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08-12-2015 , 10:51 PM
I thought hollow points exploded on impact into itty bitty pieces? Don't think they're designed to go through heads but I could be wrong.
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08-13-2015 , 12:00 AM
It's a bizarre thing, but yeah I held my breath and ventured into that thread and somehow Greear is the voice of reason there. It doesn't seem particularly trollish to me either.
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08-13-2015 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
I thought hollow points exploded on impact into itty bitty pieces?
No. They expand outward on impact causing more damage. Small hole on entry. Big hole on exit.
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08-13-2015 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by Didace
No. They expand outward on impact causing more damage. Small hole on entry. Big hole on exit.
You would think someone that holds his neighbors at gunpoint while his dog ****s on their yard would know what a bullet does.
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08-13-2015 , 09:07 AM
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08-15-2015 , 12:07 AM
I am so wanting to light someone up right now and I'm a big animal lover. Sounds like G10 needs some help in the dog thread. Arf.
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08-17-2015 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by Jackitos
You would think someone that holds his neighbors at gunpoint while his dog ****s on their yard would know what a bullet does.
Ahh haaaaaaaaaaaa this is THE thread i think of when DiB comes up. Who the **** doesn't pick up their own dogs ****? lol....(no, don't start this thread again)
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08-31-2015 , 09:25 PM
So just had a beer with an old friend and he shared w/ me this experience he had recently. Want to know OOT's opinions.

So dude sold this old Mustang he's had since he was a teenager that was just collecting dust back at his parents place and walked away with about $4k. Takes the cash and drives the 3 hours back to the college town he's currently residing in, folds the wad of cash in a pair of socks, put the socks in the back of his sock drawer, and leaves. He apparently has used this method to store small amounts of money for the year or so he's been living at this place but hasn't told anyone about it ever.

He has two roommates; one is a guy he gets along with well, the other is apparently a white guy who pretends to be hood and raps and **** but is actually from a rich family. Tom Hanks son situation. Anyway they don't get along well but aren't necessarily on bad terms, like they just don't talk really. So my friend arrives back to the appartment without telling anyone he sold his car (or had cash), goes to his room, hides the money, then leaves with the cool roommate to have drinks shortly thereafter.

Three hours or so later he comes back, goes to the drawer, the money is gone.

Note, he has a pitbull mix that essentially lives in his room while he's away who barks at strangers but that there is a door to the room that leads directly outside that he keeps unlocked. White rapper roomie denies everything, even admitting his parents are rich and that he has no motivation to steal a few grand. He also says he was home the whole time and didn't hear anything or invite anyone over.

I'm thinking it had to be the roommate. Odds it was? Nothing else was missing, no break in. Friend isn't going to involve the police but might beat his ass or steal from him or set up a camera or something.

CLIFFS: Friend had a few grand stolen from his room despite the money being out of sight for only a few hours and being hidden in such a way that it wouldn't be obvious to anyone not looking for it. Seems obvious it was the roommate. Looking for corroboration and advice on what he should do.
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08-31-2015 , 09:32 PM
That story is 100% made up.
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08-31-2015 , 09:35 PM
Right? I mean what are the odds I even have a friend IRL.
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08-31-2015 , 09:52 PM
Maybe the roommate was just taking the cash for a 'test drive' and will return it in a week or so
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08-31-2015 , 09:55 PM

The socks are in a gym bag or under the bed or something.
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08-31-2015 , 09:59 PM

Are you the white rapper or the cool roommate?

Is the $4000 a little weed or some oreos?
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08-31-2015 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by DodgerIrish
Maybe the roommate was just taking the cash for a 'test drive' and will return it in a week or so
This response is the winner.
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08-31-2015 , 10:47 PM
I think story being made up or friend just misplacing the sock are more likely than roomate stealing it.

Hiding money in the sock drawer is super ******ed tho. Does he hide the spare key under the door mat too?
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08-31-2015 , 11:07 PM
Pretty sure the roommate is getting a hard ass kicking tonight which will surely end poorly for my friend. White rapper seems like he'd be quick to whimper back to his folks for $$$ to lawyer up.
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09-01-2015 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Pretty sure the roommate is getting a hard ass kicking tonight which will surely end poorly for my friend. White rapper seems like he'd be quick to whimper back to his folks for $$$ to lawyer up.
If your friend assaults people with no more proof than what you gave us he should be locked up. At least he'll go inside knowing better than to hide **** in his socks.
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09-01-2015 , 12:05 AM
Fair point, but let's be honest, roomie is the guilty party here at least 80% of the time, right?
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09-01-2015 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Fair point, but let's be honest, roomie is the guilty party here at least 80% of the time, right?
Idk. Is he really dumb enough to take all that money with no alibi and no other possible suspects? If your friend picks roommates like that he is for sure capable of losing the money himself. I say 50/50 with limited reads.
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09-01-2015 , 12:15 AM
He's also friends with DiB which says a lot.

DiB is making up story>friend is making up story>friend misplaced sock>roommate took it

I mean come on, roommate goes through friends sock drawer every time he leaves for an hour or two? Or this was the first time he went through roommates **** and just got lucky? BS
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09-01-2015 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by Alobar
He's also friends with DiB which says a lot.

DiB is making up story>friend is making up story>friend misplaced sock>roommate took it

I mean come on, roommate goes through friends sock drawer every time he leaves for an hour or two? Or this was the first time he went through roommates **** and just got lucky? BS
Great application of bayes here. Yeah. This is all bull****
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09-01-2015 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by Alobar
DiB is making up story>friend is making up story>baked friend misplaced sock>pitbull swiped it and hid it>someone came through the unlocked door from outside>roommate took it

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09-01-2015 , 01:16 AM
Roommate never had 4k. Set up roommate so he could kick his ass until he agrees to get his rich parents to "replace" it.

Oldest trick in the book. Probably doesn't even have socks.
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09-01-2015 , 01:27 AM
If the tale isn't a total fabrication I assume his parents know about the 4k because the car was at their place. Maybe/prbly it's a hand-me-down within the family (had it since teenager) or something. He used the money for a bookie or drugs or whatever and he has to concoct a story about how the money disappeared when he promised them he was going to do X with it.
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09-01-2015 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by Alobar

I mean come on, roommate goes through friends sock drawer every time he leaves for an hour or two? Or this was the first time he went through roommates **** and just got lucky? BS
That's the ****ed up part. If it was stolen it means someone routinely rifles through all his ****...which almost certainly is a roommate as nobody else would know enough about my friend's movements to know when he's home or gone. Money was only out of sight for a few hours.

If it's not lost, and friend is 100% certain it isn't, then roommate is the guilty party some huge percentage of the time. Question is what the appropriate response is.
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