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OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now
View Poll Results: How long for her to write back?
2-4 hours
9 9.38%
4-8 hours
5 5.21%
A full day (18-24 hours)
11 11.46%
Two full days, responding the day of the suggested drink date.
9 9.38%
She will not respond, Pwned.
62 64.58%

09-04-2011 , 08:40 PM
Update on Virgin:

Multiple tries, unsuccessful so far. Her vag opening, i chit you not, is less than a half inch. I can't fit anything inside there, let alone my penis. I really don't know what to do. When I get more than 1/3 of my index finger in there, she is dying and can't handle it. I've been with a lot of girls and I've never seen a putay so small. I've seen small ones. But nothing like this.

I think the better route might be anal sex at this point, and I'm not saying this selfishly, but for her enjoyment as well.

Any advice is still very welcome. Thanks!
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-04-2011 , 08:47 PM
Girlfriend needs to see a gynecologist.

On the upside, mystery solved.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-04-2011 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Poker Reference
Girlfriend needs to see a gynecologist.

On the upside, mystery solved.
I'm glad you said this. This was my suggestion to her after the second try. So maybe I'm not crazy.

Edit: My other suggestion was that she buy a toy she likes and practice and stretch it because she knows her pain threshold the best.

Last edited by Redtuber; 09-04-2011 at 09:01 PM.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-04-2011 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by Redtuber
Edit: My other suggestion was that she buy a toy she likes and practice and stretch it because she knows her pain threshold the best.
im surprised that being 25 and no sex she hasn't broken/stretched her hymen herself (w/toys etc) . kinda weird .
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-04-2011 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Jzo19
im surprised that being 25 and no sex she hasn't broken/stretched her hymen herself (w/toys etc) . kinda weird .
Yeah I agree. The fact is no fingering herself and no toys. Apparently, sex was never a priority. Hence, when she gave me blowjob, she was like when do I stop. I pretty much have to teach her everything as if she was 14 years old. I was her first bj too. Jeez.

Edit: So I tried to set the kink in motion by rubbing my **** against her vagina for a good while, and then finishing myself off over her belly. I'm pretty decent at stretching limits. This was a tiny victory.

Last edited by Redtuber; 09-04-2011 at 09:33 PM.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-04-2011 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by Poker Reference
Girlfriend needs to see a gynecologist.

On the upside, mystery solved.
Yeah, this. That's not normal.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-05-2011 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by Redtuber
Hence, when she gave me blowjob, she was like when do I stop. I pretty much have to teach her everything as if she was 14 years old. I was her first bj too. Jeez.
A sound alternative if you don't want to risk jail by using an actual 14 yo, good find.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-05-2011 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by sevendeuc24
Need advice -

I'm a freshman living at a college very close to my home. There's this like really hot girl that goes here, a 9/10 at least which is kind of surprising since this is one of the best technical schools in the country. She lives around here as well and I've always known of her and we have a few mutual friends. Oddly enough, these mutual friends are my current girlfriend's best friends. I introduced myself to her the other day while she was walking with a friend and said, "Hey, did you go to "insert high school name here" by any chance?", she said ya and we chatted for a little, I asked her if she knew so and so etc. My cousin had also talked to this girl a while back and I asked him for her number. Now my question - Would it be too weird to send her a text saying something along the lines of "Hey, remember me, we met the other day, what are you and your friends doing tonight, come party in our room", or should I wait until I talk to her more in person.
just go ahead and text her. if she grew up near you then it shouldnt be a big deal
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-05-2011 , 10:47 PM
I am such a little *****.

At work this girl walks out while I'm on my break and starts talking to me (we have scheduled breaks/lunches), I'm surprised because I look like crap today and didn't really feel like talking to anyone. We make a bit of small talk as she smokes a cig. I instantly recall the last time a girl at my work randomly started talking to me. She said "nice shirt" and we ended up ****ing about 3 weeks later.

Anyway about 3 hours later I'm taking my next break and she comes out about 5 minutes after me.

Her: "We must have the same breaks haha!"
Me: "'re stalking me...."

and we both laugh, we talk a bit more. She says she took her break about 45 min late which made me think she might have just waited for me to walk by but then I lol'ed inside because what girl would do that?

At this point there's one random person outside sitting with us, but she left so it was just me and this girl. I wanted to get her number real bad but didn't really know how to do it without it being incredibly awkward. Why I didn't just say "can I have your number?" I don't know.

So she walks in, my break ended about 10 min later and I decided **** it and wrote "(my number), text me" on a piece of paper and walked past her and handed it to her.

No text yet. Chance she ever hits me up? I really just want to nail her because she's sexy and way better than what I'm used to pulling.

Again, I'm such a little *****. Giving my number to a girl like that is soo lame...but I really had to do something, anything, and today, or else she would have figured I wasn't interested or that I was a little p*ssy and afraid of her. It just felt so similar to the last girl...I was sitting there like a dork on my phone and I hear this "hey nice shirt" and looked up to a smile from a girl I didn't know.

I'm so freakin awkward face to face and even on the phone. Seems like the only way I can get anywhere with any girl is by texting. Huge beat for me and my life. But I guess I'd rather be a little p*ssy who gets laid somewhat regularly than still a virgin in my mid 20s.

Some fat girl at work also tried to get me to hug her and I lol'd at her and walked right past her.

Offer me advice, or flame away.

Last edited by buccobaseball24; 09-05-2011 at 11:00 PM.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-05-2011 , 10:55 PM
Also there's a girl at work who constantly talks to me and within like 5 seconds of us talking she brings up her b/f, how she had to drop him off at work or how he took her to some concert or some **** and I just shrug my shoulders or start messing around on my phone since I don't really care about her b/f besides the fact that I guess they live together so that makes sleeping with her more difficult. What's my play, keeping in mind I'm a huuuuge b*tch and probably would offend her/get myself fired from work if I tried to make a witty play for her number.

The fact that any girls at all even talk to me makes me laugh sometimes, if you've read any of my posts you can tell my life isn't the best and I'm actually quite pathetic most days. Yet girls seem to want to talk to me? Lol wat?

I do find it funny when girls try and talk to me about their problems and I just ignore them...I'm not your friend, ho. Go cry to your roommate about your ex.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-05-2011 , 11:00 PM
No chance, don't eat where you drink and dip the ink in the company well
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-05-2011 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by garcia1000
No chance, don't eat where you drink and dip the ink in the company well
Are you replying to the first or the 2nd post?

Girl in post 1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>girl in post 2. Girl #1 is a solid 7.5+ and girl 2 is probably a 6 at best. From what I know about girl 1 she's single and has her own place. Girl 2 is poor and lives w/her b/f. She actually asked me for help finding a new car since she gave her old one away and bought a new one that blew up.

It's a part time job with high turnover, I really don't care if I lose this job since it's easily replaced.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-05-2011 , 11:14 PM
Oh you should mention that in the original post because that is sort of relevant whether it's part-time high turnover or not
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-05-2011 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by buccobaseball24
I am such a little *****.

At work this girl walks out while I'm on my break and starts talking to me (we have scheduled breaks/lunches), I'm surprised because I look like crap today and didn't really feel like talking to anyone. We make a bit of small talk as she smokes a cig. I instantly recall the last time a girl at my work randomly started talking to me. She said "nice shirt" and we ended up ****ing about 3 weeks later.

Anyway about 3 hours later I'm taking my next break and she comes out about 5 minutes after me.

Her: "We must have the same breaks haha!"
Me: "'re stalking me...."

and we both laugh, we talk a bit more. She says she took her break about 45 min late which made me think she might have just waited for me to walk by but then I lol'ed inside because what girl would do that?

At this point there's one random person outside sitting with us, but she left so it was just me and this girl. I wanted to get her number real bad but didn't really know how to do it without it being incredibly awkward. Why I didn't just say "can I have your number?" I don't know.

So she walks in, my break ended about 10 min later and I decided **** it and wrote "(my number), text me" on a piece of paper and walked past her and handed it to her.

No text yet. Chance she ever hits me up? I really just want to nail her because she's sexy and way better than what I'm used to pulling.

Again, I'm such a little *****. Giving my number to a girl like that is soo lame...but I really had to do something, anything, and today, or else she would have figured I wasn't interested or that I was a little p*ssy and afraid of her. It just felt so similar to the last girl...I was sitting there like a dork on my phone and I hear this "hey nice shirt" and looked up to a smile from a girl I didn't know.

I'm so freakin awkward face to face and even on the phone. Seems like the only way I can get anywhere with any girl is by texting. Huge beat for me and my life. But I guess I'd rather be a little p*ssy who gets laid somewhat regularly than still a virgin in my mid 20s.

Some fat girl at work also tried to get me to hug her and I lol'd at her and walked right past her.

Offer me advice, or flame away.
Well, at least you gave her the note yourself and didn't pass it to someone else to give to her. That's something I suppose.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-05-2011 , 11:28 PM
Yep I cried just a bit inside as I handed her my #. Had to do it though. If I didn't give her my # or get hers I would have regretted it for a while. At least now I have a .0000001% chance.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-06-2011 , 03:07 AM
You should have made her a note that said "Do you like me? Check yes or no"
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-06-2011 , 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by siccjay
You should have made her a note that said "Do you like me? Check yes or no"
I think I would find that funny enough to check yes.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-06-2011 , 03:46 AM
Guy I've been casually dating for two weeks or so texted me that he loves me (ew.) How to respond?

A.) Aw, that's so sweet.
B.) Thanks!
C.) Um, we need to talk...
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-06-2011 , 04:27 AM
Originally Posted by New Kid
Guy I've been casually dating for two weeks or so texted me that he loves me (ew.) How to respond?

A.) Aw, that's so sweet.
B.) Thanks!
C.) Um, we need to talk...
The kind to declare love by a text will inevitably be the type to break up with a text. So why not just pre-empt him?
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-06-2011 , 05:01 AM
How about, "wow, wtf dude?"
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-06-2011 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by siccjay
You should have made her a note that said "Do you like me? Check yes or no"

This is what happens when you go drinking with 4_2_it
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-06-2011 , 07:01 AM
Originally Posted by New Kid
Guy I've been casually dating for two weeks or so texted me that he loves me (ew.) How to respond?

A.) Aw, that's so sweet.
B.) Thanks!
C.) Um, we need to talk...
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-06-2011 , 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by New Kid
Guy I've been casually dating for two weeks or so texted me that he loves me (ew.) How to respond?

A.) Aw, that's so sweet.
B.) Thanks!
C.) Um, we need to talk...
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-06-2011 , 09:19 AM
bucco sometimes you have to hug the fat chicks.
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
09-06-2011 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by JL514
bucco sometimes you have to hug the fat chicks.
Not in public
OOT Catch All Dating (or not) & Relationship Thread, You Cry Here Now Quote
