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01-06-2010 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by neuroman

phb's antidiahhreal tip is rad.
lol. Been waiting to hear testimonials. It really is sooo much of an improvement over the alternative. Everybody needs to read that post of mine and implement it into their game.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-06-2010 , 07:26 PM
What #?
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-06-2010 , 09:23 PM
Damn I didn't realize this thread was 12 pages. Instead of digging for my post I'll just explain it again.

If you have explosive diarrhea, time the flush of the toilet with the initial dropping of mud into the toilet. Try to blow everything out while the flush is occuring. The surface tension on the water will be broken, so backsplash will be minimal, if not altogether eliminated. Not to mention the added bonus of masking the sounds (if you are at a guest's house) and reducing smell in the restroom. (Because it flushes immediately upon arrival).
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-06-2010 , 09:27 PM
its gross

also, its only one page back
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-06-2010 , 09:47 PM
Gross is diarhea-ey water splashing against your ass, then having to wipe it off.

But if you prefer that, be my guest. Are you lacking a chromosome or something?
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-06-2010 , 09:48 PM
Spend an hour and call all the companies you deal with on monthly accounts, cable, gas, electric etc. Move all the due dates to the same day of the month so you only have to pay bills once a month instead of at random times.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-06-2010 , 10:05 PM

I'm guessing you haven't seen the toilets with a yellow and a brown button for flushing.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-06-2010 , 10:16 PM
Haven't read the whole thread but,

If I'm going out away from home, and I'll be drinking a lot (bachelor party, beer festival, whatever), before I go out, I take two Immodium. Yes, you pay for it later, but you avoid having to take a dump at a nasty bar, a nasty porta-john, or in a hotel room with a bunch of other guys. Locks you up tight.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-06-2010 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by prohornblower
This is soo lol. Are you seriously comparing a single line of people to 5-lane highway automobile traffic? You don't see how that is at all different?

Let me ask you this, if you on a road with 2 lanes heading North, and you are heading North, and you are driving 60mph, which is the limit, and you approach a vehicle driving 50mph, do you slow down to 50mph and sit behind them for your 4 hour drive?

Because, using your logic, moving into the left (passing) lane, and going around them is utter douchebaggery.
I almost just did my very first check box post, but decided against it.

But had I done it, you would have detected that I was unhappy with your use of the word logic, and also with your analogy.

The left freaking lane is the FAST lane. I don't care if you're driving at the speed of sound, if I want to drive at the speed of light, get the hell out of my way. If not, I will pass you on the right.

Jesus, your analogy was awful. There is a huge difference between the annoyance of idiots on the road, and our need to disencumber ourselves from them, and a situation where nobody is doing anything wrong except YOU--the overly-aggressive guy who feels a sense of entitlement.

Huge difference.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-06-2010 , 10:23 PM
There's also the fact that when you pass someone on the highway when there's no traffic, you don't slow anybody else down. If you pass n cars in traffic by chasing an ambulance, you push n cars back 1 car each.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-06-2010 , 10:48 PM
I think you guys are seriously reading way too much into it. I mean what city do you guys live in? Where I come from the Highway is a deathzone. You either take charge or get run off the road basically.

I will seriously consider not doing this again though, as I hadn't considered that it could in fact be illegal to follow that close behind an ambulance. I had assumed it was an unwritten rule but didn't think I was breaking the law. Being escorted through traffic isn't worth breaking the law for.

Feel better?
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-06-2010 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by RunDownHouse

I'm guessing you haven't seen the toilets with a yellow and a brown button for flushing.
I've heard of them. Yellow is for piss only, which is low-flow to conserve water and brown is for serious, industrial-strength disposal of solid human waste. Is that right?

What does this have to do with my strategy?
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-06-2010 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by prohornblower
I think you guys are seriously reading way too much into it. I mean what city do you guys live in? Where I come from the Highway is a deathzone. You either take charge or get run off the road basically.

I will seriously consider not doing this again though, as I hadn't considered that it could in fact be illegal to follow that close behind an ambulance. I had assumed it was an unwritten rule but didn't think I was breaking the law. Being escorted through traffic isn't worth breaking the law for.

Feel better?

you say it yourself that the highway is a deathzone and still you did this 3 times and only when faced with the possible illegality of your action do you hesitate to do it? HELLO ANYBODY HOME???????
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-07-2010 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by ohead
you say it yourself that the highway is a deathzone and still you did this 3 times and only when faced with the possible illegality of your action do you hesitate to do it? HELLO ANYBODY HOME???????
Be quiet or I'll recline my seat and crush your knees!
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-07-2010 , 12:45 AM
ladies, ladies
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-07-2010 , 02:27 AM
If you've just painted a room and want to get rid of the smell, put a peeled onion in a bucket of water and put that in the room and the smell will go.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-07-2010 , 02:41 AM
Holy ****, I'm painting 2 rooms in a couple days!
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-07-2010 , 03:06 AM
Add 2 onions to the shopping list imo
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-07-2010 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by cbeaks
Add 2 onions to the shopping list imo
and importantly a second bucket as well.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-07-2010 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by cbeaks
If you've just painted a room and want to get rid of the smell, put a peeled onion in a bucket of water and put that in the room and the smell will go.
Wow, cool.

But, uh, don't you then need a deodorizer to get rid of the smell of....

OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-07-2010 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by cbeaks
If you've just painted a room and want to get rid of the smell, put a peeled onion in a bucket of water and put that in the room and the smell will go.
Does this work for any smell such as if my room smells of sex?
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-07-2010 , 12:09 PM
If your leg or arm is in extreme pain, have someone kick you in the crotch. You will no longer feel the pain in your arm or leg.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-07-2010 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by LovedBySgtSaLT
someone was killed by exactly this douchemove here in germany last week. someone was as "smart" as you and used the ambulance as an escort, someone in the traffic decided to step out of his car after the ambulance passed him and got run over by the following car.
Whereas I don't condone ambulance chasing to get through traffic quickly, it's pretty dumb to not be very careful after an emergency vehicle has passed, as you will often see other emergency vehicles following it.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-07-2010 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Whereas I don't condone ambulance chasing to get through traffic quickly, it's pretty dumb to not be very careful after an emergency vehicle has passed, as you will often see other emergency vehicles following it.
And other ******* flying by trying to get in front of everyone that pulled over.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-07-2010 , 12:24 PM
OOT Life Tricks Quote
