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OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now
View Poll Results: How long for her to write back?
2-4 hours
9 9.38%
4-8 hours
5 5.21%
A full day (18-24 hours)
11 11.46%
Two full days, responding the day of the suggested drink date.
9 9.38%
She will not respond, Pwned.
62 64.58%

04-27-2011 , 12:17 AM
She thinks you need to communicate more concisely. You talk a lot, but do you listen? Do you really listen?
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 12:20 AM
Trying to dip your pen in the company ink is not a good idea.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by stu+stu
I can't get over someone asking about holding hands on a date itt. So sad
give him a break and post less
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 12:43 AM
Just go out for drinks with her after work, see what the conversation is like. If she's into you it'll be pretty apparent after a few drinks.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 12:44 AM
She invites you to go out for drinks, and you say no? Unless there was a death in the family, there is something wrong with you.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 12:48 AM
I don't think you should go after her. If she asks to hang out again then go, but otherwise do not ask her out. If she tries something then good for you, but you will look like a total dbag if you do something and she really isn't into you. Her asking you to go out for drinks could just be her trying to be nice because she thinks you have no friends. Also, you admitted that she seems really into her bf. If they were really close at this work function then that is definitely a sign that you should not go after her. She is probably lonely because her boyfriend is far away and wants some friends to hang out with. Planning a trip to Europe doesn't sound like things are on the rocks to me. Sorry, dude.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 12:48 AM
she wants to have sex with you but not leave her boyfriend
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 12:55 AM
Soooo long. Stopped reading at 'female coworker I really like who has an out-of-town boyfriend.'

Ill go with the general consensus of 'communicate'.
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04-27-2011 , 01:03 AM
Dear John,

It's been so long since you've e-mailed me!!! I miss you so much. The transition the last few months has been really tough, but I love my job despite the long hours. I haven't had that much time to meet new people, but I've made some good friends. You remember Sarah, Caitlin, and Karamazonk from the company party right? I talk to them on my down time at work, and they are all becoming good freinds. Sarah and Caitlin and I have our girls night, I invited Karamazonk out a few times with us but he's always tired or about to play poker. He is a really sweet guy though. Don't be getting jealous!!!! I talk about you all the time, and he even met you, he knows that we're just friends. Anyways, I miss you a lot, can't wait to see you next week.

Sincerely Yours,
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by Tyler Durden
Trying to dip your pen in the company ink is not a good idea.
Most businesses today use computers for printing, so this doesn't really apply.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 01:07 AM
What is IOI?

Way to shoot down her request to hang out, twice! Seems like she might be interested.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 01:10 AM
she asked you to get drunk with her twice and you said no both times????
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 01:47 AM
[ ] pic of or r u else GTFO lol
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 03:56 AM
get out of your ***** head and don't try to impress at all
talk about conversation topics that YOU find interesting,do what YOU want to do and what amuses YOU. Even if the date is going bad YOU don't need her or anyone else to have a fun night you are completely comfortable with your self and your going out because YOU want to go out and the girl is just along for the fun ride that is called YOUR night
always remember that

YOU are the coolest mothfker in the room and everything YOU say is gold
you need that mentality
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 07:51 AM
I didn't read that wall of text but if you're asking this question to a bunch of internet poker players the answer is probably no. Also Dids please merge this into the catch all emo thread!
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 07:59 AM
vixticator: indication of interest. It's PUA lingo. Since the PUA community is mostly nerds it stands to reason that like the WoW community or the 2p2 community they have developed their own jargon and abbreviations.

Not to be a broken record, but if someone writes 1,100 words and asks "is she into me?" then 95% of the time (a) the answer is no and (b) OP is struggling with girls because he's obsessive and over-analytical.

OK, now I'll read the whole wall of text.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 08:14 AM
After paragraph 2: Sounds like we're setting up for the classic emotional boyfriend/no sex scenario.

First sentence of paragraph 3: You are correct. PUA is a bad gimmick that any woman worth her salt will recognize for what it is and get as far away from you as possible. If it helped you understand some principles you were missing, great; now get the hell away from it.

About a month ago, I started to realize a lot of IOIs were being thrown my way: -she was going out of her way a lot to come talk to me, always smiling;
This is an indication she wants to talk to you, not that she wants to **** you.

-almost every time I'd come talk to her in her office, she started playing with her hair in a really unconscious way--I noticed she did this almost every time we started laughing about something or conversation was really flowing;
This can mean a girl's interested because it's often a sign of nervousness, but after time passes and she keeps doing it, it gets likely she's just a girl that plays with her hair when talking to everyone up to and including her mother and her cat.

-she straightened herself up a lot while sitting, craning her neck up in a way that couldn't help but show off her chest,
You mean in such a way that you couldn't help but notice her chest. Sitting up straight means she wants you?

-she'd ask me to look over her shoulder and proofread something on her computer screen a lot,
Are you better at writing things without typos than she is? Organizationally your writing needs a lot of work, but it's nearly typo-free, so I'm guessing yes. So it's career +EV for her to get you to improve her work for free. I see no indication of sexual interest at all on this one.

-she licked her lips a lot,
Could mean something.

-always smiling and laughing, never short with me.
I can name eight girls I work with right now that always smile and laugh with me. I doubt this means they all want me in them. More likely it means they always smile and laugh with everyone.

Getting phone numbers from co-workers for semi-work-related purposes is standard.

All in all, OP, it's possible she really is interested but much more likely that she is simply a friendly, nice person, she is benefiting career-wise from your glad assistance with simple things, she is benefiting personally from you being a happy sounding board for her, and you are trying very hard to make it all add up to "she must want me!"

Turning down a last-second invite for drinks is not that bad; you just have other plans, that's fine, a girl would expect a guy worth hanging out with to have social plans on a Friday night. But it depends how you phrased your decline. Even so, the evidence you're presented points a lot more strongly to she is nice, friendly, likes you on a friend level and that is it. But for ****'s sake don't post 1,100 words on a message board if you want to know. You see her every day. Say, "Sorry I had to miss out on Friday but let's do X this Saturday."

But none of this is the most important issue. You turned down a social outing with a girl you are obsessed with so you could play poker. You have a gambling problem. You should seek help.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by karamazonk
I stopped by her office to say bye for the weekend, and she told me she was going out for drinks with a friend (another first year associate, female) and asked if I wanted to come along. I probably should've just went with it, but I was really craving poker (Black Friday took away 80% of my poker playing--had just become a winning $115s hu sng reg fml) and was kind of taken off guard so I told her I couldn't that night (told her about poker, which she seems to think is cool) but said we should hang out soon. (brag: I ended up making $1300+ at 1-2 that night)
Can't believe that you would rather hang round with a bunch of grubby casino types rather than someone you think is attractive and fun. The 'i need to play poker' is total BS, you can lie to yourself OP, but not to us.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by Zeth
I can name eight girls I work with right now that always smile and laugh with me. I doubt this means they all want me in them.
How many of them do you think do?
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 08:58 AM
Two, maybe three.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 09:28 AM
The poker excuse was horrible.

Sounds like she's new to the office and trying to make friends. I wouldn't read into anything she's doing as beyond friendly until you spend some 1on1 time with her outside of the office.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 09:41 AM
It sounds like there are def. some signs that she may be "into" you. As far as mentioning the boyfriend, that can be a common trait that attached females use to make themselves feel "better" about flirting with you. I think the big question here is how she acts around other guys, besides yourself.

You mentioned she has a bubbly outgoing personality....but how does she act towards other guys? Does she invite other guys out to drink with her?

I think the inviting you out to drink is a massive IOI. Turning her down is not necessarily bad (as someone else said, a guy of value will have social plans at night) but dropping the poker on her is questionable at best. (This turns the social/fun guy into a possible problem gambler....I know your not, but this is how it's viewed unfortunately).

The big key here is making SURE you go out for drinks with her again...and make sure your are using plenty of physical touching...not "creepy" but see how she responds to you physically with just light touches, etc. You need to be seen as someone she views as attractive, not just the "Oh, he's a nice guy but LJBF (Let's just be friends). This is a good time to use some of the things you may have learned in the PUA community....I def. don't agree with all of it, but physical touching, establishing commonalities, and establishing comfort are huge.

Let us know how it works.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by Zeth
After paragraph 2: Sounds like we're setting up for the classic emotional boyfriend/no sex scenario.

First sentence of paragraph 3: You are correct. PUA is a bad gimmick that any woman worth her salt will recognize for what it is and get as far away from you as possible. If it helped you understand some principles you were missing, great; now get the hell away from it.
I would agree that a lot of the gimmicky PUA "routines" are counterproductive and can be negative with some women, but saying that PUA is a "gimmick" is far from the truth. The key is taking what you learn in PUA and building YOUR life around them.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 09:56 AM
OP very clearly is a problem gambler.

PUA is a gimmick. Period. There was already a thread of like 4,000 posts on this topic a couple years ago. The PUA shills incessantly try to shift the definition to basically call everything that can be described as making oneself more desirable to girls PUA. It isn't. PUA is a specific community comprised mostly of internet nerds that explains some grade school level evolutionary psychology in broad terms, and then teaches said nerds horrible gimmicks. Nobody actually gets laid. Most of the PUA "gurus" are scammers.

I am not Henry17 and am not going to make any pretence of reading the enormous walls of text the PUA shills are no doubt about to flood this thread with. It is a gimmick, you know it's a gimmick, and girls know it's a gimmick. It helps a guy do nothing more than every guy does on his own with a minimal social skill set--get in bed with girls one notch below himself on the social hierarchy.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
04-27-2011 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
What is IOI?
It is a sign that the person speaking should have a big scarlet L tattooed on their forehead.


Returning to the wall of text -- why does it matter if she is interested or not? Going for it in this situation is ******ed given the risk to your career.
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