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10-04-2015 , 01:33 AM
I think it's pretty easy to craft a narrative that looks a lot like the one that works well for a job interview. That is, something like: I started playing poker when it was super popular, and was pretty good at it. I won enough money consistently that I didn't have to have a normal job, which let me do some cool stuff, like travel the world, work my own hours, volunteer, etc. But recently I've found it less fulfilling, boring, whatever, and have been exploring what I want to do next. Fortunately the money from poker let's me be patient with that decision. So right now, I'm taking classes, considering going back to school, learning x y and z, etc.
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10-04-2015 , 01:34 PM
Cool, that's basically the narrative I've been going with (and it's entirely true). Thanks guys.
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10-04-2015 , 03:34 PM

I am in a transition period as well. It can be a bit tough to deal with some questions that a partner will naturally ask. I would develop one story and stick with it. Ideas

1. You could say you are a consultant if you have any friends who have businesses and say you work with certain clients to improve their businesses.
2. You are managing your money and money for a few family friends.
3. You are going into business with a friend, scouting businesses (make sure to develop backstory here)
4. Property management if you own even one property. Or that you help a friend manage their properties.

I think the best thing to do is that even if you have done a little of one thing to play it up. Don't over do it, just enough to let them know that you aren't a bum. If you have a nice place and a nice car, they probably won't question things too much.

I don't like Citanul narrative. That leads them to question things like "Why are you no longer playing?" "How much money do you have that you can sit around?" "What will you do when your money runs out?"

As you get to know the girl more you can say you are doing 1, 2,3 or 4 but are also looking for something new.
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10-04-2015 , 03:54 PM
For those of us who wonder how many messages a hot girl gets per day: my ex, who is definitely in the top tier of attractiveness on these sites, activated her OKC profile an hour ago. She has already received "over 50" messages. This definitely puts the constant date-flaking in perspective IMO.
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10-04-2015 , 04:45 PM
I've had straight up conversations with above average attractive girls. Every girl like that gets mashed with messages so you have to find a way to stand out without coming across as a total weirdo. Some girls don't even read every message obv or they'd be there for days.
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10-04-2015 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by K.O.S.
For those of us who wonder how many messages a hot girl gets per day: my ex, who is definitely in the top tier of attractiveness on these sites, activated her OKC profile an hour ago. She has already received "over 50" messages. This definitely puts the constant date-flaking in perspective IMO.
Why did she tell you that? Or are you and her on good terms and it doesn't matter?
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10-04-2015 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Crazy Joe Davola
Why did she tell you that? Or are you and her on good terms and it doesn't matter?
Good terms. I was curious to see how much a new, attractive girl gets flooded. My guess was she'd get ~20 messages in the first couple hours. Clearly, I underrated just how many guys are spending their football Sunday watching like a hawk for new profiles to pop up.
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10-04-2015 , 06:54 PM
It's weird though because it does vary, sometimes for inexplicable reasons. One of my exes, who is a solid 7, insisted she didn't get many quality messages. This may be because she didn't have any really good pics on the site though. The 'obvious' attractive ones (main picture a clear face shot, blonde, generically good looking) will be getting the most messages.

I went on a date tonight with a girl who is cute as **** (but clearly crazy) who actually messaged me first. Her main picture is a shot taken from slightly too far away though so a lot of guys will probably just walk on by and click on other profiles without squinting at this one. So many variable in this game.

Last edited by SandraXII; 10-04-2015 at 07:00 PM.
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10-04-2015 , 07:41 PM
When you just join/rejoin you are going to get flooded. I used to search for new joiners and I assume most guys do as well. I wouldn't expect her to get 50 messages/4 hours every Sunday although I'm not shocked at all she is getting bombarded. Pretty sure 20% or maybe 5% of the girls are getting 90% of the messages especially openers on these sites.
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10-04-2015 , 09:43 PM
Hey folks!

Your boy is back from the dead. Got 3 first dates lined up for next week. Plus 4 birds in the pen. Confidence, humor and not giving a F are the keys for me.
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10-04-2015 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by capone0
When you just join/rejoin you are going to get flooded. I used to search for new joiners and I assume most guys do as well. I wouldn't expect her to get 50 messages/4 hours every Sunday although I'm not shocked at all she is getting bombarded. Pretty sure 20% or maybe 5% of the girls are getting 90% of the messages especially openers on these sites.
This is really old (2009) but worth a look. "2/3 of male messages go to the top 1/3 of women."
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10-04-2015 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by Debtonaire
Hey folks!

Your boy is back from the dead. Got 3 first dates lined up for next week. Plus 4 birds in the pen. Confidence, humor and not giving a F are the keys for me.
lol that didn't take long

happy hunting
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10-05-2015 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by LT22
This is really old (2009) but worth a look. "2/3 of male messages go to the top 1/3 of women."
It's obviously non-linear and as you move up, you're going to get splits like 80% of messages sent to 20% of women.

It's an interesting study, although it would be more interesting if they included things like body (Ghostttt despite being fairly attractive definitely has the potential to be fat), and other negatives such as whether they have children, tattoos, etc.
Online dating thread Quote
10-05-2015 , 10:18 AM
Got a message from a girl that I messaged back on Sept 12. She responds with. "Hi thanks for texting. How are you?" And yes, she is hot. She looks to be a bartender bc in one of her pics she has a bunch of bottles behind her and there is a calculator on the counter.

How should I play this? Should I playfully chastise her for taking so long? Should I wait a couple of days and just ignore the time lapse on her end. My read is that she was involved w someone and it didn't work out and now she is going through her backlog.
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10-05-2015 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by Debtonaire
Got a message from a girl that I messaged back on Sept 12. She responds with. "Hi thanks for texting. How are you?" And yes, she is hot. She looks to be a bartender bc in one of her pics she has a bunch of bottles behind her and there is a calculator on the counter.

How should I play this? Should I playfully chastise her for taking so long? Should I wait a couple of days and just ignore the time lapse on her end. My read is that she was involved w someone and it didn't work out and now she is going through her backlog.

I had a similar spot some time ago (although was only ~2 weeks). Normally I'd be like bitch pls and not respond, but she was crazy hot so I thought what the hell. I replied with a message suggesting we switch to carrier pidgeons to speed things up. Worked like a charm
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10-05-2015 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Chuck Bass
I had a similar spot some time ago (although was only ~2 weeks). Normally I'd be like bitch pls and not respond, but she was crazy hot so I thought what the hell. I replied with a message suggesting we switch to carrier pidgeons to speed things up. Worked like a charm
Haha nice, I might use that line on this girl who's still in touch with me after 3 dates since May
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10-05-2015 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by K.O.S.
For those of us who wonder how many messages a hot girl gets per day: my ex, who is definitely in the top tier of attractiveness on these sites, activated her OKC profile an hour ago. She has already received "over 50" messages. This definitely puts the constant date-flaking in perspective IMO.
A lot of them on POF will screenshot how many unread messages they have sitting in their inbox, I've seen it range from 400+ to 2K+. It's probably even more than that depending on if they keep up.

They get absolutely pummeled.
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10-05-2015 , 06:15 PM
Date tonight with a 95% match soccer coach. I'm worried based on one of her face pics that she may have put on some weight since her full body pic, but her body type is listed as "Fit" Seems unlikely she'd call attention to it like that if she were gonna show up huge. She does have a pretty face so I might be attracted anyway.
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10-05-2015 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by brandoncla
A lot of them on POF will screenshot how many unread messages they have sitting in their inbox, I've seen it range from 400+ to 2K+. It's probably even more than that depending on if they keep up.

They get absolutely pummeled.
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10-05-2015 , 06:28 PM
I think the longer you can delay any talk about what you do for a living, unless that's a feature for you, the better.

Women will allow for a lot in a guy they're interested in, compared to a rando. You need to have enough game to set the hook with your charm and abs and stuff.
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10-05-2015 , 09:32 PM
RE poker for a living... Take the mindset that women need to impress you, not the other way around.
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10-06-2015 , 10:41 AM
If anyone remembers the meltdown breakup I had with the crazy woman a year ago.

She's married now, calls me almost every night, says when you get settled in Vegas, let me know, we'll party.

I quit dating, turned my okc profile into a sick joke and left it up. Just for grins, and to check out other people.

I got a legit message last night. I can't believe anyone took that seriously.

Profile says I'm broke, unemployed, almost homeless, and looking to get you pregnant.
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10-06-2015 , 11:59 AM
I've only used OKC in the past with decent success, but I'm staying in Nice, France for a month and OKC is dead in this area and the decent online sites are for French speakers (my French is a little basic).

So I guess I'm gonna turn to Tinder, but I know next to nothing about it. I much prefer having the profiles/questions on OKC in order to craft messages and know who you're talking to so Tinder will be a challenge.

I'm going with this as a profile:

American who recently moved to Nice.


I'm really good at yoga...
but not really, I'm just ok.

I enjoy screening people I've never met. Admit it, you like it too!

Je parle un peu de français aussi et je mesure 1m84.

For pics these are my options, will they suffice for Tinder? I'm thinking #1 will be my main pic:

Are the guys having success with Tinder just ramping up the sexual innuendo pretty quickly after a rapport is built and pushing for a meetup at one of your places?
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10-06-2015 , 12:22 PM
IMO make the last pic your main pic on tinder
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10-06-2015 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by ChipWrecked
If anyone remembers the meltdown breakup I had with the crazy woman a year ago.

She's married now, calls me almost every night, says when you get settled in Vegas, let me know, we'll party.

I quit dating, turned my okc profile into a sick joke and left it up. Just for grins, and to check out other people.

I got a legit message last night. I can't believe anyone took that seriously.

Profile says I'm broke, unemployed, almost homeless, and looking to get you pregnant.
I did something similar with a fake pic.

You can get away with a lot if you're hot.


Most depressing is when I put "I am really into f*lching and sc*t play" in interests and still got waaay too many receptive messages.
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