writeup on how I plan to book the rest of the year. Will prob start posting early next week.
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10-14-2011 , 11:04 AM
By the way since some people may be unfamiliar with a few of my names, I plan on doing a brief write up on each of them and what they will bring to my promotion. I just wanted to get my roster set in stone as I have started writing storylines.

Enjoying the write ups so far.
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10-15-2011 , 01:33 PM
first writeup coming monday, gonna do one raw on monday and one smackdown on thursday for a year or as long as i can tolerate and a PPV every 4th sunday. was gonna do this with the otehr draft but that died immed so that became pointless. just bumping this so i have my roster here instead of logging in at the auction site

cm punk
stone cold
samoa joe
jeff hardy
kevin nash
big show
british bulldog
booker t
christopher daniels
new jack
ricardo rodriguez
super crazy
billy kidman
shannon moore
crash holly
ella waldek
stephanie mcmahon
torrie wilson
stacy keibler
mike tenay
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10-15-2011 , 06:54 PM
I will also write cards for the full year if one other person does, I just can't be bothered to do it if no one else is - I will give a write-up of how my year will be booked either way though. I'm only going to do one weekly and either 4 or 6 ppvs, plus a Saturday Night's Main Event every non-ppv month.
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10-15-2011 , 06:58 PM
I had fun with the card-writing for the other one but I don't anticipate doing any cards for this one. Maybe I'll put together a post where I at least outline some kind of long-term booking plan.
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10-28-2011 , 06:42 AM
It was a lot of fun coming up with this.

Show 1: UCW

Intro of the show starts with wrestling ropes being drawn on a map, starting in Georgia, and ensuring they be drawn through Dallas in Texas, Minneapolis, Minnesota, and finally through the Northeast U.S. before connecting, and then it fades to a globe with the huge ring still visible from space “Universal Championship Wrestling”.

Announcer: “Live from Atlanta, GA, this is Terry Taylor with Sean Mooney and of course, the irreplaceable Booby “the Brain” Heenan. Two and a half hours of action for you tonight, including…”


“Take a look at what is cooking in Atlanta, GA. Look at the world wide exposure we are getting in this promotion. Every web site, every columnist, everywhere I look, it says that this will be the #1 wrestling promotion in the world. And what’s causing all this? It’s all because this is the best professional wrestling has to offer. And the first name on the marquee is Ric Flair. Whether you like it or not, you’re looking at the greatest wrestler, the best looking man, the best dressed man, long limousines, jet airplanes, custom made clothes, and any women in the world I want…just like that” *snaps fingers*.

What do you think they are talking about in London? What do you think they are talking about in Minneapolis? What do you think they are talking about in Chicago, New York and Atlanta GA? They’re saying, “oh my god, Flair’s in UCW!” Andre the Giant? Why don’t you go back to the circus where you belong? Billy Graham…why don’t you get out of that tye dye and get a suit like a real man?

Bobby gets up to great him and Flair goes over. All hugs and smiles from both sides.

Bobby: “this man is the greatest of all time…together we will rule wrestling”.

Flair "Bobby, you are a great friend. A great genius. The greatest manager of all time! But…I don’t need a manger. I can do everything myself. There are tons of guys that need you to think for them, to talk for them, to make money for them, but I wooooooo! Am not one of them.”

Bobby “Hey Terry, why don’t you rehire me as manager?” “Well Bobby let’s see…around the time you were my manager I turned down being Mr. Perfect only to get the role of a barnyard animal in that freak show that once pretended to be wrestling. Let‘s just get to the action!”.

And here’s his opponent’s entrance, with a free look at King Kong Bundy with hair:

And in better quality girls trying to kiss the Von Erich boys and Kevin talking about entering matches with that kind of crowd behavior for a few seconds:

Match summary: Kevin shows off the speed/agility/power mix to start, EY turns the tide and nails a ton of moves on him, the chants of “Go Kevin Go! Go Kevin Go!” intensify and are deafening. EY nails the showstopper but Kevin kicks out, and then EY goes for the DVD but Kevin’s massive legs are too strong and he escapes and counters. Match ends with EY reversing a throw into the turnbuckle, but with Kevin jumping on top of the turnbuckle on the run and hitting the reverse cross body from the top for the pin.

Post-match interview in the ring where they talk briefly about his leaping ability and the advantage of strong legs, ending with: “It’s great to be here, and where I go, my brothers won’t be far behind” which induces massive screeching from the audience.

Back to the ring: Announcer: “From Marietta, GA, 227 lbs, Gene Riclocal”. And his opponent:

The crowd is already booing and jeering loudly, with scattered cat in heat screetches from girls. Ring announcer: “240 lbs, from Highland Park, Texas, Gorgeous Gino Hernandez“.

Terry “Like him or not, and I prefer to not, he’s under 30 years old and he’s been a heavyweight champion 9 times, and a tag champion even more than that.”

Girl tries to kiss Gino coming in to ring for the match as was common in World Class, usually for faces but sometimes for Gino, and Gino shoves her away.

Gino takes a mic “I don’t kiss ugly humanoid women, so go crazy but don‘t touch-keep your hands off. I know I’m more handsome then Christian Bale and more gorgeous than , but please try to resist.”

Heenan: “he stole humanoid from me” Mooney “knowing you you stole it from him”.

Gino to Terry Taylor who is announcing: “All I see in all the magazines is “Terry Taylor, most underrated wrestler. Yes, so underrated that he now has to sit and watch instead of getting in the ring. The girls must underrate you too, because the girls go for me whenever I‘m around, no matter what I say to them…no matter what I do.”

“This upcoming match is a Volkswagen against a Rolls Royce. Don‘t blink because this won‘t take long at all”. Tosses the mic aside.

Taylor “Not sure why I just was called out by Gorgeous Gino Hernandez, but if he wants a match I’ll sign just like that and teach him the definition of technique.”

Match is very short with Gino overpowering him, hitting him with a splash in the corner (‘stinger splash’), vertical suplex, super kick, then the no look backwards elbow from the top rope for the easy and arrogant pin with Gino just resting his arm on the jobber’s chest and blowing a kiss to the audience.

Ken Anderson’s music hits. He does a edgy face/aholes promo. Superstar Billy Graham’s music hits and Graham does some mic work and tells Anderson to get lost so Graham can have a match; they have a back and forth (“you can’t deal with the man of steal” Superstar) that turns into a fight that is separated by officials and security.

“I imagine these two will have quite a bit to say to each other in the coming weeks”.

Rick Steiner vs. Brian Blair

in a long match with Blair taking a lot of big moves from Steiner and hitting him with some high flying before finally succumbing to a DDT off the turnbuckle.

Tully Blanchard backstage talking to Larry Z. “I have the most generous idea ever. Perfect 10 for the week. Each week I pick a gorgeous woman from the audience, and she gets to go backstage with me, and ride to the airport with me in a limo. The only thing better than a perfect 10, is several perfect 10s.” Larry replies “you know, if you spent less time thinking about broads and focused only on hurting your opponent with tactics, you might someday be as good as the living legend” before walking away.

Bobby Heenan shows up in a severely hurried fluster. “Tully, Tully, Tully…let me be your manager again. We made it to the top. We-” Tully: “Not right now Bobby. I’ve got a better idea.”

Ring announcer: In the ring, from Tallahassee, Florida, 346 lbs, John Big Man.

With the pyro as the music explodes:

And his opponent….

Terry Taylor surprisingly loses his cool and marks out for a bit: “Magnum TA! And Atlanta, GA has just erupted! I can‘t believe it!” Mooney “No matter how we decide who will be the universal champion, Magnum TA has to instantly be considered one of the favorites”. (FYI: not really his theme just my idea of a theme for him.)

The match shows off Magnum’s power with slams on the big jobber, as well as a dropkick, and finally the monster belly to belly for the finish.

Interview after: Q: Magnum: Why did you join UCW? A: I wish I could just say that I only came here because I wanted the #1 title in all of wrestling. But the fact is, I also have a lot of unfinished business with Ric Flair and Tully Blanchard. I was in Charlotte on October 14th, in my car in the rain, when I heard on the radio they were coming here, probably in order to escape what I was about to do them! So I turned right around, and drove here immediately instead. Those cowards can run, but they can't hide.

Next week fans, live in Dallas, Texas, same time, same channel, will the rest of the Von Erich brothers arrive? Will Andre the Giant be in town?

Last edited by moorobot; 10-28-2011 at 07:04 AM.
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