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02-13-2022 , 04:59 PM
"but I definitely want to impress Karine"

Followed by the least impressive display in human history.

That being said, don't underestimate the power of the penis sheath. It's like unwrapping a present for the lucky lady.

That girl is damn hot tho
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02-13-2022 , 05:15 PM
She/they had an XXX OnlyFans page but I suppose they just closed it after recently breaking up (again).
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02-13-2022 , 05:44 PM
I'll probably be applying for a 90-Day Fiancée Visa with my girlfriend in the next year or 2. We don't really care that much about being married, but being married probably brings too many benefits to pass it up.

1st, it's super unlikely she'd ever get approved for a tourist visa on her, being a Mexican woman who works independently, doesn't own property, isn't a student, etc. 2nd, I might want residency in Mexico someday and it would be far easier being married. Finally, we'll likely live in Europe someday and it would be far easier getting us both approved for a visa if I could just include her on my visa application as a spouse (rather than us both applying separately).

Anyway, I kinda kicked around the idea of applying for the 90-Day Fiancé show. I think we'd be a strong candidate. We have basically no drama in our relationship, but I think it would be super easy to manufacture. I'm a white boy from the Midwest USA and she lives in a middle class area in Mexico City. It'd be super easy to visit her area and be like "omg, wtf is this place?", pretend I speak little Spanish, am experiencing insane culture shock, etc.

Our parents would probably be in on the joke as well, and even though her parents are awesome in reality, on the show they could constantly bust my balls for being an ignorant gringo or whatever.

Then when visiting my home state, where 99% of my extended family is white, she could play up feeling super uncomfortable being a dark-skinned Mexican girl which causes fights between both of us.

Basically it would all be fabricated, but I think it would be easy to dupe the producers and pull it off in a way that is believable for the show. In any case, with the majority of these couples they invent certain scenes anyway.

In the end, I'm not sure it would be worth it playing the ignorant dumbarse that everyone would hate, but it would sure be a lot of fun. Also, I want to have the freedom to move around and right now we're focused on traveling in/around Europe and I'm not sure I'd want to have filming obligations in the USA and have to be stationed there.
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02-13-2022 , 05:55 PM
dude, poker player living abroad is way more flavor than standard "guy who lives with parents marries a girl after instagram stalking her"

they'd probably coerce you into the fake drama themselves

would not do it unless money was massive because that's going to follow you around but want you to do it cause i would 100% watch
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02-13-2022 , 06:01 PM
Good luck. They have hundreds of applicants, and I suspect the white man with Hispanic woman combination is so common that you'd really have to be something special to set yourselves apart.

The white man Brazilian woman combo is also super common, but Paul is a complete ****stick so it's obvious why they were chosen. Sure they play things up but you can't fake the level of ****stickery that is at the very essence of who he is. Colt, the Vegas nerd that was with Brazilian Larissa is another example. Sure he plays **** up but you can't really play up living with your mom your entire life.
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02-13-2022 , 06:10 PM
Oh yah, completely forgot about the online poker player angle. That would probably be the thing to set us apart.

Would be super easy to pretend that her family is worried that I'm some massive degen who could blow everything at any moment. Maybe show a couple hands at 5/10 PLO where I lose a grand in 1 hand, etc.

Although maybe with the American/Latina combo one of the 2 has to be super socially awkward to make it more interesting, and I wouldn't want to pretend I have assburger's or something like that. There was John and Fernanda, but they were both super attractive, so that's likely why they were selected.

But as rick pointed out, for almost the rest of my life, I'd be the degen dumbarse and it would follow me everywhere. Although I'm not gonna settle in the USA, so probably noone would even recognize me abroad, so who cares maybe?

And yah, agree with DC that Colt and Larissa is one of the most memorable couples (or trios w/the mom), but I've only seen like 2 seasons so maybe there have been others.
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02-14-2022 , 09:15 PM
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02-18-2022 , 01:08 AM
02-18-2022 , 01:15 AM
Is that real? It goes without saying that no man wants to be with a vegan feminist. Sure, most men will be ok with it in order to get some bootay.
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02-18-2022 , 01:25 AM
a woman in china added me on linkedin, i just blindly accept all and didn't think anything of it - she then starts chatting and talking about forex and crypto and tries to move the conversation to whatsapp

the crypto scammers now on linkedin, must be quite effective for it to be so prevalent
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02-18-2022 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
a woman in china added me on linkedin, i just blindly accept all and didn't think anything of it - she then starts chatting and talking about forex and crypto and tries to move the conversation to whatsapp

the crypto scammers now on linkedin, must be quite effective for it to be so prevalent
So did you tell her that you invest half of your discretionary funds in low risk mutual funds while you take the other half over to your friend Asadullah who works in securities?
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02-18-2022 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Is that real? It goes without saying that no man wants to be with a vegan feminist. Sure, most men will be ok with it in order to get some bootay.
I went out with one who I got along fairly well with and wasn't over the top about it. Problem was she also mentioned having a string of exes who were high-functioning coke addicts, and that I was a change of pace. She invited me over for dinner for date 2 at the end of date 1, but then ghosted when I followed up the next day if there was anything, in particular, I could bring.

Maybe I should have suggested coke?
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02-18-2022 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Is that real? It goes without saying that no man wants to be with a vegan feminist. Sure, most men will be ok with it in order to get some bootay.
Why not? I've dated a couple of vegan feminists. Couldn't imagine dating someone who wasn't a feminist, and who gaf if someone's vegan?
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02-18-2022 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Couldn't imagine dating someone who wasn't a feminist
I don't know how to answer that because this statement makes absolutely no sense to me.
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02-18-2022 , 02:47 PM
Why the **** wouldn't you be a feminist?

And you wonder why you can't find a match on dating apps.

Originally Posted by gregorio
Why not? I've dated a couple of vegan feminists. Couldn't imagine dating someone who wasn't a feminist, and who gaf if someone's vegan?
He said it more nicely.
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02-18-2022 , 03:33 PM
Yet most of the people that get married are not feminists either. I'm not looking for a fling, but yeah obviously if that's what you are looking for then the non-obese non-pasty-white feminist types could work well for that purpose.

The vegan part just means they have doubled down on the crazy (with that same way of thinking that Onion article was parodying above). Theoretically, a vegan would be a cheap date at the steakhouse. I've only eaten meat once in the past month, so I wouldn't have a problem with a woman that doesn't eat meat as long as she doesn't force her eating habits on me. I'm still going to swipe left on all the pasty white pink haired militant fatties I come across in the app.
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02-18-2022 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
I'm still going to swipe left on all the pasty white pink haired militant fatties I come across in the app.
You just made quite the leap from "vegan feminist" to something very specific. I don't think any of us would be game to date what you describe.

I've dated two "vegan feminists," the first for 5 years and the second (current) going on 3. Both are great gals, and nothing like your doom fantasy describes. Perhaps if you get out of your head more, and ditch the preconceived notions, you'd have better luck appearing desirable.

I browse this thread as a curiosity, I've never even installed a dating app. It boggles my mind how guys can have such issues finding someone, because I've pretty much always been in a relationship since high school. It's not hard to be a decent dude, there's nothing mind blowing about me and I'm only decent looking. But then I read posts like yours, and realize some people just don't get it (or don't want to).

Always keep learning and try to keep an open mind. Someone being vegan shouldn't have any bearing on you whatsoever. We should honestly all be vegan, if only for the environment. But hey, I love the meats too and totally get it. Either way, someone else's dietary preference is just that, a dietary preference. If someone makes that preference their whole identity, then yeah that's a red flag. But that has nothing to do with being vegan. Anyone stretching a small personality trait over their entire identity is just an idiot.

You yourself should be a feminist, everyone should. If you think you shouldn't be, then you may need to revisit the definition and reflect a bit.

Last edited by whatthejish; 02-18-2022 at 04:06 PM.
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02-18-2022 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
I'm still going to swipe left on all the pasty white pink haired militant fatties I come across in the app.
Vegans’ mean BMI is 5 points lower than non-vegetarians, so if you want to avoid the fatties, stick to vegans imo
Originally Posted by whatthejish
I've dated two "vegan feminists," the first for 5 years and the second (current) going on 3.
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02-18-2022 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by whatthejish

You yourself should be a feminist, everyone should. If you think you shouldn't be, then you may need to revisit the definition and reflect a bit.
I appreciate the rest of your post, but this sounds like you've been reading too much Chimamanda Adichie without much critical analysis.
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02-18-2022 , 06:48 PM
It sounds like you just don't know what the word means. I don't understand how anyone could read the definition and disagree with it.

You don't have to march in the streets or burn bras in order to believe in equality.
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02-18-2022 , 06:50 PM
I can understand how someone that has not critically analyzed the subject matter might think that.
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02-18-2022 , 06:54 PM
And I can understand how you have trouble finding someone to tolerate you.
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02-18-2022 , 07:09 PM
Recent match updates on the app:

1) I gave a new match my # and we were texting back and forth a bit and then she asked me "What exactly are you looking for ?" and I replied "I'm looking to develop something long-term. But I take it as it goes. What about you?" Then she ghosted me. Very strange. I think it's possible she was just on the app trying to get clients for her dog walking business. However, if that's the case, how was she hoping I'd answer her question? "I'm on dating apps trying to find a good reliable dog walker for my dogs."

2) I was chatting back and forth with another girl and that was going fine until I asked what part of Dallas she was in and then she told me she's in the UK and has never even been to Dallas. She said her app's location is messed up. SMH.

3) This real cute girl I matched with a long time ago told me she hadn't taken me seriously because I didn't seem too interested. Not sure what she wanted from me but I told her I'm looking for something in real life. She doesn't even live in Dallas yet and won't for many months so that was kind of weird. I had previously told her to save my # because I don't know how much longer I'll be on the app. I now see that she has now unmatched (or deleted the app herself). She seemed like she might be a little depressed and just wanted a chat buddy, and I would have fallen into that trap when I was in my 20s but I'm certainly too wise for that now. (all that being said, for all I know she may not even be an actual person).

In total I have 21 matches in my queue, but 15 are hidden due to inactivity over the past 2 weeks. I have yet to get beyond messaging someone back and forth. No clue how to go on a date or if I even want to.
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02-18-2022 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by whatthejish
And I can understand how you have trouble finding someone to tolerate you.
Feminists tend to be very intolerant. Just look at the way they attack one of the greatest athletes of this generation, Lia Thomas.
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02-18-2022 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by whatthejish
It sounds like you just don't know what the word means. I don't understand how anyone could read the definition and disagree with it.

You don't have to march in the streets or burn bras in order to believe in equality.
First, if you just go by the dictionary definition, of course it's fine (but even there, to a point - see below).

the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.
I believe in women's rights automatically because I believe in rights for everyone. My belief in equality is limited to equality under the law. I don't believe in other kinds of equality if they are to be achieved through government force.

Second, if you read through this you can see there is a lot more to it than the dictionary definition:
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