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View Poll Results: Your best male friend versus Gina Carano in an MMA fight.
He will beat Gina Carano.
26 26.53%
He will lose by 3 round decision.
0 0%
He will get KTFOd or submitted in the 3rd round.
0 0%
He will get KTFOd or submitted in the 2nd round.
6 6.12%
He will get KTFOd or submitted late in the 1st round.
21 21.43%
He won't last one minute.
15 15.31%
He won't last 30 seconds.
9 9.18%
He won't last 10 seconds.
7 7.14%
He'll be too scared to even show up for the fight.
14 14.29%