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*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** *** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle ***

07-28-2008 , 06:50 PM
Keep JBS
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by mrkilla
I can't I keep trying but it gives me an error
Try typing it in a Haiku format.
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 06:53 PM
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 06:59 PM
Man, I wish we had more time for this to develop.

JBS, you did post in the thread, which I'll give you points for, however, it wasn't very Survivoresque. We want poo slinging, we want blood. We want you to tell us why Illeagle sucks, and you suck less.

With all that said, I'm still leaning your way, but I'm withholding my vote for more action.

A potential vote.
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 06:59 PM
keep jbs

He posts clear updates on the wsop and Big Brother. That's all I know him for so he gets my vote. Maybe he is a huge tard, but people annoyed over his argumentative style are probably tards too. Wake up this is the ****ing internet. People argue about stupid things (like this thread). Message boards aren't about learning poker or calmly discussing current events, it's about the blood, the fail pics, the I wouldn't hit it remarks, and arguing over things not worth arguing about.

and illeagle's avatar annoys me, it's too unpleasantly noticeable and involving
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:01 PM
keep illeagle
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:02 PM
Current rough count:

Keep JBS - 7
Keep illeagle - 39

edit: some people voted while I was counting, so this is NOT accurate up to the time I posted it
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by JBS1273
Hello all...

Going to make an overall statement here in regards to this thread and a couple of other things that are somehow tied into it.

In the beginning, I made quite a few mistakes in posting (being rude, a bit childish, over argumentative, etc.) After learning a little more about 2p2 and receiving some excellent advice from some excellent mods and posters on how to fit in better, I've made a stronger effort over the past couple of months to say things a bit differently (more conversational than slinging crap) which I feel I've been mostly successful at with a handful of execptions. I've been given some compliments by people which I appreciate but I do realize that my earlier "stain" is hard to remove, forget, or forgive.

I like 2p2, I enjoy the variety of forums it has to offer and I post cause I like to chat about different things like poker, MMA, pop culture, etc. And I'd like to be here for quite sometime to come. There's a few that have voted me off already that I've recently had a cordial conversation with inside a thread about it's in some ways, I'm a little surprised at some of the voting.

But, I'd also like to politely state one other fact that's relevant to this thread. When "27offsuit" issued a OOT Survivor Challenge to me last week and I didn't know anything about it (rules, etc.), "mrkilla" took the time to thoroughly explain it (which I thanked him for) all to me via PM, including the important fact that "participation was/is optional for anyone to be challenged". I didn't see the need to participate last week, nor do I wish to participate this week. I did not accept nor was notified that this week's OOT Survivor Challenge would involve me until I signed on this afternoon and received a PM about it.

Thanks for taking the time to read this...


PS...I'd like to have the results of this vote thrown away while I throw in a peace offering:
Ok, so you will probably read this. I think.

I'm perrtyy drunk right now but some advice. 1: you have been sucking less and less int eh MMA threasd. Good job with that, because in the beginiinng you you would argue with anything that moved or posted or breathed. Two: if you do e3ventually get banned come back under another name and keep posting because maybe you will suck less. trying is always good and i have been harsh on you in the past bnut just realixe that there are people who have a lot more experience thatn you so knowledge can be gained from them and such and so forth. Plus yor peace offereing was not bad at all if i do so myself lolz. But i have a thing an irrational love of the mendez so maybe thats just me. I erase my earlier vote, so SUBTRACT one ILLLEaGLE VOTE.

*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:07 PM
oh well JBS is probly getting banned so maybe he comes bakd under other means, who am i to say such thingss. jsut be less of a douche to the best posters in any given forums. Argumentative is not always the nuts.
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:08 PM
Vote switching is not allowed.
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:08 PM
this is why i voted for JBS btw

*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:09 PM
man, I will be very disappointed if you boot JBS mrkilla, because the guy actually cares about his posts on 2+2. He pm'd me about a month ago or so, wanting me to look over his posts, and Tuq said he's working w/ him on them. Give the guy a break, imo.
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:12 PM
It hurts my heart to ever vote in support of a Yankees fan, but illeagle just seems like a terrible person.


Also a little support for JBS. Although anyone can easily keep up with the Pokernews updates during the WSOP, JSB took the time to basically do the cliff notes. I thought it was a nice jesture and it was easier to read through his posts than hundreds of updates if I wanted a quick summary.
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:14 PM
Nobody should need coaching to not be universally hated on a ****ing internet message board. **** him. **** him right in the ass.
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Los Feliz Slim
Vote switching is not allowed.
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. WTF. That is what made the RJ meltdown so special.
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by gobbomom
because the guy actually cares about his posts on 2+2. He pm'd me about a month ago or so, wanting me to look over his posts, and Tuq said he's working w/ him on them. Give the guy a break, imo.
that's beyond pathetic
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:20 PM
At least JBS is trying to get better. I vote keep JBS.

Also, is it a minimum post count of 100 in OOT, or on 2+2. Because if it's the former, there are about 5 or 6 votes that are very questionable (AKA, they have between 100-150 total posts).
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:21 PM

Everybody kissing JBS's ass. Read the quote from the B&M forum. That isn't an issue with ****ty posting or not being familiar with the internet. That is just being an ass.

27o is on the verge of RJing some JBS sympathy votes, so that's been nice.
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:22 PM
LOL 27o are you JBS's shrink IRL cuz you pretty much nailed it when describing his posting style.

He's like a ****in mediator between 2+2 and the rest of the world he posted the chip updates of the HORSE event like every ****in 10 seconds like WTF I can look at the site myself GTFO this thread. I have noticed his posts have toned down a lttle lately but it didn't cross my mind that he was out getting "posting coaching" from people to become a better poster for the love of God r u serious? LOL

Still undecided FWIW. At first it was instaban JBS that annoying argumentative little cousin that follows you around mother****er but now I dunno, that guy illeagle aint even showed up.

P.S. I do remember lookin at JBS's location before and had no idea WTF it meant but now that I get it it's the funniest **** since 270 reallllly can't ****in stand the guy. Something my lil sis would do to drive me nuts. It works though. LOL
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by gobbomom
man, I will be very disappointed if you boot JBS mrkilla, because the guy actually cares about his posts on 2+2. He pm'd me about a month ago or so, wanting me to look over his posts, and Tuq said he's working w/ him on them. Give the guy a break, imo.
If forum posting was an event in the special olympics, JBS couldn't even win a medal. WTF kind of wierdo gets coaching on how to make forum posts? (yes i realize I'm setting myself up for a sick burn here).

Now he's trying to weasel out of the survivor by making a geeky annoying long-winded post and claiming to have not known about it. weak
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
27offsuit, your overhatred of JBS is really killing my survivor buzz. Just stop posting about how not in your head he is and enjoy your soon-to-be victory in a less annoying manner.


I haven't posted since 3:45 and that was only because I saw a chance to be post 101.

Now that JBS is here, I'll just let him dig his own grave while I get ready to dance on it.

Stop reading threads in one fell swoop. That's how buzzkills happen.
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
Meanwhile you chime in with two worthless posts (including one calling out someone else's posts, ironic), and your avatar no g00t.
The avatar is cash money emo imo.
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by Ron Burgundy
If forum posting was an event in the special olympics, JBS couldn't even win a medal. WTF kind of wierdo gets coaching on how to make forum posts? (yes i realize I'm setting myself up for a sick burn here).

Now he's trying to weasel out of the survivor by making a geeky annoying long-winded post and claiming to have not known about it. weak

god the people love a troll looking for redemption. Hey guise can you look at my posts, I just don't know why peoples don't like me. Please help, internet hard. I try to do better, look at all my WSOP updates!
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:30 PM
Awwww poor JBS. illeagle is like the Barrabas of OOT.
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
07-28-2008 , 07:31 PM
wtf @ no vote switching? That's the most crucial ingredient for entertaining trash talk and meltdowns.

actually if it were up to me, I'd say no voting is even allowed until both contestents have made at least one post itt
*** OOT Survivor - JBS1273 vs illeagle *** Quote
