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OOT draft discussion thread OOT draft discussion thread

02-23-2011 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by Pudge714

I like CQ/ATAT a lot, but people who think he is great value are wrong. This would be like taking Jose Bautista over Matt Holliday in a baseball draft.
Please reformulate analogy w/ a sport I know/care about, i.e. basketball. TIA
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02-23-2011 , 02:10 AM
It would be like taking Michael Adams over Tony Parker.
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02-23-2011 , 02:13 AM
is this woman for real, and not some sort of gimmick/level? like people have met her irl and she's ******* crazy?

those fake stories are pretty hilarious though.
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02-23-2011 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by tdarko
It would be like taking Michael Adams over Tony Parker.
ty, probably true

Nevertheless, Pudge, I have PMed El D and Eurotrash to alert them to opinion divergence misconduct under the OOT Elite Bylaws that Tiedup sussed out earlier
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02-23-2011 , 02:15 AM
She is a 2+2 author's wife dude. Lol canada indeed.
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02-23-2011 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by stabn
She is a 2+2 author's wife dude. Lol canada indeed.
yeah thats even more embarrassing coming from a 2004 reg poster....
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02-23-2011 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by stabn
She is a 2+2 author's wife dude. Lol canada indeed.
think i phrased that wrong. i wasn't questioning whether she was a real person per se, just wondering if she's actually like how she's been portrayed in the stories that have been posted so far, irl. based on your response i'm guessing that the answer is yes then.

Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka
yeah thats even more embarrassing coming from a 2004 reg poster....
meh, i've never been huge on OOT, so yeah i'm not getting a ton of the jokes/references/etc.
OOT draft discussion thread Quote
02-23-2011 , 02:45 AM
We met a waitress out here that knew Elaine irl and said that she is exactly that ****ing insane. So good.
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02-23-2011 , 03:52 AM
killla/Daver: wow, that was a pretty sick defense of pick + followup post from Daver where he manages to ignore just about every post in the thread, yet still manage to drop in reference to me + Clarky. Perhaps I underestimated here!

bison: Nice find. "I couldn’t believe this man wouldn’t try to make an effort, or at least pretend to." This reference to value she puts in pretending to be nice is awesome foreshadowing for cellphone thread.

Noah: Wow. That sick burn of Clark just made me feel less bad about 27 missing Matty and mia to stick you with me.

Tony: While you were clearly a way over the line dick in your post, I think you got unjustly accused in that thread (I haven't checked, but I believe I defended you from imo unfair attacks even tho you are fat!)

All: I had brunch w/ Elaine in SF and also hung out w/ her in Vegas. Unfortunately, our relationship did not survive the cell phone thread.
OOT draft discussion thread Quote
02-23-2011 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by Eyedea
At least she didn't try to make him hyphenate his last name or change it to hers.
word on the street is that a mortally hurt, former 2p2er actually did this


Originally Posted by Pudge714
The main reason Elaine has generated so much discussion is because she hasn't been around for awhile and people forgot about a lot her non cat-owning work. By the end of his run in OOT everyone hated UNDRAFTED bike courier, but when he was brought up earlier in the thread I thought i had a twinge of nostalgia.


Originally Posted by Clare Quilty
ty, probably true

Nevertheless, Pudge, I have PMed El D and Eurotrash to alert them to opinion divergence misconduct under the OOT Elite Bylaws that Tiedup sussed out earlier
the forum does this automatically but we appreciate you going the extra mile.
OOT draft discussion thread Quote
02-23-2011 , 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by The DaveR
We're still talking about undrafted, right?
Who's the funniest person the two of us have spent time with together?
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02-23-2011 , 04:15 AM
[undrafted] is pretty hilarious, imo. Little chance of his selection in this draft, but he's a very funny guy to be around.
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02-23-2011 , 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by TIEdup14
Wow. That feminist stuff is absolute garbage.
wow even tiedup cant play devils advocate on this one
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02-23-2011 , 06:39 AM
lazymeatball writeup added
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02-23-2011 , 07:20 AM
Originally Posted by miajag
Wasn't there some kind of veiled "I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE" type threat in there as well?
no. it was a bunch of links pointing out how irrational and dumb she is, along with a bunch of angry generic insults which were likely over the top and unnecessary, but not ban worthy in 2006 oot imo .
OOT draft discussion thread Quote
02-23-2011 , 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
Bacon Messiah?..

...seems more like a False Porchetta.

YEEEEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
Imagine my fury when a full pound of Bacon, cut in half, didn't yield both TEAM and HENRY. God damn it.
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02-23-2011 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by thatpfunk
can someone with power double check this gimmick and make sure it isnt a vanished oot mod/first rounder who owes a few people money? because he definitely had one of these guys as a gimmick and im not sure if this was it...
Its not that guy.
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02-23-2011 , 09:41 AM
anxious for the picks to restart... when does the clock start again?
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02-23-2011 , 10:21 AM
offtopic writeup added

clock is on as of 20mins ago and we are going to apply the rules strictly from here on out. (4 hour clock, writeups within 2 hours)

27o/franchise have 40 mins left
OOT draft discussion thread Quote
02-23-2011 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
Originally Posted by Eyedea
At least she didn't try to make him hyphenate his last name or change it to hers.
word on the street is that a mortally hurt, former 2p2er actually did this

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02-23-2011 , 10:24 AM
or what, yeti? you should figure that out now too.
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02-23-2011 , 10:35 AM

What a fitful night of sleep/flip-flopping.
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02-23-2011 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by tuq
If I remember right, the now deleted post in question went like this (paraphrasing):


[censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU [censored] YOU"
IIRC I felt Tony P went way overboard in his Elaine attack. Don't know if it was ban worthy, but iirc he did a fair amount of off-2+2 research that would've freaked me out if I were her.

Originally Posted by gorie
don't understand this. like, i have an awesome and unique name that i would have a hard time letting go of, but if you don't change your name as proof, how will your husband feel like you belong to him now?
My wife didn't change her name so, as noted above, I make sure to pee on her extra. She also wears a collar.
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02-23-2011 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
or what, yeti? you should figure that out now too.
or you get skipped/retro-skipped?
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02-23-2011 , 10:46 AM
Just hump her leg when she comes home and bite the back of her neck.
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