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$100 - you are ******ed and knew what you should expect to pay going in
310 72.60%
+EV, -zero-, .CJ., 155181, 3rdCheckRaise, 4ObliVioN4, 4_2_it, ac31, acethiest, ackbleh, administrator, aggie, AlexM, Alyosha, Al_Money, Antidote, AntonHeat, Anzat, B00T, Baited, BaldElephant, BANKS32, Barry_G, batair, BDarch, Beerfund, BennettBrauer, BestCherryGoose, BingoBango, blinden84, BlowinMoneyFast, bobman0330, bonds25, Borodog, bradyboyer, brickinface, Brocktoon, buck0383, Budzilla71, buttonpusher, bwana devil, captZEEbo, Card08, CheckCheckFold, Cherry MrMisty, chomberz, chuckleslovakian, complex_, Costals, craigthedeac, CrashPat, Crunchii, Cry Me A River, CubKiller, daca, dalston, dasein, deadmoney98, Debaser, DeezNuts, DEEZZZ_NUTS, Delzek15, DeMaci, Destination, diddy!, didonk, diezel, DirtyClue, DirtyDiggs, djoyce003, dkgojackets, dknightx, DLizzle, DMACM, donkee, DonkeyKongSr, DoubleDown, DrowningOut, DrunkIrish05, Dudd, DunlopFuzzy, dw2006, eastern motors, EgoSlasher, EJXD2, electronic eel, eleventy, EMc, Equal, exist, faman, fartman77, Fels krone, flatline, flopton, Forbin, frinxor, George Lind III, Georgia Avenue, GoldenBears, goofball, Gorilla Boy, grando, GREEAR10, gregGGhehe, gregorio, Grue, guller, guss, h2005, Halfpoint, harborlaw387, hello newman, Henry17, Hoopster81, HossDaBoss, Hume, I Am Lazy, I Hate the Spurs, iceman23, iggymcfly, ike, iMsoLucky0, In the Zone, Ipsylon, IronFly, ItsRainingMen, J.D., Jaconda78, JammyDodga, JaredL, jaymajik, JayTeeMe, jek187, jfresh, Jihad, JinX11, john voight, JohnEPark, JohnFR, Joseph Hewes, jpb5013, jsplit, juschuma, J_T_P, Kermit, kevin017, killa, Killua, kioshk, kitnaTHEgreat, kkcountry, klb, Kloonike, kmak, Krayzcootr, lank4ever, Larry Legend, Lazy Meatball, legendary loser, LFS, lgas, lippy, livesinabarn, LooseCaller, lucky_scrote, mak15, makaveli001, ManChild, maryfield48, MATEUSZEK, Matt R., Messiahkid, Mig, mikekelley13, MikeyHands, mikeymer, MINETZ, MissT74, modnareno, MrMoo, Mustafa, mvoss, NajdorfDefense, nation, NeedsMoreNuts, NoahSD, Nutcracker19, NutCrackerr, O Fenômeno, onoble, paperboyNC, PatInTheHat, Perplexity, phatgtdmb, PhatPots, PhilBeans, Phildo, phillydilly, PhoenixLAU, phx, piki, PilotMatt, plano, PlzBeALevel, poker1928, poloboy4, pookvis, PoppinFresh, post1958, PPBen, PrimogenitoX, profELMO, pulse, Q8offsuit, Quadstriker, r0eKY, RadioActive1, rakk, RayPowers, rbenuck4, redrooski24, Reefypoopoo, Repsychler, retep, rigwarl, Riverman, rleidle, RStMartin, Runkmud, runondiesel, russellmj, SackUp, SamuraiJon, Sancho Panza, schlik20, Sclero, scott1, ScottieK, SCXpunk, selurah, Shagadelic, shaniac, Shark Doctor, sickreadhachem, sightless, simplicitus, SixT4, sjp507, sloove, Smokey_The_Bear, Spacemoose, spoonitnow, springsteen87, squaptor, starvs, SteveD4200, sthesia, sylar, szw, tarheeljks, the glove, The4thFilm, TheCanoe, TheIrishThug, TheNoodleMan, TheProbst, TheSecret, thesilkworm, TheUntouchable, Thremp, TIEdup14, tl65\, Toadman15241, Tom1975, TomCollins, TonyDanza, Tony_P, ToTheFelt, TrayGIT, TrickyDik, Trix, TStar, tunaman3000, Turkish, tuuufts, tyler_cracker, T_Mac, UMTerp, unfrgvn, Vantek, Vegetarian, Velocity, WayAbvPar, WCGRider, well named, Whisky River, wickywahwah, wiper, wizardplow, woodguy, Wyrm2, YomYom, YouCheckRaise, ZeroPointMachine, zohan, _Koby_, _Tank_