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Online dating thread Online dating thread

07-16-2013 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Your profile is fine if a little bland. Eat some food and lift weights.
I know...Crohn's Disease but I'm trying my best to get bulk up some. I was worried it was a little bland but wasn't sure how to spice it up.

Originally Posted by ganstaman
I have no useful advice, sorry (overall, profile seems fine to me). But I do have bad comments.

I found the username to be the worst part as well, but have since found that no one really cares what it is. Didn't someone here pick a disgusting username for fun and had success with it?

It's not a problem, but I'm so confused: "graduated from college last year with a Tech/Engineering Education Degree. I currently work with senior citizens"

Does this have something to do with poop? "My laugh, especially if it gets to the point of no return... "

Also, that is an ugly dog.
Guess I can clarify the work part. Not using my degree right now.
No, nothing to do with poop when laughing. I just laugh a lot sometimes. should I just get rid of that part?
And yes. Not my dog though. Mine is way cooler black lab/Newfoundland mix.

Thanks for the input so far.
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07-16-2013 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
biggest sadface was when this mega-elite girl who had this awesome profile liked me in the locals thing so we liked each other. profile made me laugh out loud. sent her what I thought was an A+ message (esp since with the mutual like thing you know she finds you attractive) and no response. beat.
I don't know if there's much value in the locals thing. I just started using it today so I'm not at all an expert yet, but I'm passing on all the girls I know I'm not interested in and liking all the girls who aren't a definite no. If there are girls doing the same we'll probably match up even if we're on the fence about each other.

And one profile picture is hardly anything to judge somebody on. I've had matches that looked good in their initial picture but their other pictures looked worse and/or their profile had some dealbreakers.

It just feels like a long process for refining your search results down to a few girls who are only slightly more likely to be interested. I'm open to changing my mind if someone's had better experiences with it though.

Regarding your message, give it at least 24 hours before you give up hope. It's not uncommon that I'll see a girl has read my message but she doesn't get around to writing back until the next day. Although I've sent plenty of messages that I thought were A+ that the girl ended up hating. The simple, standard stuff always seems to work best.
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07-16-2013 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by d10
Regarding your message, give it at least 24 hours before you give up hope. It's not uncommon that I'll see a girl has read my message but she doesn't get around to writing back until the next day.
It seems a lot of people here are making the mistake of misreading 'timing tells.' Online dating is a slow process, and jumping to conclusions too quickly can only lead you to a bad spot. I was just messaging with a guy, and the responses were fairly quick, then he disappeared, and 5 days later responded with his number (and I didn't even ask for it). Over and over itt we see people say "she didn't respond yet! " and then panic and people make up reasons why it could be, and then the inevitable "oh, now she responded and it's all good."

Be patient.
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07-17-2013 , 12:19 AM
^ +1

i think online requires even more patience and generally longer times between exchanges until it goes offline
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07-17-2013 , 12:25 AM
Speaking of the locals thing, anyone have any good ideas for initial messages to matches? For those not familiar, OKC sends both of you a message that says "This person liked you, go start a conversation" when you mutually like each other based off of your profile pics. I'm debating whether to go with a standard message that doesn't mention the match at all or try to mention the match without making things awkward.
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07-17-2013 , 12:44 AM
It's definitely never over if they haven't responded immediately. I get a ton of responses days later, but I'm typically the one that responds way later due to laziness or lost interest.

I do think there is something to say though for having a convo that is getting quick responses and then a sudden lull. If we were all able to have A game 100% of the messages, we wouldn't get a response more than a few hours later. But eventually the person revisits and gives you their number because their was a nugget in there somewhere that captured their interest.
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07-17-2013 , 01:11 AM
I had a girl that I wrote a great opener to, she wrote back with a solid message and then disappeared after my response...after a few days I decided to take a shot in the dark because I have enough going on that I don't care if she doesn't answer. Wrote:

Well, I have to assume one of two things happened. Either you're on George Clooney's yacht somewhere or I got buried beneath a pile of dudes doing the duckface in the mirror. One of those things I can do something about...the other, well...I don't blame you.

She wrote back 20 minutes later:
Very well played- sorry for the radio silence, it was definitely number two. It gets overwhelming and combined with a crazy week so far at work (and it's only Tuesday!) I forgot.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't...but the key is, George Clooney is the ****ing man.
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07-17-2013 , 01:17 AM
what the **** is this??????

"This is a profile of a couple who refer to each other as siblings."
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07-17-2013 , 03:13 AM
i have a mind to put a new prof pic of me playing guitar up but until then:

thoughts appreciated.
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07-17-2013 , 04:47 AM
"One or two things, part of one thing or nothing of the above is true. Can you guess

take this out or completely re-word it
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07-17-2013 , 08:01 AM
Girl from OKC gave me her # and I sent her a text yesterday around 4pm to set up a date. I still haven't heard back from her, which I find kind of odd as from my experience so far most respond to the first text within a few hours. How long do I wait before getting concerned she changed her mind? Anyone had a girl flake on them immediately after getting the #?
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07-17-2013 , 08:27 AM
when are you making the date for?
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07-17-2013 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by movieman2g
when are you making the date for?
When I asked her for drinks I suggested Thursday. She responded with "Sure, sounds like fun ".

Anyway, if I receive no response today I'm guessing it's safe to assume she changed her mind.
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07-17-2013 , 09:08 AM
Just got a return message from a girl I was talking to last week. We left off with me asking for her number and her having signed offline before I sent that message. She apologized for taking so long to get back to me and said she had been on tour (she is a model) with very little access to internet and gave me her number.

I would like to setup a date with her for sometime early next week assuming she is available. Is it best to text her today and ask her out after a few texts? Small talk for a bit and then do it in a few days (giving less notice, but also less time between asking her and the date itself)? Wait a few days to talk to her at all and text her this weekend?

I'm mostly wondering about how far in advance is normal to try to setup an online date since I clearly ****ed up some of the interactions between getting the number and date and the actual date in my last attempt.
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07-17-2013 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
When I asked her for drinks I suggested Thursday. She responded with "Sure, sounds like fun ".

Anyway, if I receive no response today I'm guessing it's safe to assume she changed her mind.
I'm currently wondering how to deal with a girl like this. I found her on OKC after being in contact via Match, first she agreed on a date but then I flaked on a Sunday date at the last minute due to a boozy weekend (regret this but she said she had a big weekend too). She said she was busy the next week but 'let me know next time you're free'. I then come back a few dates later and suggest X but she says she can't.

Now months later she pops up on OKC, responds to two messages but goes quiet on the details.

She's really hot but it's clear she's a total flake and the fact that she's been on the sites so long pretty much indicates I have no chance with her. Will def go on a date if I do get the chance though, just won't expect anything.
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07-17-2013 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by SandraXII
I'm currently wondering how to deal with a girl like this. I found her on OKC after being in contact via Match, first she agreed on a date but then I flaked at the last minute (regret this). Then she ignored my follow up. Now months later she pops up on OKC, responds to two messages, the last asking to meet up, but has gone quiet on details.

She's really hot but it's clear she's a total flake and the fact that she's been on the sites so long pretty much indicates I have no chance with her. Will def go on a date if I do get the chance though, just won't expect anything.
I'm actually dealing with another girl as well that is very similar to what you described.

We are on like message 10 now since she won't give up her # and 2x she has agreed to go for drinks, but goes silent when I try to actually plan it. Last week she said she was busy with midterms and didn't give her # when I requested it. She then re-initiated contact on Sunday and I propose drinks again, she agrees again. I tell her it is easier to plan over text so here is my # or give me yours. Decided to give my # in hopes she would be more comfortable given she didn't give me her # last time. Since that message 2 days ago I haven't heard from her.

Anyway, definitely some strange women out there haha.
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07-17-2013 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
When I asked her for drinks I suggested Thursday. She responded with "Sure, sounds like fun ".

Anyway, if I receive no response today I'm guessing it's safe to assume she changed her mind.
i would wait until sometime tonight, so over 24 hours past when you texted, and say something like "so tomorrow lets meet at XXX at Xpm"

and for the love of god dont say "text me back if you received this message"
Online dating thread Quote
07-17-2013 , 10:13 AM
Ok here is what you do. Say something witty to start. Immediatly number close. Call the bitch up. Ask her out (vague is better, no exact time or anything). If she says yes, go on date (hopefully with a car) and make sure you go for a kiss by the end. Either she will or she wont. Easy game. If you look ok and are clean just go outside and close fast. Women are way faster then men. The best advice is to live in the moment and dont have programmed game but dont be a pussy. The women can tell.
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07-17-2013 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by movieman2g
and for the love of god dont say "text me back if you received this message"
LOL no worries, I would definitely never say something like that. That is a guaranteed way to never receive a response.
Online dating thread Quote
07-17-2013 , 10:41 AM

Thanks for the simple and concise summary, that should be very helpful for this thread!
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07-17-2013 , 11:04 AM
One girl I sent my generic opener to. Didn't hear anything for 5 days. Then she sent this:

I'm so sorry for this late response. I'm not playing hard to get I swear, I'm just so bad at this whole messaging thing as I prefer to get to know someone in person. I also get ridiculously lazy at responding to people on OKC but your message was exceptionally nice and I'm quite drawn to your profile.

Dinner sounds nice. What's your schedule like?
So I say no problem, and propose a couple of days I'm free. That was 5 days ago and I've heard nothing. I sent another reminder message yesterday asking if she's busy this weekend. Haven't heard back yet.

Now, me being good at internet stalking, I found her on facebook. Would it be incredibly creepy/stalkerish for me to message her on fb? Is there any way to do that without being a creep?
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07-17-2013 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by splashpot
One girl I sent my generic opener to. Didn't hear anything for 5 days. Then she sent this:

So I say no problem, and propose a couple of days I'm free. That was 5 days ago and I've heard nothing. I sent another reminder message yesterday asking if she's busy this weekend. Haven't heard back yet.

Now, me being good at internet stalking, I found her on facebook. Would it be incredibly creepy/stalkerish for me to message her on fb? Is there any way to do that without being a creep?
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07-17-2013 , 11:07 AM
yeah that's a good way to become the butt of those horror story online dating jokes people tell at bars
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07-17-2013 , 11:55 AM
nooooooooooooooo chance you should message her on fb...why do you think that could possibly be a good idea?
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07-17-2013 , 12:15 PM
Lol, I'm not going to do it, but it's not inconceivable that it might work. Maybe in a couple weeks I could lie and say something along these lines: Hey facebook suggested some people I might know and your picture came up and I recognized it from OKC.
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