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Post a song from your youth you loved but wouldn't get caught dead listening to Post a song from your youth you loved but wouldn't get caught dead listening to

08-26-2010 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by trevorj
also the scooby doo song is great for your
also the scooby doo song is great
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08-26-2010 , 06:07 PM
NKOTB - pretty much pick any, but Cover Girl comes to mind since I think I heard it everyday on my way to school in the morning for a year it seemed.
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08-26-2010 , 06:07 PM
Eminem - Real Slim Shady

I was actually digging through some old stuff and found a mix CD that I had made in high school and rocked out to. The whole CD was pretty embarassing.
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08-26-2010 , 06:08 PM
the calling song wherever you will go is hot
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08-26-2010 , 06:08 PM
Linkin Park - In The End

Those lyrics were deep, man.
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08-26-2010 , 06:09 PM
she likes me for me...

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08-26-2010 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by Fear Itself
Good one. They played this song constantly when I was I young kid swimming in a private pool by my building.
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08-26-2010 , 06:18 PM
All the songs on REO's Hi Infidelity album.
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08-26-2010 , 07:20 PM
I saw your mommy - Suicidal Tendencies

But I would be caught listening to it. I just wanted to let you know I like cool music

Actually this one is better

Last edited by Rnr_Rnr_Hobgoblin; 08-26-2010 at 07:25 PM.
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08-26-2010 , 07:28 PM
Huey Lewis & the News -- Do You Believe In Love

and, for the oldtimers, The Carpenters -- Superstar
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08-26-2010 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by niss
Huey Lewis & the News -- Do You Believe In Love

and, for the oldtimers, The Carpenters -- Superstar
So you're real old or real old time lovererererer?

I remember my dad talking about how he liked that singer. At least I think I'm talking about her didn't she die from anorexia type thingie?
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08-26-2010 , 07:44 PM

Tiffany- I Think We're Alone Now

Gonna be hard to beat this embarrassment.
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08-26-2010 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Rnr_Rnr_Hobgoblin
So you're real old or real old time lovererererer?

I remember my dad talking about how he liked that singer. At least I think I'm talking about her didn't she die from anorexia type thingie?
I was pretty young with the Carpenters song but old enough to play it on the radio. Karen Carpenter was the singer, died of a heart attack brought on by years of anorexia.
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08-26-2010 , 08:34 PM
Aqua - Doctor Jones
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08-26-2010 , 08:34 PM
08-26-2010 , 08:51 PM
Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnny Ray
South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio

Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, Television
North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe

Rosenbergs, H Bomb, Sugar Ray, Panmunjom
Brando, The King And I, and The Catcher In The Rye

Eisenhower, Vaccine, England's got a new queen
Marciano, Liberace, Santayana goodbye
Bear in mind as a British kid i didnt know the majority of what was in the song but i absolutely loved We Didnt Start the Fire and collared the tape from my parents and listened to it over and over. In fact there are still a bunch of references i dont understand 21 years later. It is still catchy but since 90+% of the song has no meaning to me whatsoever it'd be pretty dumb to be listening to it now as an adult.

Also the first song i ever bought was Boombastic by Shaggy when i was 11 and i really liked that too and couldnt bring myself to play it even ironically now
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08-26-2010 , 09:01 PM
there is no chance anyone can beat these two:

and the greatest music video of all time:
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08-26-2010 , 09:03 PM
There's really no excuse for ever having liked We Didn't Start the Fire, no matter how young.
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08-26-2010 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
Angel- Shaggy
Originally Posted by Matty_PEE
Aqua - Doctor Jones
nothing to be embarrassed about. both awesome songs.

coldplay - anything
backstreet boys - just want you to know
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08-26-2010 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by HotPockets
there is no chance anyone can beat these two:

and the greatest music video of all time:
We can prob /thread on Vengaboys, lol.
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08-27-2010 , 12:43 AM
man. I do not get the hate on bill joel.
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08-27-2010 , 01:13 AM
limp bizkits

chocolate star fish knocks though
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08-27-2010 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by lagdonk
Forgot its name, but this song. And what's neat is that the live performance of it I linked to -- if you studiously watch it in its entirety -- really captures something deep, human, and embarrassing. Good luck.
Braid does a great cover of this tune. That's the only way I ever liked that song.

I don't give a fork what anyone says, Gettin' Jiggy With It will never get old to me. Yeah, I said it.

This tune, however - I can't believe I friggin dreamed about performing it one day. I had little dances for it and everything.
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08-27-2010 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by guids
man. I do not get the hate on bill joel.
Not an album listening generation - at least not the generations that came after me, it seems.

His 80s stuff was cheesy though, and so was Elton John's - there's no denying that. Stevie Wonder too - boy what an era of cheese the 80s was.
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08-27-2010 , 01:42 AM
<---Biggest Billy Joel mark in the 2+2

"She said she'd meet me in the bar
At the Plaza Hotel
Wear a jacket and a tie-ee-eye

'What's the occasion?'
She just smiled
And she wouldn't say whyyyyyy


So here I am, standing
Waiting in the lobby
Sweatin' bullets in this stupid old suit

And when she sees me
She busts out laughing
"You're a sad sight, honey,
But you look so cute," and....

...I don't want to be alone any more
I was checking you out
I was just making sure

No I don't want to be alone any more
And I want you tonight
Although you'll hurt me for sure

It didn't matter that I felt like a fool
I forgot when she walked through the door

I said I'm sorry, but she said it was cool,
And I don't want to be alone any more
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