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***   OOT March 2010 Low Content Thread   *** ***   OOT March 2010 Low Content Thread   ***

03-28-2010 , 01:49 AM
I blame Gullanian.
03-28-2010 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by lippy
Holy ****, I just randomly saw that I've paid $163/mo for a while for standard cable (no premium channels) + DVR + cable internet. They offer it @ $79.99 for 6 then $110.

I'm a moron. Wow. Time to deal with horrible customer service.
$163/mo? Wtf.
03-28-2010 , 02:04 AM
I called and bitched. They said it's the rate for existing customers. I asked what they could offer and they said they couldn't do anything so I just hung up.

I'm gonna call back tomorrow when I feel more like being an ass and emptily threaten to discontinue service.

I remember hearing that if that fails, I can just cancel the service and my roommate can, the same day, get service at the introductory rate.
03-28-2010 , 09:16 AM
Do you have like 30Mb/s internet or something? I've never heard of anyone paying that much. Post account statement imo.
03-28-2010 , 09:29 AM
I pay about that much, but about $50 of that is Sunday Ticket/ Centre Ice, etc.
03-28-2010 , 09:39 AM
While I still enjoy Lost, I regret that the show went in a direction that was so nerdily sci-fi that it make taking part in the speculation and analysis of the show no longer entertaining. That, coupled with the demographic shift in 2p2 over the same time has made the Lost threads about the worst thing in the world.


AT&T's ads are so bad/insulting/intellectually dishonest that if all things were equal, I would have changed my provider at this point. Luke Wilson not only got fat and unfunny, but he's douching hardcore in the commercials. Then there's just the ****ty arguments the commercials pose in response to the 3g map issue. Nobody actually sits around communally watching videos while chatting on the phone- wtf. Every AT&T commercial should just be a guy holding up and iphone saying "scoreboard mother****er" and that's all the argument they really need to make. (I mean that's not really true, but it kinda is- because at least temporarily that's the only reason they have my business)
03-28-2010 , 09:52 AM
There is something about Lost that makes otherwise intelligent people lose the ability to reason.

friend: I'm with MiB. I think he's good.
me: What about all the people he murdered?
friend: Besides that, he hasn't done anything evil.
me: I guess you got me there.
03-28-2010 , 09:53 AM
Another "I woke up too early" musing.

A thing that's frustrating about facebook and twitter and how they've brought a whole new demographic of people to the internet.

While sometimes it may not seem like it- I attempt to employ a degree of craft and effort into everything I post on the internet (the degree to which these attempts are successful may hinge on other factors, sobriety being a key one but I'm not sure in which direction). I try and take a little pride in what I post.

I think in some way- anybody who is something of a veteran of the internet gets this at least a little bit.

It just drives me nuts when I see people on facebook making these totally obvious, disposable, unfunny jokes in response to what their friends post. Like... doesn't it bother you that the dick/gay/lol women/whatever joke you just made was the most obvious, hackish response possible? Don't you want people to find you funny because your humor is creative and original?

Everything we do, say, post reflects back on us- and the thing about your internet persona is that for the most part you have total control of how you allow people to perceive you. It doesn't bother me that people might think I'm crazy or angry or dumb or whatever- to some extent I am all of those things and many more awesome ones. What I really never want anybody to think about me is that I'm bland and uncreative- and I really wish that was a driving force for more people in terms of how they participate in social media.
03-28-2010 , 09:53 AM
Not having access to data while on the phone would kinda suck.
03-28-2010 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
Another "I woke up too early" musing.

A thing that's frustrating about facebook and twitter and how they've brought a whole new demographic of people to the internet.

While sometimes it may not seem like it- I attempt to employ a degree of craft and effort into everything I post on the internet (the degree to which these attempts are successful may hinge on other factors, sobriety being a key one but I'm not sure in which direction). I try and take a little pride in what I post.

I think in some way- anybody who is something of a veteran of the internet gets this at least a little bit.

It just drives me nuts when I see people on facebook making these totally obvious, disposable, unfunny jokes in response to what their friends post. Like... doesn't it bother you that the dick/gay/lol women/whatever joke you just made was the most obvious, hackish response possible? Don't you want people to find you funny because your humor is creative and original?

Everything we do, say, post reflects back on us- and the thing about your internet persona is that for the most part you have total control of how you allow people to perceive you. It doesn't bother me that people might think I'm crazy or angry or dumb or whatever- to some extent I am all of those things and many more awesome ones. What I really never want anybody to think about me is that I'm bland and uncreative- and I really wish that was a driving force for more people in terms of how they participate in social media.
That's what she said.
03-28-2010 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by CrazyEyez
That's what she said.
oh no you di'nt
03-28-2010 , 10:06 AM
But see- that's actually a funny joke that demonstrates some thinking. Like that's an amusing response to what I posted 'cause you get it. It's not like all humor needs to be highbrow. It just needs to give me some indication the person has a brain and is using it.
03-28-2010 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by LFS
Not having access to data while on the phone would kinda suck.
Oh-I agree it's a nice feature- but it's not an argument that invalidates a complaint about AT&T's coverage issues. If you don't have coverage, the quality of the 3G doesn't mean anything.

The happy black people watching the basketball is a fine enough way to market that- Luke Wilson being a douche in response to a map is not.
03-28-2010 , 10:24 AM
Also, Luke Wilson is getting millions and millions of dollars for that!
03-28-2010 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by LFS
Not having access to data while on the phone would kinda suck.
I dunno. I don't even keep my phone in my pocket at work because of the chance of it getting crushed or soaked or something. As a result, I don't have immediate access to phone calls while at work, much less wikipedia, and I don't really mind. I guess this makes me sound like a luddite or something, but a few years ago I worked a job where I mostly sat in front of a computer and had internet/phone access every second, and now I don't, and it's no big deal. Obviously every job differs, and there's no way I could do my previous work without internet access, but I think there's a definite creep to waht is considered necessary for day-to-day life. You need cell internet access for work, you end up using it at work for personal stuff, then when you get home you use it for personal stuff on personal time and can't imagine not having it.

Christ, I'm going to send a script to Andy Rooney.
03-28-2010 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Lazy Meatball
this weekend I exchanged a three year relationship with a woman for Civilization 4, Jim Beam, and Taco Bell.
Last night I traded back. I spent the morning dropping my gf off at the hospital ER (vomiting and migraines) and driving home drinking Coors light at 9am on the highway.

cue 27os's "Please Read My Blog" video
(seriously, repost that youtube link, I can't find it)
03-28-2010 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by LFS
Also, Luke Wilson is getting millions and millions of dollars for that!
That's just flabbergasting. I can only assume they know better than me about his appeal- because to me he's basically functioning at below replacement level for your average pitchman. Do they really think people will buy more phones while watching the snuff film that is the end of his career than if they just put some random dude out there?
03-28-2010 , 11:01 AM
um why are the two same threads still there?
03-28-2010 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by Lazy Meatball
Last night I traded back. I spent the morning dropping my gf off at the hospital ER (vomiting and migraines) and driving home drinking Coors light at 9am on the highway.

cue 27os's "Please Read My Blog" video
(seriously, repost that youtube link, I can't find it)
Please Check My Blog
I Want A Love Marriage
Cricket Song

If you want a blog we can get. you. one.
You will be on computers having so. much. fun.
03-28-2010 , 11:12 AM
Can anyone tell me what they're standing in in the Marriage one? 'Cause it sure looks like a giant dumpster.
03-28-2010 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
That's just flabbergasting. I can only assume they know better than me about his appeal- because to me he's basically functioning at below replacement level for your average pitchman. Do they really think people will buy more phones while watching the snuff film that is the end of his career than if they just put some random dude out there?
They care about all the people saying "ZOMG Luke Wilson!" They were committed to going celebrity/recognizable from the beginning. This was when they were just getting DESTROYED on the whole 3G map thing (they actually tried to SUE to pull Verizon off of themselves) and they felt they needed to hit back quick and hard. The first ads went from concept to production to on-the-air in about three weeks, which is just incredibly short.

In any case they're either working or AT&T thinks they are. I know this because the original deal was for one set of commercials with options for more, and they've exercised two additional options. So what I'm saying is that even after the first set aired and people were like "Those are the worst ads I've ever seen," they still went back for more. Twice.
03-28-2010 , 11:21 AM
Today's my birthday, my mother's is in two days. Man, I am blue as all hell, way more than I would have thought.
03-28-2010 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by LFS
Today's my birthday, my mother's is in two days. Man, I am blue as all hell, way more than I would have thought.
Chin up, slugger.

My 6-year-old daughter gave me a piece of construction paper folded like a card this morning. Inside it said:

Roziz are red
and vilits are bloo
and so are you
I doo love you
03-28-2010 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by LFS
Today's my birthday, my mother's is in two days. Man, I am blue as all hell, way more than I would have thought.

BIRTHDAY BROTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!

Sucks about the other stuff.
03-28-2010 , 12:30 PM
It's also suzzer's!
