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Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason)

07-08-2008 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Monarchy113
^ obv homosexual?
You've had two posts in this thread and one was functionally a rant on "blk" people and now this.


How long did you cry after Jesse Helms died and just how awesome of an American was he?

My father worked in radio back when you edited with a razor and tape. He used to splice the t out of "often". As somebody from Washington, I loathe "warshington".

Other stuff is dumb, but is a helpful clue as to who can be trusted with sharp things.
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-08-2008 , 05:04 PM
Reading this thread pissed me off, why get so worked up about this crap.
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-08-2008 , 06:06 PM
"Everything happens for a reason".... usually in some religion related way after something crappy happened

"I'd like to thank God"... sports interview tilt.
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-08-2008 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
My father worked in radio back when you edited with a razor and tape. He used to splice the t out of "often". As somebody from Washington, I loathe "warshington".
I know OP isn't about pronunciation, but these kill me. Also, pronouncing "wh" as "hw" (hand me my huh-wyte shirt).
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-08-2008 , 10:05 PM
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-08-2008 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
My father worked in radio back when you edited with a razor and tape. He used to splice the t out of "often"... [this] is dumb, but is a helpful clue as to who can be trusted with sharp things.
I agree.
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-08-2008 , 10:56 PM
You try and cut out a t with a razor sir!
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-08-2008 , 11:00 PM
"What can I do you for?"
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-08-2008 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
You try and cut out a t with a razor sir!

as long as he didn't apply the same meticulousness to carving up 18 bodies or anything...
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-09-2008 , 01:45 AM
more like smoking 18 joints or something.

I get the feeling Nath would kinda like my Dad.
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-09-2008 , 03:46 AM
hehe, sounds like it. i have been getting better with a knife and a blunt lately...
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-09-2008 , 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by IsaacW
I already made fun of myself on the first page for this misspelling, sir. :P
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-09-2008 , 09:39 AM
Redundancies annoy me. Stuff like pre-planning and forward planning. Also, actioning could be the most infuriating thing in the world.

This seems relevant:
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-09-2008 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by TenFiftyFour
It irks me when I see some type of professionally made sign, such as lettering on a commercial vehicle, which misuses an apostrophe: "Dave's Window's and Door's."

Shouldn't it be the responsibility of the sign maker to point out second grade level grammatical errors? It makes me want to choke someone.
A lot of the mistakes listed in this thread bother me, but this one, by far, bothers me the most.
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-10-2008 , 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by TenFiftyFour
It irks me when I see some type of professionally made sign, such as lettering on a commercial vehicle, which misuses an apostrophe: "Dave's Window's and Door's."

Shouldn't it be the responsibility of the sign maker to point out second grade level grammatical errors? It makes me want to choke someone.
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-10-2008 , 12:52 PM
Do "If I would have had a car" or "If I would have known" sound like correct english to anyone at all? It really annoys me but I hear so many people use it that I have begun to question my own judgment.
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-10-2008 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by KidLifeCrisis
Somewhat along these lines. One thing that bothers me (that I haven't seen in a while, probably because everything is so expensive) is prices listed as such:

.25¢ which is literally saying that something is not a quarter (which is intended) but 1/4 of a penny.
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-10-2008 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by ragip
Do "If I would have had a car" or "If I would have known" sound like correct english to anyone at all?
Please give examples? I can't say I've heard either of these in use. 'If I had a car' or even 'if I had had a car.' 'Had I known."
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-10-2008 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by diddyeinstein
.25¢ which is literally saying that something is not a quarter (which is intended) but 1/4 of a penny.
There was that recent debacle involving Verizon (I think?) about that. Listening to that customer service call put me on life-tilt.
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-10-2008 , 02:34 PM
Verizon Math. It's a really good listen.
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-10-2008 , 08:26 PM
I was watching the sixth season of the sopranos and I realized that the phrase "God forbid" is pretty annoying

Vito kept saying " God forbid Tony should die, ....". He clearly wanted him to die imo
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-10-2008 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by otnemem
Please give examples? I can't say I've heard either of these in use. 'If I had a car' or even 'if I had had a car.' 'Had I known."
If I would have had a car, I would have gone camping with you.

Yeah, doesn't sound right.
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-11-2008 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by Golden_Rhino
If I would have had a car, I would have gone camping with you.

Yeah, doesn't sound right.

That actually sounds right/normal to me, guess I'm stupid.
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-11-2008 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by Brocktoon
That actually sounds right/normal to me, guess I'm stupid.
It may indeed be right. It just doesn't sound right to me, but I haven't been appointed king of grammar.
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
07-11-2008 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by silver book
I was watching the sixth season of the sopranos and I realized that the phrase "God forbid" is pretty annoying

Vito kept saying " God forbid Tony should die, ....". He clearly wanted him to die imo
im not gonna lie, that pisses me off too
Phrases, sayings, and verbaige that piss you off (for no apparent reason) Quote
