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09-18-2019 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by fast11375
BCM, listen to everyone ‘s advise here. Seeking revenge won’t make you happier, letting go will.
Man I'm surprised that the consensus is that not saying anything and letting her get away with this crap is taking the high road. Is it really even revenge when it's saving a dude from a girl who was in a relationship behind his back for over 2 months?
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09-18-2019 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by BCM11
Yeah it might not work out for me, but me saying nothing ensures it will work out for her which simply does not seem fair.
It's not that it *might* not work out for you. It *won't* work out for you.

All you will achieve - even if you succeed beyond your wildest dreams in turning her engagement into the Hindenburg - is extend the pain you feel now at her betrayal.

Letting go is hard, especially when the wound is as fresh as it sounds.

But it's what you need to do for you. Not her.

Plotting a way to reveal her as maybe-cheating-maybe-not will only prolong the pain you have around this; it will bring you an emptiness at best and a beating at worst.

The one and only reason you'd disclose anything to the once-and-future ex is if he's a friend of yours. It doesn't seem like you know him.

Consider it a massive bullet dodged, and remember that living well is the best revenge.

And also have faith in this: that sh&t will catch up to her in time.

Last edited by Punctually; 09-18-2019 at 02:30 PM. Reason: stupid copy/paste error.
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09-18-2019 , 02:36 PM
Meh, just post to him anonymously if you're inclined to rat her out.

Facing him will only incur his being angry with you, even if you didn't know she was still with him.

Just move on, as one who is experienced in this, she usually does get found out, you don't have to be the one to expose it, and you dang sure don't want her as a girlfriend afterwards.

Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
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09-18-2019 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by BCM11
Can't find a regular dating thread on here so appologies but, moral dillema. In this situation what would you do....

I met a girl who was engaged but her fiance was out of town for work for an extended period. We hit it off, fell in love, and were in a relationship for 2 months. She told me she broke it off with her fiance, was in the process of moving into my place, and we hung out 4ish times a week. Then out of the blue she started making excuses about hanging out, got more and more distant, and after a few weeks said she couldn't give me what I need and that we needed time and space apart. This is where we are now, and I am 99% she is back with her ex, and in fact I think he did not know we had a 2 month long relationship going while he was not around.

Considering the feelings I had for this person, I am pretty damn salty about how this played out. My question is, would you feel inclined to tell her guy what happened. Part of me wants to do it because he ultimately will be beter off knowing this. Also, I think it's f'd up she can just have her fun for a couple months then leave me hi and dry and go back to her safe life she had and I get left with nothing and she pays no consequences. But part of me also thinks that saying something will just create mass drama and the guy might just end up flipping out on me and maybe try to get violent even though he shouldn't. Wonder how you guys would react here.
I think you definitely should NOT tell the fiance.

This girl had no moral obligation to choose you over him. Most of the time, relationships don't work out, and very often, that isn't really anyone's fault. It's certainly natural to be upset by this situation, but I don't really see how she wronged you here. So the impulse to somehow punish her is understandable but not really warranted.

It is very likely she wronged her fiance. But that is between them. For what it's worth, if I were the fiance, I would NOT want to know. I don't see what good would come of it.
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09-18-2019 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by JoeC2012
My general view on Mercedes and similar cars is that 15% of the people who drive them are actual enthusiasts who appreciate them and enjoy the driving experience, and the other 85% are douchebags.
Seems like a weird take. Commuting in a "generic german luxury car" is like 3x better than a camry or whatever. The features and drive and overall quality is worth it to me, I am not an "enthusiast" I just like the car enough to spend the money, watching it jerk off in an index fund means nothing to me. The heads up display in my A5 is awesome. Guess I'm a douchebag though.
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09-18-2019 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by BCM11
Yeah it might not work out for me, but me saying nothing ensures it will work out for her which simply does not seem fair.
My 6th grade teacher use do say "The only fair is at the fairgrounds". It's probably my best takeaway from 6th grade.
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09-18-2019 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by ncboiler
My 6th grade teacher use do say "The only fair is at the fairgrounds". It's probably my best takeaway from 6th grade.

Said the woman who probably complained about not being paid enough or equally
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09-18-2019 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Grue
Seems like a weird take. Commuting in a "generic german luxury car" is like 3x better than a camry or whatever. The features and drive and overall quality is worth it to me, I am not an "enthusiast" I just like the car enough to spend the money, watching it jerk off in an index fund means nothing to me. The heads up display in my A5 is awesome. Guess I'm a douchebag though.
No, you're an enthusiast-- which is cool, good for you! Most people (in my estimation, 85%) would disagree that the commute is 3x better in a Mercedes than a Camry.

I considered buying an X3 rather than a Rav4 but decided that the commute would only be a little better in the BMW and not worth the extra money, I'm almost positive most people feel similarly.
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09-18-2019 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by JoeC2012
No, you're an enthusiast-- which is cool, good for you! Most people (in my estimation, 85%) would disagree that the commute is 3x better in a Mercedes than a Camry.

I considered buying an X3 rather than a Rav4 but decided that the commute would only be a little better in the BMW and not worth the extra money, I'm almost positive most people feel similarly.
Wrong. X3 is quite the zippy ride.
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09-18-2019 , 08:49 PM want to blow her up because you’re butt hurt because she dumped you like she told you she was going to when she told you she had a fiancé and you decided I’m going to try and fall in love with this chick who is cheating with her fiancé. You got caught in the very stupid trap where you thought “Well, I see she’s doing it to this guy, but she won’t do it to me because I’m special”. She will probably do this to him again and any other guy she gets involved with until no one will have her anymore. Nothing you do will change that. Women do this all the time, it’s just a part of life. Realize that and move forward. The best revenge is living a good life away from and unaffected by (as much as possible) bad people. Not trying to stir up drama with them.
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09-18-2019 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by Grue
Seems like a weird take. Commuting in a "generic german luxury car" is like 3x better than a camry or whatever. The features and drive and overall quality is worth it to me, I am not an "enthusiast" I just like the car enough to spend the money, watching it jerk off in an index fund means nothing to me. The heads up display in my A5 is awesome. Guess I'm a douchebag though.
grue, there's nothing wrong with you owning and enjoying driving your mercedes, you may or may not have purchased it because they sell the "hey you made you it bro, you deserve this dream" - but enough people bought them to show they've made it rather than because they actually truly prefer the car to another of similar quality

one of the better subtle ways to peacock at a bar is for no apparent reason empty your pockets and put your car keys on the table, when you see people do this those keys are more often than not mercedes keys because it tends to attract the "gotta demonstrate my success" which is usually found among the newly wealthy

just like when you see someone wearing something with a large gucci logo you know that the logo is more important to him than the clothing itself as

these are two $400 gucci shirts side by side at the gucci store, the one of the left is the one for someone who actually wants a high quality shirt, the one on the right is to show people you have $400 to spend on a tshirt

these shirts have wildly different customers and the people buying the shirts on the right will never be respected by those who buy the shirts on the left

i for one buy my shirts at costco or uniqlo if in a jam so neither side respects me

i also don't own a car, i rent one when needed or borrow my dad's old chevy truck or mercury

last car i owned was an 89' Volvo

Last edited by rickroll; 09-18-2019 at 11:29 PM.
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09-19-2019 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by Lurshy
Wrong. X3 is quite the zippy ride.

X3 was def a fun test drive I did it twice because I found it to be one of the very best SUVs on the market. When I was a kid a girl I was dating her parents let me drive their X5 (in 2004) and I adored that car. All BMWs I’ve driven I’ve really enjoyed.

This New RAV4 with the Adventure trim and snow/AWD and mud/dirt package is just a really fun car. I’m looking forward to taking it up Charleston in a few months and up to Tahoe and out to Denver. I’m sure the X3 could get the job done in all those locales but when it came to that head to head $ v $ the better value was in the RAV4. To get all those extras in leasing a BMW it just didn’t feel worth the extra money

Sorry for the extra car derail

ETA: didn’t feel like there was too much difference in interior space in the Rav vs the X3 but the X5 and the Lexus NX 300h were very comfy on the inside, it’s just my wife can’t be trusted parking anything larger than this Online dating threadOnline dating thread
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09-19-2019 , 11:37 AM
cruise control is highly regional dependent, in areas where it's commonly used, those long highway drives can be much more enjoyable with it

in states like colorado where each car is within 25mph +/- of the speed limit and don't seem to care which lane they are in then it's basically worthless

doubtful with LA traffic it'd be of much help - i'll put a moritorium on my posts for a while, let's get foatie and fossil or perhaps rich gangi can tell cuck stories here
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09-19-2019 , 11:45 AM
Out of the luxury car options, rank the following brands in order: Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Jaguar, Lexus, Infinity, Genesis, Acura, Tesla.

I might be in the market for one of these in the future, curious how car people view these brands. In my city it’s all BMW, Mercedes, Tesla, and Jaguar.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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09-19-2019 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
I drive an Audi, but I tested 20 cars and it was by far the smoothest ride. No heads up display, are you kidding? I don't even use cruise control when I drive. If I ever go senile and buy a car with lane assist, I would take it back and ask for a refund immediately.
I was sure I was going to buy a 535 as a daily driver. Drove it back-to-back with an A6 and there was really no comparison, IMO. I would take the Audi all day. Both cars were smooth, but the Audi had the much more enjoyable ride for my taste.

I don't really care what people buy or why they buy it. What you eat doesn't make me fat. I guess I would care if my partner was superficial, but I'm much less worried about a car that I could also enjoy than a seemingly endless amount of designer bags or shoes.
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09-19-2019 , 01:19 PM
Just saw a Land Rover and a g wagon race each other through a school zone and couldn't help but think of this thread

The city I work in is full of second generation affluent clowns
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09-19-2019 , 02:49 PM
Did I stumble into The Lounge?
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09-19-2019 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
Just saw a Land Rover and a g wagon race each other through a school zone and couldn't help but think of this thread

The city I work in is full of second generation affluent clowns

They were competing for that girl who cheated on her fiancé and now the second dude wants to cry to the fiancé.

Maybe it was that dude and the fiancé!
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09-19-2019 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Randall Stevens
I was sure I was going to buy a 535 as a daily driver. Drove it back-to-back with an A6 and there was really no comparison, IMO. I would take the Audi all day. Both cars were smooth, but the Audi had the much more enjoyable ride for my taste.

I don't really care what people buy or why they buy it. What you eat doesn't make me fat. I guess I would care if my partner was superficial, but I'm much less worried about a car that I could also enjoy than a seemingly endless amount of designer bags or shoes.
Fully agree with the last part about handbags/shoes. Always seemed silly to me.

To bring this back home to dating advice -- I wonder, if you're looking to spend money to impress girls, what has the highest ROI? (Obviously this is usually not a great idea, and has many many pitfalls, but we've already discussed Seeking Arrangement at length so here we are)
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09-19-2019 , 04:09 PM
Clothes. Shirts that fit your shoulders snug, pants that show off your butt, nice shoes
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09-19-2019 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by JoeC2012
To bring this back home to dating advice -- I wonder, if you're looking to spend money to impress girls, what has the highest ROI?
This is US-specific and won't apply to everyone, but my #1 would be fixing anything that is unattractive about your teeth.
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09-19-2019 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
Clothes. Shirts that fit your shoulders snug, pants that show off your butt, nice shoes
This is also my answer with the caveat that you need to have a decent sense of style and/or work with someone who does
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09-19-2019 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Randall Stevens
I was sure I was going to buy a 535 as a daily driver. Drove it back-to-back with an A6 and there was really no comparison, IMO. I would take the Audi all day. Both cars were smooth, but the Audi had the much more enjoyable ride for my taste.

I don't really care what people buy or why they buy it. What you eat doesn't make me fat. I guess I would care if my partner was superficial, but I'm much less worried about a car that I could also enjoy than a seemingly endless amount of designer bags or shoes.
I had and loved an A6, for long time my favorite. Great brakes. Little turbo lag. loved my 535i xdrive GT more. Now in a 335i xdrive GT. good driver but a bit loose. Miss the 535... the GTs are bigger with the hatch back now rebadged under the 4 and 6 series I think.

Would love a Tesla, 2 friends have them awsum.

Mrs. Lurshy drives the x1, I think it's stoopid, only for status, not a great machine. Sisters x3 m is definetly hot. Hated their 6 series.

Had a caddy ats. Quick, great driver, but the electronics/info tainment sucked.

Mercedes except for the AMG series are not great driving machines


Avoid gold digging girls on hoods of Mercedes. They want to go shopping. Ones on hoods of American muscle cars are more likely to get naked in a field.

Again ymmv
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09-19-2019 , 06:34 PM
For online dating, paying photographer to take actual high quality photos. Although nowadays a friend with an iPhone 10 + portrait mode will do just fine.

Custom tailored clothing that fits well helps
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09-19-2019 , 07:12 PM
Wear clothes that fit well, you’ll start to notice all the people who don’t. Other people will notice this too, and then a leg up is had.
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