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01-08-2010 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by JJSCOTT2
I think you mean legal limit is so low....I don't know anyone who thinks .08 is high. But that's not the point, drunk driving is not smart but I think the reason people from Europe can't understand why it's so prevalent here is that we have 0...0 public transportation options and nothing is near us. So if the closest bar to your house is 15 miles away which is approximately 1.7 trillion US dollars in taxi fare, it's easy to see why people do it.
Here in Sweden the limit is .02
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 09:55 AM
According to wikipedia .08 is actually the highest legal limit worldwide, and is used by US, Canada, UK and a handful of other countries. Standard in Europe seems to be .02 or .05
So yes, .08 is high
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by xukxuk
According to wikipedia .08 is actually the highest legal limit worldwide, and is used by US, Canada, UK and a handful of other countries. Standard in Europe seems to be .02 or .05
So yes, .08 is high
.08 means an average 200lb male has 4 shots of Yukon Jack in 1 hour. So would you get in a car with someone after seeing them do 4 shots this quickly?
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 10:24 AM
I don't know how much 200lb is and I don't know what Yukon Jack is and I don't really care. All I'm saying is that .08 is high
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 10:35 AM
It's not as high as .09 is.

Just saying.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 10:37 AM
you pussy europeans can't drink
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 10:44 AM
If the limit is .02 it might as well just be 0 because that's not drinking at all, its like half a beer or something. .08 is nowhere close to what I would consider being impaired but I'm more than happy to abide by it to avoid legal consequences.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by JJSCOTT2
If the limit is .02 it might as well just be 0 because that's not drinking at all, its like half a beer or something. .08 is nowhere close to what I would consider being impaired but I'm more than happy to abide by it to avoid legal consequences.

rofl at .08 you are not at your full senses and if you try to argue that you are you are deluded.

but yeah .02 is very low, you can take like a large 3.5% beer and be just around the limit
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 11:00 AM
Can you guys go start a BAC argument nits thread or something?
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 11:00 AM
Well at least we agree on seat reclining. But apparently I'm deluded so I don't know what to think anymore.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by neuroman
You can't make a general rule of whatever the police did in your particular case, particularly when that generalization is incorrect. The police in your case might have simply been overly cautious. The bottom line is, Miranda warnings are only required for a custodial interrogation. You can (and should), of course, refuse to answer incriminating questions.

Also, and don't quote me on this/this isn't legal advice, I'm pretty sure that current U.S. Supreme Court law says that you must identify yourself to a police officer but no more. You're not actually required to show an ID even, depending on the circumstances (I mean, no one is required to carry ID walking down the street for example). Of course, that doesn't mean some jackhole cop is gonna agree with you, but there ya go.

phb's antidiahhreal tip is rad.
OK let me explain what i meant here... First of all nothing says miranda only APPLIES when you're arrested. It DOES say that police have to INFORM you of your miranda rights when you're in a custodial interrogation. So basically i always have a right to remain silent and/or have an attorney present when talking to police. They just dont have to inform me of said rights until there's a custodial interrogation happening.

That being said, a person is said to be "in custody" when they are in an environment in which they believe they are not free to leave. When you're pulled over, you're not free to leave anytime you want to. You have to stay there until the officer lets you go. So if you ask me, i'd say theres a pretty good argument for the unconstitutionality of field sobriety tests if i understand what i read correctly.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 12:10 PM
Yukon Jack is good.

Full size spares are great. I sold single stock rims on ebay for $100+ a piece for people wanting to have a full size spare. Would buy a set of stock rims for $100 from a guy with aftermarkets.

I'm not saying the diarrhea tip isn't good. I just don't like reading it. 'Shooting mud' or w/e as a term is gross.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by qpw
You really think that avoiding the penalties for driving whilst drunk is 'doing the right thing'?


The right thing is not to drive whilst drunk.

End of.
No, thats why I put it in quotes. While I think the guy is right, that the way the drunk driving laws in this country are probably unconstitutional, he is chosing a bad situation to stand against it, as the penalties are high. Drinking and driving is bad, I try and avoid it, but I do do it on occaison.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by earck
No, thats why I put it in quotes. While I think the guy is right, that the way the drunk driving laws in this country are probably unconstitutional, he is chosing a bad situation to stand against it, as the penalties are high. Drinking and driving is bad, I try and avoid it, but I do do it on occaison.
Have the supreme court not ventured an opinion on the matter.

They would seem to be the people best qualified to decide that question.

Or were the laws introduced so recently that they have not yet produced much case law on the subject?
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by oddjob
you pussy europeans can't drink
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by ohead
I cant believe how common it is to drink and drive in the US, wtf is wrong in the head with you people?
Im drinkinng and drving right now

Sent from my iPhone
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by JJSCOTT2
If the limit is .02 it might as well just be 0 because that's not drinking at all, its like half a beer or something. .08 is nowhere close to what I would consider being impaired but I'm more than happy to abide by it to avoid legal consequences.
This. I'm fine with the rule but .08 is nothing. I've been .26 before and didn't die (wasn't driving). Also, if Euros drove vehicles 20,000 miles a year they'd probably be good enough drivers to operate a car with .03 BAC. I'm curious as to how many kilometers a Euro drives per year, and if this has any affect on their low legal tolerance for a high BAC.

Originally Posted by JL514
I'm not saying the diarrhea tip isn't good. I just don't like reading it. 'Shooting mud' or w/e as a term is gross.
"Shooting mud" is supposed to be a euphymism for "shltting shlt", would you rather I said that?
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 05:59 PM
Haha no, just talk about diarrhea in general kinda grosses me out.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 06:08 PM
Everybody poops imo.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by prohornblower
This. I'm fine with the rule but .08 is nothing. I've been .26 before and didn't die (wasn't driving). Also, if Euros drove vehicles 20,000 miles a year they'd probably be good enough drivers to operate a car with .03 BAC. I'm curious as to how many kilometers a Euro drives per year, and if this has any affect on their low legal tolerance for a high BAC.
You seem to be implying that a person improves as driver simply by accumulating miles. While there might be some truth to this, I could easily imagine 100 miles driven in an Italian city with crazy drivers, through Alpine towns or even on the autobahn to enhance your driving skills much more than driving 500 miles on some perfectly straight Michigan country road, which basically only requires you to not violently swerve to either side (or get hit by drunk drivers). I'm not saying that roads of this kind don't exist in Europe or that there aren't any difficult driving environments in the US (obviously there are) but this statement seems just so ridiculously general to me.

Not trying to be expand this discussion here, but I am genuinely curious: What would you say to somebody who told you that there are numerous scientific studies stating that a human's driving ability is significantly impaired even at levels considerably lower than .08 BAC?
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by snowclone
You seem to be implying that a person improves as driver simply by accumulating miles. While there might be some truth to this, I could easily imagine 100 miles driven in an Italian city with crazy drivers, through Alpine towns or even on the autobahn to enhance your driving skills much more than driving 500 miles on some perfectly straight Michigan country road, which basically only requires you to not violently swerve to either side (or get hit by drunk drivers). I'm not saying that roads of this kind don't exist in Europe or that there aren't any difficult driving environments in the US (obviously there are) but this statement seems just so ridiculously general to me.

Not trying to be expand this discussion here, but I am genuinely curious: What would you say to somebody who told you that there are numerous scientific studies stating that a human's driving ability is significantly impaired even at levels considerably lower than .08 BAC?
Good point, maybe that in America the roads are much better and wider makes the increased driving conditions able to offset the impairedness of alcohol?
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by prohornblower
Good point, maybe that in America the roads are much better and wider makes the increased driving conditions able to offset the impairedness of alcohol?
Yes, maybe that the roads are wider and on average not as curvy is actually a factor. Whether they are better or worse probably depends on the specific European country you wanna look at (and possibly also what region in the US). I could see how in certain scenarios you're as safe to drive with .05 as you are in others with .02. Still I don't know how you could practically derive and enforce any legislation from that knowledge.

Either way, I definitely notice my cognitive abilities being influenced relatively quickly - maybe not at .02 but likely at .05 and most definitely at .08.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by prohornblower
Everybody poops imo.
I know this, I just don't like to talk about it
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by snowclone
Yes, maybe that the roads are wider and on average not as curvy is actually a factor. Whether they are better or worse probably depends on the specific European country you wanna look at (and possibly also what region in the US). I could see how in certain scenarios you're as safe to drive with .05 as you are in others with .02. Still I don't know how you could practically derive and enforce any legislation from that knowledge.

Either way, I definitely notice my cognitive abilities being influenced relatively quickly - maybe not at .02 but likely at .05 and most definitely at .08.
I''m not really saying the base was .02, and America said "well we have straight, wide roads, so we'll go .10". I'm saying maybe .08 is really sort of the base, and some countries with dangerous, windy, hilly roads decided .02 was as high as they were willing to go.

I've been to Mexican border towns and it's like Stop signs there are invisible. Cars come literally within 2 inches of eachoter going through an intersection. I would not feel comfortable handling a car down there with .08.

It also amazes me that Mexicans are amazingly athletic drivers in those border towns, but here in The States, they are awful (just like all immigrants).
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-08-2010 , 10:49 PM
how big is your truck? wattage of permanently on high beams?
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