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Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise

03-21-2010 , 06:54 PM
Kind of a long story, so I'll summarize at the bottom. Anyway, a friend of mine was supposed to go on a cruise with her boyfriend and things didn't work out so he bailed. Anyway my friend asked me to go with her and it's already paid for, so I figure, why not? I have a lot of time available to take off of work, so that wasn't really an issue.

I finally decide to ask where the cruise travels to (I know this should've been my first question, but I've never been on a cruise so I didn't really care, plus it was free) and I find out it goes to Mexico. I have never been out of the country so I don't have a passport, so I call the Carnival and they said if I have a birth certificate that is certified and my drivers license then I'm all good. So come to find out my parents lost my birth certificate (cool, huh?). I need a passport or birth certificate ASAP as the cruise is on April 18.

I was born in Baltimore County, Maryland, but now reside in Scottsdale, Arizona. I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and knew how to obtain a certified birth certificate or if there is a way to really rush a passport cuz my local Post Office says this can take 6 - 8 weeks, which obviously is too long.

To summarize: Want to go on a cruise out of the country, but don't have a passport or birth certificate.

Thank you in advance
Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Quote
03-21-2010 , 06:55 PM
You can definitely rush a passport. I did it in 07 and took like 2 weeks I think, maybe less. Don't know about the birth certificate however.
Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:02 PM
Birth certificate : Contact the county you were born in and (if possible) show up in person at the courthouse/clerk office and act pathetic. I got a copy of my cert in 20 minutes that way - but I was born in a cow-infested rural part of Wisconsin, where people actually give a **** about doing their job. So YMMV.

For the passport - go to the MAIN post office where you live and ask for help in getting an expedited passport. It'll cost about 5x (approx.) the regular amount, but they can turn it around in a week or so.

If you're desperate, there are companies that can get it done in48 hours or so, but it costs an arm and a leg.

Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:04 PM
You can pay a lot and rush a passport, you need a birth certificate to do so though, although a copy might be good, but it still takes a few weeks iirc. I would think it would be easier to get a birth certificate expedited. Contact city hall in the town you were born, i believe they all set their own procedures. Can't hurt to ask at least. Ask for help, people respond well to that.
Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:06 PM
you can usually go to vital records in your county of birth and get it within a day or two, if not on the spot. might have to pay a bit but not a huge deal.

i got my passport expedited after a very short notice international travel opportunity opened up at my job. it cost me about 300 bucks but it was pretty painless otherwise, took 48 hours. if the cruise says you can get away with just BC + DL i would do that. you're going to need the BC for the passport application anyway.
Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:14 PM
You need a passport. Birth certificate + driver's license is no longer sufficient.

Get your birth certificate here:

To get your passport, follow instructions here:

EZ game. Have fun.
Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by crashjr
You need a passport. Birth certificate + driver's license is no longer sufficient.
My guess is that the Cruise company knows what they're talking about.

The border isn't really that strict. Worst case is usually just a longer wait inside while they verify your identity some other way.
Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:25 PM
Yeah, birth certificate is fine even with the recent changes. I went on a cruise a few months ago with just my birth certificate and was fine. The only way you will have any trouble is if you have to leave the cruise and fly home.
Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
My guess is that the Cruise company knows what they're talking about.

The border isn't really that strict. Worst case is usually just a longer wait inside while they verify your identity some other way.
If you're going to try it with just the BC but also try and rush the passport then remember to get 2 copies of the BC because you have to mail one to get the passport.
Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:43 PM
Not having a passport is silly. But whatever.

OP: Your answer is probably somewhere in this thread:

Cruisecritic is to cruises what 2+2 is to poker.
Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:51 PM
everyone should have a passport but that doesn't mean he needs to pay $300 to have it for a cruise when he won't need it. just do a regular application by mail when he gets back.
Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:53 PM
You can get a passport in 8 hours in a major city if you need it.
Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Quote
03-21-2010 , 08:29 PM
Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Quote
03-21-2010 , 09:37 PM
Thank you everyone for your advice so far. I contacted the cruise line twice now just to make sure I don't need a passport and I've been told both times my birth certificate is ok. I've been doing some research with everyone's advice and it looks like I may be able to get a passport/birth certificate in time. Thank you again, it was a huge help.
Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Quote
03-21-2010 , 10:41 PM
I don't know about Mexico, but there have been cases where CruiseLines have told people that they don't need a passport and when they show up they don't let them board. People have offered to not disembark at the other countries and they still would not let them on.

I got an expedited passport the same day in Philadelphia. I think it was about $150.00. Google expedited passport and get one.
Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Quote
03-22-2010 , 02:14 AM
pics of friend?
Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Quote
03-22-2010 , 02:22 AM
dont let the guys in mexico sell you butterfly knives while convincing you the cruise ship won't care about your new weapons. i had to throw mine away when i went some years ago
Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Quote
03-22-2010 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by crashjr
You need a passport. Birth certificate + driver's license is no longer sufficient.
Don't listen to this, I just got off of a cruise last month and birth certificate was fine. Carnival wouldn't make this **** up.

if you have a cruise that does not end in the country of origin, you need a passport. As long as you start and finish in the USA, you'll be fine
Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Quote
03-22-2010 , 11:48 AM
If you want to drive to Tucson you can get a Passport in the same day.
Passport/Birth Certificate for a Cruise Quote
