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12-18-2013 , 05:53 AM
let's hope my next root canal doesn't come in between a cheese binge and flag day.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-18-2013 , 06:21 AM
Originally Posted by benb56721
I get a double cheese at McDonalds with out ketchup or mustard and get a side of Mac sauce for 30 cents to put on it. It's just like a big mac only without the 3rd bun and lettuce, and it's half the price!
or you could get them to put the mac sauce on for you and add some lettuce too.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-18-2013 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by UnoTrap
75% of US adults experience some degree of dental fear.
68.4% of all statistics are made up.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-18-2013 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by rponeal
68.4% of all statistics are made up.
This might be funny if he was using a made up statistic, but he's not. (I suppose you could argue that any estimate is inherently made up, but that's probably not your intent.)


Originally Posted by wiki
It is estimated that as many as 75% of US adults experience some degree of dental fear, from mild to severe.
Dental phobia
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-18-2013 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by UnoTrap
If you're worried about visiting the dentist, pooping a few times before you go will help ease your nerves.
This is easily the strangest thing I've read this month.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-18-2013 , 04:44 PM
Yeah no normal/ non psychopath would say something like that
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-18-2013 , 04:58 PM
It all links back to fight or flight response. When scared you are full of adrenaline, your reflexes heighten which means you'll have to poop. Our ancestors needed to poop to lower their body weight in order to increase speed when faced with a fight or flight situation. It's why if you're scared of the dentist, you will be able to poop multiple times before your appointment; if you can't then you most likely don't have dental fear at all.

So those who don't have dental fear don't need to take my advice, but if you do then make sure to poop multiple times beforehand to reduce anxiety.

Last edited by UnoTrap; 12-18-2013 at 05:07 PM.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-18-2013 , 05:02 PM
TBF, nothing annoys a dentist more than a patient waiting until he's sitting in the dentist's chair to poop.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-18-2013 , 05:05 PM
So it is more accurately "fight, flight, or poop"?
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-18-2013 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
So it is more accurately "fight, flight, or poop"?
What if you're actually scared ****less?
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-18-2013 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by UnoTrap
It all links back to fight or flight response. When scared you are full of adrenaline, your reflexes heighten which means you'll have to poop. Our ancestors needed to poop to lower their body weight in order to increase speed when faced with a fight or flight situation. It's why if you're scared of the dentist, you will be able to poop multiple times before your appointment; if you can't then you most likely don't have dental fear at all.

So those who don't have dental fear don't need to take my advice, but if you do then make sure to poop multiple times beforehand to reduce anxiety.
on a scale of 1 to your-an-idiot, how scared of the dentist am I if i only have to poop once before going to the dentist? does eating chili for lunch change that answer?
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-18-2013 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by UnoTrap
So those who don't have dental fear don't need to take my advice, but if you do then make sure to poop multiple times beforehand to reduce anxiety.
So is pooping a good way to relieve anxiety in general? Or is it only for dental related anxiety?

I'm so confused.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-18-2013 , 05:50 PM
It had no effect, he just likes to stick his finger up his bum.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-18-2013 , 05:50 PM

Most stuff I guess. I poop a few times before presentations and exams.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-18-2013 , 05:55 PM
I don't think that's a standard thing. I think your bowels are just more anxiety aware than most...

How many times is a few? How many times a day do you poop when you aren't feeling anxious/nervous/scared?
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-18-2013 , 05:57 PM
Anxious bowel syndrome.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-18-2013 , 06:03 PM
Spaz itt
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-18-2013 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Tom Ames
TBF, nothing annoys a dentist more than a patient waiting until he's sitting in the dentist's chair to poop.
4 out of 5 dentists are more annoyed by patients who fart.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-18-2013 , 07:47 PM
Alright, who let UnoTrap out of Unchained?
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-18-2013 , 10:21 PM
1. Find a 7-11 with lazy clerks
2. Get coffee with 7-11 Refillable Mug for $1.07
3. Only have dollar bills on you
4. Save 7 cents because the clerk doesn't want to make change
5. ???
6. Profit
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-19-2013 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
1. Find a 7-11 with lazy clerks
2. Get coffee with 7-11 Refillable Mug for $1.07
3. Only have dollar bills on you
4. Save 7 cents because the clerk doesn't want to make change
5. ???
6. Not much Profit
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-19-2013 , 10:46 AM
The extra time and weird sense of uneasiness added to the transaction would be worth more than 7c to the vast majority of people.

Less useful than the poop before dentist post imo
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-20-2013 , 01:20 PM
Unless you poop before you go to 7-11, then there is no uneasiness. Then drink the coffee, which makes you poop again, and now you can go to the dentist.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
12-23-2013 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by UnoTrap
...Our ancestors needed to poop to lower their body weight in order to increase speed...
This is true; it's a well-known fact that Usain Bolt pinches a loaf before each race.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
01-01-2014 , 09:35 PM
This about covers it all
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