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Online dating thread Online dating thread

05-17-2013 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by bobboufl11
I texted a girl I set a Friday night dinner with " Let's meet at _______ at 8PM" this morning and she hasn't responded back. At what point do I assume I'm flaked on. Should I send some other text assuming she's going(let me know if you need help finding the place or something) in case she didn't realize she should have confirmed(19 y/o on online dating, possible?)?
5 hours

Edit: So what did the text say?
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05-17-2013 , 04:08 PM
to the edit.

was gonna say i would def assume flake if you didn't get a response by like 6. and would not hesitate to make other plans or at least a backup plan well b4 that.
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05-17-2013 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by WVUskinsfan
5 hours

Edit: So what did the text say?
"Alright, see you then"

I did text her at like 9AM. The only other I date I ever set up online I got flaked on, so I was a little paranoid.
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05-17-2013 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by bobboufl11
"Alright, see you then"

I did text her at like 9AM. The only other I date I ever set up online I got flaked on, so I was a little paranoid.

Remember, bring up anal during the first meet and greet. It will tell you a lot about her.
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05-17-2013 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd

Although, I think it might be able to be improved for a different poster:

This is A+ work.
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05-17-2013 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd

Although, I think it might be able to be improved for a different poster:

As if this thread wasn't already goat.
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05-17-2013 , 04:38 PM
I would never think of texting a girl before noon (unless it was a gf or something obv.)

Last edited by Sly Caveat; 05-17-2013 at 04:38 PM. Reason: of course I don't get up before noon so it's a non-issue.
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05-17-2013 , 05:10 PM
how to explain to a guy (I am a female) , that I am not intersted any more?

I started some weeks ago mailing with a guy,who seemed in the first couple of mails to be pretty ok. It got very fast increasingly boring. Additionally he made some remarks, which I think are completely inappropriate on the mailing stage. Especially considering, that he plain bores me to death. Now the difficult part: since we a geographically pretty far from each other we have already plans for a first date (made in the week, where I still had found him OK). I absolutely don't want to go there. But may be I should? May be the impression I have from mails is wrong? And If I don't, which is the best way to communicate this to him? I considered telling, that I fell in love with somebody else, am pregnant from somebody else, decided not to date any more without giving any reasons.

Just not answerring his messages....Don't know.... This feels somehow wrong
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05-17-2013 , 05:14 PM
i didnt read the middle paragraph but the last line is the answer to the first line
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05-17-2013 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
i didnt read the middle paragraph but the last line is the answer to the first line
tx it helps
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05-17-2013 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by ZeroPointMachine
My standard reply when asked what I do for a living:

"I work with mentally challenged adults and teens."

I can elaborate and tell them that I generally counsel them in small groups and occasionally one-on-one. I focus primarily on basic decision making and how to make good choices. We play different types of games and tell stories that allow me to diagnose their deficiencies.

I've had some really interesting conversations using this line and never have to listen to bad beat stories, explain how online poker works or get dismissed as a degenerate gambler/liar.
Originally Posted by amazinmets73
Do you really do this? I actually have a friend who works in this field, I could get all the info I need from him. Don't know how to avoid getting caught in the lie overtime, but I don't care at this point.

Yes, I really do this. It is a good change of pace. Poker is such a non-starter for conversations with women. I have enough background knowledge to make it believable but it is rarely necessary. They really just want to talk about themselves. Now they think you must be the kind of smart, thoughtful and sensitive person they can really open up to.

I actually started doing this by accident. I was having a bad run and was drowning my sorrows. I threw the "I work with the mentally challenged" line out as a joke. The woman who had been having the usual harmless BS convo at the bar with me suddenly had an unmistakable spark of interest in her eyes. So, I went with it. It worked.

Then it became a game. I can talk about playing poker for a living for hours without ever mentioning poker or gambling. I don't have to lie and the conversation can go anywhere from there.

It is fun and way more effective than talking about poker. I am by no means smooth with the ladies. Success rate as a professional poker player was dismal. However, as a counselor of the mentally challenged, life is good.
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05-17-2013 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by lapka
how to explain to a guy (I am a female) , that I am not intersted any more?

I started some weeks ago mailing with a guy,who seemed in the first couple of mails to be pretty ok. It got very fast increasingly boring. Additionally he made some remarks, which I think are completely inappropriate on the mailing stage. Especially considering, that he plain bores me to death. Now the difficult part: since we a geographically pretty far from each other we have already plans for a first date (made in the week, where I still had found him OK). I absolutely don't want to go there. But may be I should? May be the impression I have from mails is wrong? And If I don't, which is the best way to communicate this to him? I considered telling, that I fell in love with somebody else, am pregnant from somebody else, decided not to date any more without giving any reasons.

Just not answerring his messages....Don't know.... This feels somehow wrong
Why would you concoct some complicated lie to someone you've never met? Just tell him "I'm sorry, I need to cancel our date.". This is the only courteous thing to do so he can make other plans. If he starts fishing for explanations, I think it's fine to ignore him.
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05-17-2013 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by d10
So if QQ had folded that would have been a great play?

Originally Posted by Sly Caveat
I would never think of texting a girl before noon (unless it was a gf or something obv.)
idk about noon but 9am is def early for someone u haven't even met yet.
Online dating thread Quote
05-17-2013 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by lapka
how to explain to a guy (I am a female) , that I am not intersted any more?

I started some weeks ago mailing with a guy,who seemed in the first couple of mails to be pretty ok. It got very fast increasingly boring. Additionally he made some remarks, which I think are completely inappropriate on the mailing stage. Especially considering, that he plain bores me to death. Now the difficult part: since we a geographically pretty far from each other we have already plans for a first date (made in the week, where I still had found him OK). I absolutely don't want to go there. But may be I should? May be the impression I have from mails is wrong? And If I don't, which is the best way to communicate this to him? I considered telling, that I fell in love with somebody else, am pregnant from somebody else, decided not to date any more without giving any reasons.

Just not answerring his messages....Don't know.... This feels somehow wrong
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05-17-2013 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier

idk about noon but 9am is def early for someone u haven't even met yet.
do you expect the text to wake them up? or does it just give off a just woke up thinking about you vibe? I just happened to get up really early because I don't sleep that many hours anymore.I had told her I would text her details friday morning, had it on microsoft outlook to remember, and did it.
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05-17-2013 , 05:59 PM
not so much about waking them up as about giving off the vibe u described imo.
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05-17-2013 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd
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05-17-2013 , 06:38 PM
I text a woman when I feel like. Weird. I know that texting someone before 8:47 is inappropriate, but I might do it anyway if it seemed right. jfc.
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05-17-2013 , 07:33 PM
Just had a non fail first date. This is a huge accomplishment for me. TR when I get home.
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05-17-2013 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by amazinmets73
Just had a non fail first date. This is a huge accomplishment for me. TR when I get home.

she squirts?
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05-18-2013 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by amazinmets73
Just had a non fail first date. This is a huge accomplishment for me. TR when I get home.
Was it the big girl?
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05-18-2013 , 12:36 AM
It was a "non fail" because she was the first girl who wasn't fatter than her pictures showed.

Unfortunately she was still 400 lbs.
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05-18-2013 , 12:37 AM
Just had a complete epic fail of a date with ear girl. One of my least fun nights ever lol
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05-18-2013 , 01:32 AM
Actually went really well. Girl was a little late, but was much better looking than I was expecting based on her one meh picture. She was smart as hell. Went to some genius <100 person high school in Illinois, really high GPA at Rice. Here for a couple random weeks before her internship starts because her parents work here; doesn't know anyone.

We had dinner. She suggested we look for an ice cream frozen yogurt which I knew nothing about but there happened to be one less than block away. I had paid for dinner but she enthusiastically beat into the pot here. I showed her some of the campus and we played arcade game, which she was really good at. I only won the hit the bag and DDR(which we were both terrible at). Our foosball battle was pretty epic. She had a ridic shot from the back row somehow and beat me in double OT after we started keeping track

We start walking back and I find out she does have a fake ID!(we both got water at dinner; I followed her) So we had a beer( I had 2 because she is 5 2 110 and drinks slow) She tried to leave 10 on the table but ultimately I got the pay in.

Good things

Conversation was amazing. We had like 1 minute of noticable dead time in 3.5 hours, and someone(I think her parents) were texting her then anyway.

She seemed to like all of my stories, including poker which I REALLY didn't want to talk about, but came up because she was wondering why I was 24 and still in undergrad. She seemed to be okay with my rugby hazing and binge drinking and mentioned a few similar stories of her own.

Her idea went pretty smoothly even though I wasn't ready for it.

She made a few references to me being buff/muscular( although I suppose the comment about looking like I could have played D line could go either way )

On the way back from arcade she asked why I was on online dating because I seemed so normal/wasn't what she was expecting

She didn't drink at dinner, but eventually did have a drink with me.

This may sound really weird but I thought about her as a person first. Like there was actually a connection beyond the physical and like I saw other girls goin out who woulda been objectively hotter, but didn't really look at them.

Bad things

I made a comment she could order what she wanted don't feel like you have to order a salad. I meant like I don't care if it was fattening but it coulda seemed cheap or misogynistic.

Possible I was a bit of a newb at dinner ettiquette. Forgot to put the(paper) napkin on my lap, and ordered a chopstick dish

Though she had mentioned girls/her dressing slutty at her college parties I made comment that one of our rugby parties the girls dressed sluttier which was nice and she didn't have the greatest look on her face, lol

No physical escalation. I was hopin to go for something as I walked her to her car, but somehow she found the most primo parking spot so like multiple people were waiting for her to leave to take that spot and couldn't really fit anything in.

Already got a text "I had a really good time tonight, thanks for everything!"
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05-18-2013 , 01:47 AM
I've tried to veer away from spending too much money on these 1st dates. Like an ice cream trip for $10-20 would be my ideal first meet or a couple drinks. I used to want to woo a first date with a new or interesting experience. But that costs money. And you don't really know if these girls are even fun. And I'd rather the first date just focus on both our personalities. I think a lot of what connects us is what are parental relationships were like. I grew up idealizing the sex appeal was important for the woman and being a provider and source of protection was ideal for the man. I lot of my relationships got built around that notion. But most of that is bull****.
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