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In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE

02-15-2012 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by Ny_Batteri
I see what you did there.

Thank you. I'll be sure to share the link with others now.
theres a zip now too if you want to use that if you are worried people will do what you did
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-16-2012 , 01:23 PM
Thanks for the reply man, very informative !
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-16-2012 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
theres a zip now too if you want to use that if you are worried people will do what you did

Has anyone downloaded this file and seen if it worked? Or if you want to DL and post if it works or not that would be sweet
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-16-2012 , 02:15 PM
nice thing for op to do. will watch in the upcoming week
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-16-2012 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
Has anyone downloaded this file and seen if it worked? Or if you want to DL and post if it works or not that would be sweet
I didn't download the zip but I downloaded it when it was just the .mov file originally and it works fine.

Thanks for uploading btw!
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-17-2012 , 01:57 AM
hey, very sweet vid, and very impressive with your limited budget.

1. what lenses did you use? don't need to list all of them, just the most common ones.
2. did you use a follow focus? what is your method of focusing in general.
3. how did you capture sound
4. did you use any sort of stabilization for the handheld shots
5. how did the script come to be?
6. what did you use in post? premier + MB?
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-17-2012 , 03:10 AM
downloading now at 600kb/s good job alobar
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-17-2012 , 04:06 AM
Hi Everybody,

I just wanted to let you all know that speeds are picking back up on the 1080p version on TPB. I also want to thank Alobar for doing all the work that he's doing. I've been having problems with his uploads but hopefully they're downloading fine for others. If not, feel free to revert back to this link.

In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-17-2012 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by john voight
hey, very sweet vid, and very impressive with your limited budget.

1. what lenses did you use? don't need to list all of them, just the most common ones.
2. did you use a follow focus? what is your method of focusing in general.
3. how did you capture sound
4. did you use any sort of stabilization for the handheld shots
5. how did the script come to be?
6. what did you use in post? premier + MB?
1. 50mm prime and 135mm prime were the two lenses we used for the entire film. Both were Canon L Series lenses.
2. There was not a follow focus mount attached to the camera rig. The Director of Photography pulled focus the same way you do when taking a photograph. He did an amazing job.
3. We captured sound with a Zoom H4n recording device. We used a Rode Shotgun Mic plugged in via XLR.
4. The entire film is shot handheld accept for the opening scene and the shots requiring a carmount. We used a glidecam rig for the opening/wedding scene. The rest of the film was shot with a shoulder mount rig. And to make sure I answer all of your possible questions related to this issue, I did post-production stabilization on specific shots if they needed it. Pretty much only the carmount shots and the opening scene which was incredibly wobbly.
5. I don't mean to be rude but I believe post #50 answers this specific question. Check that out, if you haven't. If you'd like me to go into more specific details I'm more than happy to. However I believe that post will answer what I believer you're wondering.
6. The film was edited in Final Cut Pro 7. The sound was edited in Logic Pro. The final color grade was done in Color.
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-19-2012 , 01:48 AM
oh sweet. thanks for the info, it really inspires me.

Your next project should turn out beautiful in the desert. I want to go to jashua or anza in the summer to shoot astro.
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-19-2012 , 02:40 AM
If you guys enjoyed it you should rate it IMDB. I haven't seen the film yet, but the current rating is 4.6 which is kind of low.
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-19-2012 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by john voight
oh sweet. thanks for the info, it really inspires me.

Your next project should turn out beautiful in the desert. I want to go to jashua or anza in the summer to shoot astro.
Thanks! I'm hoping the film turns out quite beautiful. I have some really beautiful images in my mind. We're actually going to be shooting that film in the Anza-Borrego desert. Amazing scenery! I'm really excited about it. Hopefully we raise the financing to do it.

We currently have 23 days left on our crowd fundraiser online.
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-19-2012 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by Maso777
If you guys enjoyed it you should rate it IMDB. I haven't seen the film yet, but the current rating is 4.6 which is kind of low.
Thank you, Maso. This would be very, very, helpful from everybody. And you can rate the film fairly with your honest opinion.

What happened to our score is "ballet stuffing." It was 9.2 but then a few more people voted '10.' You can check out how the votes have been spread so far if you click on the number of users that have voted.

IMDb tries to make things fair so they dropped our score assuming most votes were biased.

So please vote! It really helps us. And please share the IMDb link on FB, etc. The more people drawn to that page the higher we climb up the MOVIEMeter. If I can break into the top 500 the snowball effect will be amazing. I had a dream that it happened last night. I woke up quite pleased with the thought.
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-19-2012 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by High_Life
Did anyone in the movie bang the lead female role? if not just lie to me and say someone did

I suppose you'll never know the truth but someone did.
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-20-2012 , 06:24 PM
Fly me to the moon like that bitch Alice Kramden!

Graphs can be fun. Reminds me of the good old days of online poker.
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-22-2012 , 07:07 PM
It's actually quite smart and courageous to just post the movie up for free and basically allow it to be judged by its own merit.

I'll check it out.
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-25-2012 , 04:28 AM
downloaded this when you first posted and just got around to watching it now. awesome job, dude. all around extremely well done, can't believe the actors worked for free.

is the music explosions in the sky? sounds a lot like them but i don't think i've heard any of the songs you had on there.
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-26-2012 , 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by SleightOfJam
downloaded this when you first posted and just got around to watching it now. awesome job, dude. all around extremely well done, can't believe the actors worked for free.

is the music explosions in the sky? sounds a lot like them but i don't think i've heard any of the songs you had on there.
Thank you very much! The music is from a few different original sources. So no Explosions in the Sky.

The music are all original compositions by either myself, my friend Jason Downer, my friend and the film's sound editor Jason Rudd, my brother Jason Moser and my buddy's solo project titled Madison County. I'll link all the projects below if you'd like to hear more of the music.

Jason Downer
Jason Moser
Jason Rudd
Madison County
My project Twilight In Versailles

Please help spread word of the film and vote for it on IMDb. We're really close to breaking into the Top 5000. I was telling Alobar that it's an incredible feat considering a well known movie like 'Garden State' is listed at around 1200.
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-26-2012 , 03:57 PM
I really liked this movie and I look forward to telling people I saw your first feature film when it was released for free on the internet.
That salvia scene was incredibly good. Will you use the same actors in future films?
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-28-2012 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
I really liked this movie and I look forward to telling people I saw your first feature film when it was released for free on the internet.
That salvia scene was incredibly good. Will you use the same actors in future films?
It feels really good to be hearing such good feedback from the poker community.

I'm definitely interested in working with some of the actors on future projects. I was initially planning on using some actors from this project for my upcoming short film but things didn't work out and I ended up casting new actors that I've never worked with before. However I did cast an actor from a past project that my friend directed. It's really good working with people that you collaborate well with and at the same time it's also good to find more people you collaborate well with.

Thanks again for taking the time to watch it! I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed it and feel free to share it with anyone and everyone. It's super easy now with Alobar's auto-download link listed below.
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-28-2012 , 11:28 AM
I rarely watch movies these days but I plan to d/l and watch this. Props for releasing it this way.

I hope this doesn't come across as hate but I'm genuinely curious and hope I'm just ignorant. As much as I think it's great you're making a stand against censorship I just feel it's a bit disingenuous. Did you really have a better financial option? Seems like this way will show a greater long term profit for you then charging people for it. If I'm wrong (and I hope I am) could you let us know other options and expected profits that you're giving up to make the point?

Anyway, I posted the first paragraph first for a reason. Really think this is great, overall. Good luck in the future!
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-28-2012 , 01:24 PM
will watch movie, but later.
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
02-29-2012 , 02:01 PM
Have not seen it yet, but very cool you are releasing it like this.

Re-hosting on EU server for better speed:
In opposition of ACTA, and other forms of online censorship, I release my movie for FREE Quote
