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OOT Fat Off aka MLYLT containment thread OOT Fat Off aka MLYLT containment thread

10-18-2016 , 09:23 PM
Does anyone else sprinkle pepper over the ketchup at In-N-Out?
10-18-2016 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by amead
In fairness, adding some extra salt to Mickey D's fries is elite. Never considered salting a burger tho.

I've more often than not found the salt amount on McD's fried to be quite adequate.
10-18-2016 , 09:29 PM
Can I have two packs of salt?

Oh, for your fries?

No, for the burger

10-18-2016 , 09:32 PM
I eat mcdonalds once or twice a year usually when traveling with friends. I've complained every time for the last several years that the 1/4 lb burgers are not what they used to be and are salty as ****. How can you add more salt? Smh
10-18-2016 , 09:34 PM
Mly I'm no doctor nor do I purport to have significant medical knowledge, but if you had/have sodium bombs like that on the reg and you admittedly don't drink much water that has to be terrible for you somehow. You must drink water. Drinking water can curb your appetite as well.
10-18-2016 , 09:41 PM
I've always craved and eaten a lot of salt. In my younger days when I was running and working out all the time (teens-early 20s), you could rub the salt off my skin when I was sweating, and I would dump packets of salt on my tongue at times when I was really craving it.

I've always put salt packs on my McDonald's burgers. Towards the end of college, I would have two doubles, large fry, and a large soda almost every single day. I always added salt to the burgers. One day the McDonald's girl told me I was gonna die soon.
10-18-2016 , 09:54 PM
You will if you keep that up for a few more years
10-18-2016 , 09:56 PM
Ok troll confirmed, lock it up
10-18-2016 , 10:05 PM
Man, when I went to the doctor and he told me I needed to increase my sodium intake, I did **** like eat more pickles and beef jerkey like a moran.

Now I know the elite pre-workout meal is a big Mac with extra salt!
10-18-2016 , 10:07 PM
Alright so mlylt saw the attention the ytf posts were getting and decided to pull out a high quality troll.

10-18-2016 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
Ok troll confirmed, lock it up
Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin
I have it on good authority that MLYLT is the biggest troll on the entirety of Twoplustwo.
Called it!
10-18-2016 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by Leo Getz
Wow, I've never heard of someone salting a McDonald's burger before. I didn't know McDonald's gave out salt packets for non big breakfast orders.

Did you ask for 2 packets of salt at the drive thru?
Do you think McD's can afford to just give those out with every order? They are worth their weight in salt!

Originally Posted by offTopic
Does anyone else sprinkle pepper over the ketchup at In-N-Out?
No, but my wife sprinkles salt into ketchup rather than directly onto FF's which she is going to dip in ketchup. I always thought that was stupid, but it finally made sense to me. If I were going to eat FF's again, I would consider it. Ketchup certainly doesn't have enough salt already--or does it?
10-18-2016 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I've always craved and eaten a lot of salt. In my younger days when I was running and working out all the time (teens-early 20s), you could rub the salt off my skin when I was sweating, and I would dump packets of salt on my tongue at times when I was really craving it.

I've always put salt packs on my McDonald's burgers. Towards the end of college, I would have two doubles, large fry, and a large soda almost every single day. I always added salt to the burgers. One day the McDonald's girl told me I was gonna die soon.
Now this McDonald's girl is district manager for McD's.
10-18-2016 , 10:15 PM
Sadly I don't see that level of sophistication to execute a multi thread food log long con troll. There's also the money aspect and asking to still have the bet continue despite a generous buyout offer.

Mly are you regularly oversalting your food, not drinking water, weighing yourself daily and not engaging in any cardio during this weight loss prop?
10-18-2016 , 10:20 PM
I'm participating in my own Fat-On (bulking) and MLYLT trying to loose weight might actually gain more than I do this month.
10-18-2016 , 10:24 PM
Here's some of post 49 of that thread:

Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
Most of you seem to think I'm over-indulging myself. Two sandwiches for lunch? Why not stop at one? Better yet, why not have a salad?

YOU DON'T THINK I'VE TRIED THAT??? And by that I don't mean, "You don't think I tried that one day?", but rather I mean, "You don't think I've slavishly devoted large chunks of my life to that notion???" When I give up, walk away, and say, "That doesn't work for me," you think, "Why not? It works for the rest of us!" Well, obviously that's wrong--if it were correct, I'd be the only fat man on earth! It DOESN'T work for the rest of you, it only works for MOST of you.

Here's what happens when I have a salad for lunch, or some grapefruit for breakfast: I eat the whole thing, I look at the empty bowl, and I think to myself, "I am just as hungry right now as I was before I took a bite of that thing. In fact, I might even be hungrier, now that my palette has been tickled. It still feels like I haven't eaten a thing since my last meal."

Other quick hits, most I've posted before:

--THE US ARMY COULDN'T GET ME BELOW 200 POUNDS! 16 months of extra PT, nonstop running (now my knees are in a shambles from trying to conform to what you guys expect, I've already advised my overweight son to NEVER take up jogging), every meal supervised by a sergeant, nutrition counseling, no fast food because I didn't have a car and lived in the barracks and ate in the chow hall. I'd go to bed so hungry that I'd cry, night after night after night. Being that hungry all the time is no way to live. I don't mean hungry like, "Boy, I could go for a Snickers bar right now," but rather I mean, "It feels like I haven't eaten in three days, it HURTS." Just about none of you would feel that hungry if you ate what I ate during that time in my life, but guess what? We're all not the same! We're all different heights, different colors, different you know how ridiculous you guys sound when you insist that we should all have the same build and be the same weight? My God, stop listening to the party line, and open your eyes and look around you!

--I have three kids, and although they all eat the same foods and get equal amounts of exercise, one of them is fat. My parents had four kids, and one of them is fat. My Uncle Jimmy had three kids, and one of them is fat. My grandparents had two kids, and one of them is fat. Anyone see a pattern here? Did I descend from a long line of lazy people? Oh, and my mother's family is Italian. Think that matters any? Ever watch The Sopranos?

--I have a sister who's never weighed more than 99 pounds in her life. She eats nothing but crap food, pizza and cheeseburgers, but she's fine with tiny portions. She's not depriving herself of anything. Does this not demonstrate that we're all different? Or that there's some wackiness going on in this regard in my family tree?

This is the thinking that gets me steamed. I started jogging when I was ELEVEN. How many eleven-year-olds do you know who regularly jog? I had to cut weight for Pop Warner football at ELEVEN. I was a very active kid, we didn't have computers and video games yet, we went outside EVERY DAY, even in winter. There was no fast food in my life until I got my drivers license at 16, and was already getting mentioned in the high school yearbook as one of the fatties.

I promise I've put more time and energy into losing weight, lifetime, than you've ever put into anything, and I'm here to tell you guys, it's not a rationalization: We weren't all meant to weigh 174 pounds. Life is never as simple as that.

EDIT TO ADD: My new Pakistani roommate came into the kitchen recently and found me eating a tuna sandwich, glass of water, and chips. He told me, "You don't eat like I thought you'd eat." I guess one look at me has people looking for the stacks of empty pizza boxes...
For quick review:

- The second he started logging calories he lost weight
- The second he cut soda he lost weight
- The second he started eating highly satiating food, he lost weight
- He wasn't eating tuna sandwiches with water, he was eating 8000 calories of drive through a day
10-18-2016 , 10:31 PM
Nice, cit upping the ante. Looking forward to MLYLT's counter.
10-18-2016 , 10:44 PM
Ah, the hunger pangs of Auschwitz.

Never forget.
10-18-2016 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Nice, cit upping the ante. Looking forward to MLYLT's counter.
No counter. I'm not delusional. I haven't been fat my entire life, and I know what I was doing when I was skinny vs my habits when being fat.
10-18-2016 , 10:50 PM
When you were skinny, how skinny are we talking?
10-18-2016 , 10:50 PM
He was willing to let much of that thinking go. But the notion that he was a genius, that was a hill he was willing to die on.
10-18-2016 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
No counter. I'm not delusional. I haven't been fat my entire life, and I know what I was doing when I was skinny vs my habits when being fat.
10-18-2016 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
He was willing to let much of that thinking go. But the notion that he was a genius, that was a hill he was willing to die on.
That and his enormous levels of willpower.

Hang on, someone once posted the best thread recap ever in that one, I crack up every time and it's incredibly similar to the theme here.

Last edited by SGT RJ; 10-18-2016 at 10:58 PM.
10-18-2016 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
When you were skinny, how skinny are we talking?
10-18-2016 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
No counter. I'm not delusional. I haven't been fat my entire life, and I know what I was doing when I was skinny vs my habits when being fat.
