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OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters

05-17-2019 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by Very Josie
Ahhhhh there's nothing like some DrZ posting on an early Friday morning. Good morning DZ!

R&R, next time I get drunk (possibly tomorrow night) I'm going to use this thread as you do, and post poorly. Looks like fun!
Josie dear Josie

it's R*R. but nice try.
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05-17-2019 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
On a real, more serious note -

Not to relitigate the babs thing, but many of us spent hundreds, maybe thousands of hours trying to help him. He never sought help. I definitely spent time in PM's trying to help him. he was abusive, mean, and created a website about me that significantly interrupted my life during a very stressful time so I have a hard time feeling bad about anything I did in there. Fair point though.

Babs never sought help, or even admitted he had a problem. I have been in aggressive therapy for 2 years, and have been through half a dozen doctors attempting to treat what is going on with me. I resent the term "mental illness" because I have achieved far more than you ever could/have even with this disability. It is a battle I fight every day and something I don't really take lightly because there have been times in the last several months where I legitimately didnt know if I was going to see the next week.

Most days it is hard to just do the day to day things human beings need to do. I used this place as a support system for a while and it was invaluable to me. Without the advice i received in OOT I would be nowhere near successful as I am, maybe not even at all. So I really treasure this place and it means a lot to me.

You, however, have been running this place into the ground for multiple years. You can have your little fiefdom and you've made it clear I'm going to have a difficult time here if I stick around. That's fine, you can have it. Part of me really wants to become a pain in your ass but honestly, you are simply not even worth the effort. You are not even worth the effort of making this post, but I am not doing it for you. I am just letting people know what is going on with me. I'd like you to leave me alone but if that isn't an option, fine.
some of you people are so goddamn delusional. no one tried to help babs. he was your whipping boy. your standing joke. a completely messed up ****ed up individual who was a cheat and a laughing stock.

stop pretending otherwise. the **** that went down in his "threads" was pretty ****ed on all ends and all accounts.

the only good that came out of it was admo straightening out and outing the mother****ling crook.


your avatar sucks more than mine. so there. hah hah.
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05-17-2019 , 08:52 PM
I outed him. (with an assist from LKJ)
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05-17-2019 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus

You’re really good at posting poorly!
that makes him a poorly. so nate you caught on. one of the things that makes you a stand up.
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05-17-2019 , 08:55 PM
you outed him and then you tried to help him. what kind of help did you offer?
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05-17-2019 , 08:56 PM
wait, do you not know what happened? Someone give him the link to the ending of that thread.
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05-17-2019 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin

Also I have moved on to prostitutes these days.
male of female?

we should just make this a jmakin ask me anything thread.
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05-17-2019 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
wait, do you not know what happened? Someone give him the link to the ending of that thread.
i know all about babs but i don't quite get the thievery charges layed on you.

i have no clue wtf happened. i wouldn't ask if i did. you think i have time to know all the **** that goes done in this forum. it's almost exclusively a grunch. but i'm a quick learner.

cmon just fess or post up a few cliffs. there is no way i'm going to waste my time backtracking.

Last edited by R*R; 05-17-2019 at 09:16 PM.
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05-17-2019 , 09:07 PM
Plenty of people tried to help Babs, for a long time, despite the fact that he was attempting to scam people from the initial "Thinking of quitting" post.

Tried to help him get jobs. Offered him advice in keeping his job. Encouraged him to make use of the resources he had to start his own business. REPEATEDLY tried to get him to listen to reason on his poor gambling skills.

Once he'd lashed out with slurs and insults enough though, people stopped.
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05-17-2019 , 09:09 PM
Careful, 27. You don't wanna trigger Jmakin too hard:

Originally Posted by jmakin
I mean, it just comes with practice I think. Maybe it's innate a little too - being able to deal with these situations.

For me my rage just takes over and I can think pretty quickly on my feet. I take advantage of the fact that most people (barring the extreme crazies, I don't tussle with them) get extremely flustered in confrontations as well.

In physically dangerous situations, which I have been in several times, I used to experience the shaking and adrenaline you describe. Luckily it didn't freeze me up (I couldn't afford it to) but after many, many times of exposure to this type of thing, you build kind of a "tolerance" to it - I can't really describe it.

There is very real fear inside, but my body does not react. I feel a jolt, I feel my heart start to race, but outwardly there is nothing. And then whatever I've been trained to do or rehearsed in my mind a thousand times takes over.
Regarding the exiled forum...I miss the viscous slam dunking that used to occur here at 2+2 and wish them the best with their slam dunking on the new site.

They seem to be imploding and they slam dunk on each other now with varying levels of success. I think slam dunking is what they live for, and it's be a shame if they can't slam dunk anymore.
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05-17-2019 , 09:09 PM
Many people tried to legitimately help babs several times, to say that isnt true is to completely mischaracterize the situation. There were years where people did things like: 1. Write a resume for him (myself) 2. Offer to refer him to jobs (El D) 3. Give him encouragement about the types of jobs to get. 4. Give him hard truths about his addiction to gambling.

That all ended when he stole money through a series of terrible lies.


You are completely safe posting here and to think otherwise is silly.
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05-17-2019 , 09:26 PM
So jmakin called 27 a piece of **** or a scumbag or something then proudly announces he bangs hookers.

This is a fun thread
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05-17-2019 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Many people tried to legitimately help babs several times, to say that isnt true is to completely mischaracterize the situation. There were years where people did things like: 1. Write a resume for him (myself) 2. Offer to refer him to jobs (El D) 3. Give him encouragement about the types of jobs to get. 4. Give him hard truths about his addiction to gambling.

That all ended when he stole money through a series of terrible lies..

+1 any **** or trolling Babs got he deserved as on top of all of this he is was a wildly abusive, racist, Homophobic (with lots of posted homosexual fantasies) who shared multiple rape fantasies as well.
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05-17-2019 , 09:37 PM
ok went back. figured out the thief thing. didn't spend the time to determine if it is true or not. i'm just happy we don't see politics bs in AFT anymore.
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05-17-2019 , 09:39 PM
so i guess you would call the let's help babs out a complete fail. pity.
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05-17-2019 , 09:42 PM
I am totally for us using the term slam dunk more. Shutup and jam y'all!

And I knew there was a reason Jmoe got hotter girls than me!
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05-17-2019 , 10:08 PM
05-17-2019 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by DoctorZangief
I am totally for us using the term slam dunk
Careful what you ask for. They will slam dunk on you with no regard for you or your family. Their thirst for slam dunking can't be quenched.
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05-18-2019 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by jmakin
It is definitely pathetic the level you guys continue to obsess and follow that forum. But a lot of you are losers so it is not that surprising I guess.
I find the amount of posts you've made closely resembling this one as fairly pathetic.

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05-18-2019 , 12:39 AM
I could've sworn 27 was just pushing jmakins buttons (very successfully) without any ill intent really. Maybe I need to take everything I read on the interwebz more serious.
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05-18-2019 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by jmakin
I'd feel a brief twinge of guilt taking money from someone significantly poorer than me but I'll get over it.
And now Poopdeck Pappy and his grampy's inheritance makes more money than me. Insecure, party of jermakin.

Originally Posted by Larry Legend

You are completely safe posting here and to think otherwise is silly.
Lets not get crazy Larry.

Originally Posted by owster
I could've sworn 27 was just pushing jmakins buttons (very successfully) without any ill intent really. Maybe I need to take everything I read on the interwebz more serious.
No, your read was strong.

Jmakin, the bet is I am not stentorian. Pretty simple stuff dumass.
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05-18-2019 , 01:06 AM
You guys are cute when you argue.
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05-18-2019 , 01:10 AM
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05-18-2019 , 01:11 AM
20,000 piles of ****, all accumulated in one place.
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05-18-2019 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by jmakin

Lay out your terms. I would really enjoy taking money from you. But you've not really given me a bet. I'd feel a brief twinge of guilt taking money from someone significantly poorer than me but I'll get over it.

Also I have moved on to prostitutes these days.

How would you even know if 27 is significantly poorer than you? Where would you stack up your net worth against others in the forum, or do you only have insight into 27's?
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