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OOT charity rOOTlette - March 6, 7pm Vegas time @ Bellagio OOT charity rOOTlette - March 6, 7pm Vegas time @ Bellagio

03-05-2014 , 05:12 PM
Yakmelk - Good catch, thank you. I've PMed ClarkNasty and asked him to pick an alternate charity.

Lock up #33 for 2/325Falcon and the Wounded Warrior Project!
Lock up #19 for W0X0F and the Cure Alzheimer's Fund!
Lock up #14 for Rei Ayanami and the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative!

0WVUskinsfanChildren's Miracle Network
32knivesoutYouth Program for the Center on Halsted
15YakmelkInternational Bipolar Foundation
19W0X0FCure Alzheimer's Fund
4Villain1Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
21Bode-istJimmy V Foundation for Cancer Research
2chopstickFriends of Homeless Animals
25WalterSBrain and Behavior Research Foundation
17dkgojacketsGirl Up
13DidsCystic Fibrosis Foundation
36youtalkfunnyAmerican Red Cross
11Dr. SpacemanHilarity For Charity
8lonely_but_richAmerica's VetDogs
23MrWookieEcumenical Hunger Program
10de captainOcean Conservancy
5thinmanPlanned Parenthood
24jmakinmecrzyAmerican Heart Association
16QuadstrikerFreedom Service Dogs of America
332/325FalconWounded Warrior Project
1YetiCancer Research UK
20JL514Direct Relief
14Rei AyanamiSchistosomiasis Control Initiative
31metaname2NYC Outward Bound Schools Challenge Grant
927offsuitCompassionate Care ALS
22El DiabloSF-Marin Food Bank
29CalledDownLightThe First Tee Atlanta
7DominicAndre Agassi Foundation For Education
12kioshkMobile Loaves and Fishes of Austin
35AlobarMultiple Myeloma Research Foundation
3mmbt0neSt Bernard Project
26pwnsallAutism Research Institute

2 slots open. 2 selected but haven't picked yet:

The alternates are:
1. El_Timon (charity: PATH)
2. Microbet
3. jennitron (El Diablo's champion)
4. riverboatking (27offsuit's champion)
5. ? (Dids' champion)

Alternates, please chime in with your preferred charity if you haven't already. Who knows if we'll ever hear back from killa/Microbet or the other alternates ahead of you.

chopstick ($5/number)
mmbt0ne ($1/number)
El Diablo ($1/number)
Dids ($1/number)
Dominic ($1/number)
Yeti ($1/number)
knivesout ($1/number)
Quadstriker ($1/number)
JL514 ($1/number)
Alobar ($37 direct to winning charity)
MyrnaFTW ($37 direct to winning charity)
WalterS ($37 direct to winning charity)
Yakmelk ($37 direct to winning charity)
MEb ($37 direct to winning charity)
metaname2 ($37 direct to winning charity)
El Timon ($10 on #30, $5 on #11, #28, #killa, $10 on his own # if selected)
CalledDownLight (Will match each $ on his number up to $25)
03-05-2014 , 05:15 PM
Hey Chopstick,

I just realized that I'm going to be in Las Vegas when you put the money down. I'm about to fly from Atlanta to Las Vegas, arriving at 8:02 pm and then I have a 25 hour layover. Where exactly in the Bellagio would I go if I want to see you make the bet?

Edit: I just re-read your OP and see that it's in the high limit room, so I guess I can find that by asking. I'll have on a Duke jacket and an Aero Medevac ball cap.
03-05-2014 , 05:25 PM
Great news, W0X0F! Looking forward to seeing you there!

I'm pretty easy to spot. I'll be the guy with long hair wearing a St Thomas International Regatta blue/white baseball cap and a blue Columbia PFG shirt.

Anyone else who wants to show up is more than welcome, whether you are participating or not.

Just under 30 hours left until the big spin!

let us go go go!

Last edited by chopstick; 03-05-2014 at 05:30 PM.
03-05-2014 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Guys, if you want to PayPal me your donation, do so at:

Do so as a friend/gift so there are no charges.

If I do not receive a confirmation email that I have received money from someone by Thursday at 7pm, your pledge won't be included!
Shipped $37

GL charities!

Thanks to all who are helping to facilitate.
03-05-2014 , 06:06 PM
W0X0F in the mf hizzle. I hope this will be documented accordingly.

Last edited by 27offsuit; 03-05-2014 at 06:18 PM.
03-05-2014 , 06:16 PM

37 sent to Dom.

So we're now at at least $677 donation to charity, is that right?

Very nice!
03-05-2014 , 06:25 PM
I'm guessing they won't let us take a video of the roulette wheel while it's spinning.

I'm hoping to get at a minimum:

1. Photo of the table with all the bets placed
2. Photo of the ball in whatever slot it lands in
3. Photo of the table with the winning number marked and the bet paid
4. Photo of croupier holding a "Congratulations (username) and (charity)!" sign

I'm thinking #1 & #3 are locks, #4 if I tip well enough. Skeptical on #2 because it would be a photo of the wheel, but we'll see what happens. I plan to be very liberal with my use of the phrase "for charity".

I will walk over there in a bit to confirm location of the wheel and see if I can talk to someone to verify the photos will be kosher. We have to have photos!
03-05-2014 , 06:25 PM
Alzheimer's Foundation of America.

I believe that is different than the Alzheimer's fund someone else chose.
03-05-2014 , 06:33 PM

Yes, that is the guaranteed minimum to the winning charity right now.

Right now we have:
1. $13 on 37 numbers (paying 35-1, so $455 guaranteed to the charity)
2. 6 people donating $37 directly to the winning charity ($222 guaranteed to charity)
3. At least $33 of misc action ($X possible depending on what happens)


Thanks, will update!
03-05-2014 , 06:58 PM
So i'm looking for Chopstick and WX0XF at the Bellagio high limit area? Easy enough.
03-05-2014 , 07:12 PM
This is an awesome idea and it's cool that a few OOT'rs are showing up for the spin.

GL everyone.
03-05-2014 , 07:49 PM
The area for high limit roulette is behind the Baccarat Bar which is not far from the lobby. It's surrounded by roulette tables.

I just stopped by and asked the shift manager if photos would be OK. She said that the decision would need to be made at the time of the bet so I guess we'll find out tomorrow. Her reasoning was that if there are high rollers there already they might not want to allow photos.

I asked her if coming at a different time would make a difference and she said it would not. I asked if there was any way to confirm now and she said no.

I think the best course of action is to proceed as planned and if they decide to not allow photos, either go somewhere else or just do it without photos.

I would rather avoid changing date/location/time if possible but obviously we really want photos if we can.

Thoughts? I'm still in the Bellagio if that matters for getting questions answered.
03-05-2014 , 07:52 PM

I'm sure dom and W can get a couple shots regardless.
03-05-2014 , 08:08 PM
Yeah we should be fine I hope.

Not to turn this into a trip report but since I'm here, might as well buffet for dinner:

That's prime rib on top of pork belly on top of Kobe. The asparagus is the best thing so far. That little roast potato looks like it has potential, though.
03-05-2014 , 08:09 PM
Too much gray band on that prime rib. Do not want.
03-05-2014 , 08:11 PM
W and anyone else showing up -

The high limit area is behind the bar in the center of this photo. Roulette tables are on your right as you walk in, can't miss them.
03-05-2014 , 08:17 PM
You should just go across the street to the Imperial Palace imo. At that level of play, they are not only more likely to let you take pictures, they might comp you one of those luv-tub rooms.
03-05-2014 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by metaname2
You should just go across the street to the Imperial Palace imo. At that level of play, they are not only more likely to let you take pictures, they might comp you one of those luv-tub rooms.
I thought they tore down the IP or something? (I havent been in a while, thats just what I remember hearing)
03-05-2014 , 08:32 PM
I'm almost certain that the Imperial Palace is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, I don't think Caesar's can legally tear it down.
03-05-2014 , 08:33 PM
I googled it, apparently they just changed its name. Sounds like its still the same old dump
03-05-2014 , 08:40 PM
IP is now The Quad.
03-05-2014 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by metaname2
I'm almost certain that the Imperial Palace is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, I don't think Caesar's can legally tear it down.
You're thinking of O'Shea's iirc
03-05-2014 , 09:38 PM

OK let's see if I can win us another $37 to bump things up a notch. Dunno if that space in my name is a good sign or a bad sign. I do have a chopstick in my pocket right now from the buffet so let us go go go!
03-05-2014 , 10:04 PM
I just woke up and got a PM that I'm 27o "champion".
does that mean I have to fight someone else to the death to prove his innocence?

what is required of me?

edit: oh I have to pick a charity. I'm grunching so if this one is off the table let me know but I'll go with

animal welfare institute http://

it's a great charity and has an A+ rating from charity watch.
03-05-2014 , 10:08 PM
Do it for the kids chopstick!!
