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passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+
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09-08-2007 , 02:49 PM
Someone Pokerstove the +/-EV of this.

Maybe slightly off topic but why did the 7 initially "disappear for a bit"?
Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

61,642,944 games 0.005 secs 12,328,588,800 games/sec


equity sex no sex OOT Scale
Girl 1 (7): 96.562% 3.31% 3
Girl 2 (10): 03.318% 96.56% 5
Girl 3 (Threesome): 00.12% 99.88% Sharp knees

Looks like decent equity calcs
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 03:10 PM
10s with boyfriends don't [censored] guys they just met.
7s without boyfriends do.

Why not this angle:
"Let me ask you two something. Have you ever wanted to just have a guy at your disposal that you and a friend could just play with and do whatever you want to?"
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 03:14 PM
Dude, sevens are a dime a dozen for the rest of your life. If OP was really mesmerized by this other girl (regardless if she was a true 10 or not), its definitely worth the shot even if its a 1% shot.

For those that think that she's just stroking her ego, so be it, but somebody is going to get that girl, might be OP.
i've changed my mind and i agree with you now, seriously.
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 03:19 PM

the 100% x 7 analysis is really flawed because it is normally distributed so there are a lot more 7's than there are tens.
So you have found a normal distribution for discrete values and finite support... interesting find.
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 04:37 PM
Call 10 and ask for 7's number. It could land you nailing both.
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 05:13 PM
i think your odds here were probably way less than 1%.
so youre telling me theres a chance

damnit, i cant get images to work...*cue picture of Dumb and Dumber*
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 05:28 PM
Call 10 and ask for 7's number. It could land you nailing both.
wow.. hot idea
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 06:47 PM
At college this literally happens to me almost every time I go out. I blow off 7's all the time with the hope of actually going home with the 9/10's. For instance, I will be talking to a good looking girl who is giving me all the hints in the world she wants to [censored], and if I see a gorgeous girl walk in (my school's small so a lot of the time I know them) I will just get up and walk away and try to hit on the hottie, basically blowing my chances with the girl I could have easily laid. Sure, it sucks at the end of the night when you are slapping yourself in the face, but even then if you got the first girls # you can always just try to call them up. Basically, I think if you can get good looking girls fairly easily, there's no way you pass up the opportunity to nail a 9/10.
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 07:20 PM
There will never be pics.
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 07:39 PM
At college this literally happens to me almost every time I go out. I blow off 7's all the time with the hope of actually going home with the 9/10's. For instance, I will be talking to a good looking girl who is giving me all the hints in the world she wants to [censored], and if I see a gorgeous girl walk in (my school's small so a lot of the time I know them) I will just get up and walk away and try to hit on the hottie, basically blowing my chances with the girl I could have easily laid. Sure, it sucks at the end of the night when you are slapping yourself in the face, but even then if you got the first girls # you can always just try to call them up. Basically, I think if you can get good looking girls fairly easily, there's no way you pass up the opportunity to nail a 9/10.
Did you have some ribs removed or something?
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 08:42 PM
a 10 is a 10. period. the only exceptions are if it's a 10 who's a celebrity and banging her would make a good story for years to come, or she's an heiress with a terminal condition who will leave you everyting if you do her up right. that's the only ways you can justify adding a "+" to her rating.

in this case, as others have pointed out, she has a bf and she doesn't seem whore-ish. you're really sol here. plus, even if you don't know the bf, trying to bang this girl is a bit d-baggish. plus, the 7 will probably try harder because she knows she's a 7 and she knows her friend is a 10. plus, turn out the light, stick it inside and it feels the same.
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 09:04 PM
Even if OP should attempt for the 10, ignoring her in the short term and attending to the 7's ego is the best play
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 10:05 PM

This is simply a function of how easy it is for you to get a 7.

Assuming that you can get 7s, the right move is to go for the 10.

However, as others have said, given the circumstances, the best way to go for the 10 was likely to appear to focus on the 7.
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 10:25 PM
even if you don't know the bf, trying to bang this girl is a bit d-baggish. plus, the 7 will probably try harder because she knows she's a 7 and she knows her friend is a 10. plus, turn out the light, stick it inside and it feels the same.
Only one of these three points is remotely valid. And for that matter it's not even that valid. Point 2 has something to it, but the 7 was still very cute. It's not like she has to bend over backwards to get laid. As for point one, please. Point three, I strongly disagree. Having sex with a beautiful girl is an incomparable feeling.
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 10:37 PM
Dude, sevens are a dime a dozen for the rest of your life. If OP was really mesmerized by this other girl (regardless if she was a true 10 or not), its definitely worth the shot even if its a 1% shot.
This more or less sums it up. My 2+ month slump has more been a result of being in the Middle East for that stretch of time, and less been a result of an ignorance to the minds of women. To this day my fondess memories of any sexual exploits have been the time I somehow convinced this beautiful Brazilian girl to sleep with me. I met her through friends, and she was the object of nearly every one in our extended crews advances. Some how I came out on top. That was like 4 years ago and still is clearer in my mind then any of the girls who have followed. Also the 10 in question is far hotter then the aformentioned Brazilian. I'm 24 and will have tons of cracks at 7's in the years to come. There will only be so many times I'm in the presence of a chick as hot as the one in question, let alone talking with her 1 on 1 for an extended period of time.

So the odds held up and I failed, so be it. For those of you who do sleep with 7's from time to time and still voted against the 10, shame on you.
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 10:39 PM
even if you don't know the bf, trying to bang this girl is a bit d-baggish. plus, the 7 will probably try harder because she knows she's a 7 and she knows her friend is a 10. plus, turn out the light, stick it inside and it feels the same.
Only one of these three points is remotely valid. And for that matter it's not even that valid. Point 2 has something to it, but the 7 was still very cute. It's not like she has to bend over backwards to get laid. As for point one, please. Point three, I strongly disagree. Having sex with a beautiful girl is an incomparable feeling.
If you feel that sex with a beautiful girl is an incomparable feeling, you dont have enough sex to begin with , with a wide range of girls, and should have just went for the semi-sure thing.
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 11:11 PM
However, as others have said, given the circumstances, the best way to go for the 10 was likely to appear to focus on the 7.
This is definitely the best route to get the 7, the 10 or both.
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 11:12 PM
"If you feel that sex with a beautiful girl is an incomparable feeling, you dont have enough sex to begin with"

I would argue the exact opposite.
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 11:23 PM
"If you feel that sex with a beautiful girl is an incomparable feeling, you dont have enough sex to begin with"

I would argue the exact opposite.
well, you would be wrong.

a girls looks have no correlation to how good they are in the sack, secks more hot chicks and you will eventually figure it out, and get passed the novelty of sleeping with beautiful women.
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 11:27 PM
but if two chicks are equally good in bed, then obviously hotness comes into play right? Unless you disagree with that.

Going with that though, unless we know the 7 is bangingly awesome in bed, your point is a little moot
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 11:29 PM
but if two chicks are equally good in bed, then obviously hotness comes into play right? Unless you disagree with that.

So unless we think the 7 is bangingly awesome in bed, your point is a little moot

if they are both equally good in bed, they are both equally good in bed. Hotness would be the determining factor if you had a 50/50 shot, but hotness rarely outweighs a sure thing vs no sex. And thats basically the shot that this guy had. I mean, if he says he thinks he had a 15% shot, in all reality it is probably like a .0001% shot due to guys, and how full of [censored] they are in this regard. Its not worth it.
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 11:31 PM
but if two chicks are equally good in bed, then obviously hotness comes into play right? Unless you disagree with that.

So unless we think the 7 is bangingly awesome in bed, your point is a little moot

if they are both equally good in bed, they are both equally good in bed. Hotness would be the determining factor if you had a 50/50 shot, but hotness rarely outweighs a sure thing vs no sex.
I think this really depends on how easily OP could bag another 7 and how easily OP could bag another 10.

If OP can bag another 7 easily, but has never had a 10, then he might as well take a shot. It really all depends here ;o
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 11:32 PM
but if two chicks are equally good in bed, then obviously hotness comes into play right? Unless you disagree with that.

So unless we think the 7 is bangingly awesome in bed, your point is a little moot

if they are both equally good in bed, they are both equally good in bed. Hotness would be the determining factor if you had a 50/50 shot, but hotness rarely outweighs a sure thing vs no sex.
I think this really depends on how easily OP could bag another 7 and how easily OP could bag another 10.

If OP can bag another 7 easily, but has never had a 10, then he might as well take a shot. It really all depends here ;o

I doubt there are many guys who can easily bag a 7 that has never had a 10.
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-08-2007 , 11:50 PM
I really disagree. I think a fair amount of guys could go to a bar on a weekend and bag a 7...but barely any of them could get a 10.

The amount of guys who've had a 10 is exponentially smaller than the amount of guys who can pull 7's imo
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
09-09-2007 , 12:03 AM
"your odds were way less than 15%"
passing up bringing home a 7 for a 10-15% chance at a 10+ Quote
