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01-12-2013 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by IHeartAsians
you can pay for OKC? what are the benefits besides being invisible?
If it's $15 don't do it, spam X messages idk how many until it drops to ten. It's for a year.

I did it because your mailbox goes from 300 max(in and outbox) to 5k and even if you stop your annual $10 fee you still keep that. There is some other permanent upgrade, idk.

I don't see the big deal about being invisible? Unless you are hardcore creeping on a girl who isn't in to you, what's the benefit? I like being visible because it gives a girl to check me out before I message her, letting me know she at least thinks I'm not hideous.
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01-12-2013 , 09:28 PM
But if someone asks Nick where he went to school and he says, "up in Boston" or something similar, he's screwed if they follow up w/ "which school?" or "where?" ... At that point there's no good way of saying Harvard without more tension or sounding like more of an elitest than if he originally just said Harvard.

My vote is to say it outright, possibly with a little self-deprecating joke attached.
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01-12-2013 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by tommy2tyme
Just rescheduled an 8:00 first date, an hour before it started, to 8:30 because the football game is going down to the wire. Reasonable, dickish, or no big deal?
I wonder how this turned out considering the game is now in OT.
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01-12-2013 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by IcyHotMonkey
I wonder how this turned out considering the game is now in OT.
My phone is blowing up w texts saying its the greatest game ever and my date is running late. This better be good
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01-12-2013 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by IcyHotMonkey
But if someone asks Nick where he went to school and he says, "up in Boston" or something similar, he's screwed if they follow up w/ "which school?" or "where?" ... At that point there's no good way of saying Harvard without more tension or sounding like more of an elitest than if he originally just said Harvard.

My vote is to say it outright, possibly with a little self-deprecating joke attached.
Of course you say it outright if she asks. Self deprecating is always good but my guess is the stick is too far up his ass to ever be self-deprecating.
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01-12-2013 , 10:05 PM

Eh, just a 38-35 back and forth double overtime battle and underdog victory, nbd.
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01-12-2013 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers

I don't see the big deal about being invisible? Unless you are hardcore creeping on a girl who isn't in to you, what's the benefit? I like being visible because it gives a girl to check me out before I message her, letting me know she at least thinks I'm not hideous.
You don't have to be invisible to everyone. There a button that says "Let he know I visited" that will make you show up on her visitors list even if you are invisible. I will usually hit this before I send a message.
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01-12-2013 , 10:08 PM
Yeah, no date could possibly be as good as that game for a Ravens fan!!!
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01-12-2013 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by tommy2tyme
My phone is blowing up w texts saying its the greatest game ever and my date is running late. This better be good
If she's running late because she wants to catch the end of the game too, she's a keeper.
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01-12-2013 , 10:09 PM

"In Boston" or whatever is even douchier. It the topic of where you went to school comes up, you mention where you went to school, nbd.
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01-12-2013 , 10:11 PM
So should I be disinclined to share amusing stories on first dates if they are specific to Princeton and/or Harvard?
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01-12-2013 , 10:15 PM

Maybe hold off on tales of wacky dining club shenanigans until date two.
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01-12-2013 , 10:19 PM
I have a few friends that went to Harvard and they never make a big deal out of it. They only mention the school specifically if someone asks them where they went. When they have to say the name, they just say it, not awkwardly or anything, but they don't dwell on it. That's what you should do. There are very few situations when you'd have to say "When I was at Harvard". That is so douchey.
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01-12-2013 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

"In Boston" or whatever is even douchier. It the topic of where you went to school comes up, you mention where you went to school, nbd.
Um... I've moved over 20 times and it inevitably comes up that I go through the list... and it usually comes out like, "...moved to Tampa for middle school and highschool, moved up to Boston for university, then moved to Brazil, etc..." I'd say 1 out of 3 ask which school. Change it up?

college stories always come out as "when I was in college", not "when I was at XXX"
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01-12-2013 , 10:41 PM

That sounds normal. Some people do this weird thing where they say something like "in Boston" when asked where they went to college.
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01-12-2013 , 10:45 PM
Although saying you went somewhere "for university" makes it sound like you are British.
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01-12-2013 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by IcyHotMonkey
and it usually comes out like, "moved to and grew up in England, moved to Tampa for middle school and highschool, moved up to Boston for university, then moved to Brazil, etc..."
Originally Posted by NickMPK
Although saying you went somewhere "for university" makes it sound like you are British.
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01-12-2013 , 10:54 PM
Thinking back, I think I've mentioned Harvard on about half the dates I've been on, and usually because the girl specifically asks (I didn't mention it last night). Any girl I go out with already knows I went to Princeton for grad school, because it is in the first sentence of my profile.
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01-12-2013 , 11:00 PM
Aren't you afriad they'll wonder why you weren't able to get into grad school at Harvard?
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01-12-2013 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Aren't you afriad they'll wonder why you weren't able to get into grad school at Harvard?
I did get rejected at Harvard for grad school! Maybe I should tell this to all my dates when I meet them to seem less condescending.
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01-12-2013 , 11:07 PM

Conversation prob isn't that interesting if where you went to school is coming up in half of them.
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01-12-2013 , 11:10 PM
"i went to Harvard. And before you ask, yes mark stole my idea for facebook".

"i went to Harvard. And before you ask, no I am not the adopted son of Asian parents "
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01-12-2013 , 11:10 PM

Seriously, on first dates try talking more about fun stuff you like to do, fun things you've done recently, etc instead of what you do for work, where you went to school, trade deficits, etc.
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01-12-2013 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Conversation prob isn't that interesting if where you went to school is coming up in half of them.
Yeah, I would agree that the conversation isnt very interesting on almost half of my dates....and talking about where we went to school has a pretty high correlation (except in the case of the girl who went to Harvard). This is a good point.
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01-12-2013 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Conversation prob isn't that interesting if where you went to school is coming up in half of them.
I don't think I've ever had a first date where this doesn't come up... I think where you went to school definitely falls into first date material.
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