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07-08-2015 , 11:54 PM
Don't worry bout the age until you even meet. Might not
Be any chemistry. Also come to borgata next week lol
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07-08-2015 , 11:59 PM
You definitely shouldn't be worrying about dating implications such as age before you've even met the girl.
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07-09-2015 , 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by amazinmets73
She's a nail stylist who never went to college
She's actually the boss's niece!
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07-09-2015 , 04:09 PM
Is it normal for some girls in 20s to not want to have sex before dating. Met some girl from tinder and have been out with her like 4-5 times and she seems super prude. Can't go anywhere farther then going up her shirt when I bring her to my place. Not really sure I want To date her bc I'm guessing she's bad in bed as she's had one bf over a 4 year college span. Any thoughts on what I should do. I tried to finger her and she says she doesn't know me lol after like 3rd date. It's so tilting how I read people get lays on first or second date and I'm buying a chick drinks and food and getting almost no where. Prolly need to screen better.
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07-09-2015 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Jkpoker10
Is it normal for some girls in 20s to not want to have sex before dating. Met some girl from tinder and have been out with her like 4-5 times and she seems super prude. Can't go anywhere farther then going up her shirt when I bring her to my place. Not really sure I want To date her bc I'm guessing she's bad in bed as she's had one bf over a 4 year college span. Any thoughts on what I should do. I tried to finger her and she says she doesn't know me lol after like 3rd date. It's so tilting how I read people get lays on first or second date and I'm buying a chick drinks and food and getting almost no where. Prolly need to screen better.
It's not abnormal, but likely has more to do with the image you're projecting. If you're projecting the just looking to have fun and not looking for a relationship image your chances of getting laid early on is much better than someone who comes across as trying to wine and dine a girl.

Also, buying her drinks and food means nothing.... it's ridiculous to think she owes you something because you're paying for things.
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07-09-2015 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
Also, buying her drinks and food means nothing.... it's ridiculous to think she owes you something because you're paying for things.
i was going to write this word for word. if you act like she owes you something, then she's going to notice that, and it's not prude for her to not want to give you something just because you feel you deserve it.

to answer your question, no it's not weird.

to answer another question, if you don't want to date her then just stop seeing her. there's nothing wrong with you just wanting to fool around with someone as long as they're on the same page, which she's clearly not, so just part ways and stop beating yourself up and move on imo.
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07-09-2015 , 10:52 PM
What I'm attracted to: intelegance
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07-09-2015 , 11:04 PM
might steal that for my tinder profile
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07-10-2015 , 12:43 AM
Wouldn't it be funny is employers started scouting tinder?
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07-10-2015 , 07:11 AM
Lol, anyone seeing a fair bit of 'I'm really aged XX but I put *younger age* by mistake and it wouldn't let me change'

Mistake, right.
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07-10-2015 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by amazinmets73
What's the consensus on a 28 y/o dating a 21 y/o?
It's fine if both want the same thing out of the relationship & have their heads in the roughly the same space whether good or bad.

I think you can get a fair picture of who a person is and where they're going by 21. Not all the time because some people pull it together or fall apart when life stuff happens, but generally people who are dip****s at 21 just become older dip****s. People who lack ambition, lie/cheat/BS, flake on stuff (etc) seem find a way to do the minimum and stay that way.

Whereas someone younger who is doing all the right things and has their priorities about right will probably stay on a decent track, even if they're poorer and a little more naive right this second.

How a person is with their plans, schedule, and money are the three best indicators I've seen. I forgot who said that but I think they're right.
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07-10-2015 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by movieman2g
i was going to write this word for word. if you act like she owes you something, then she's going to notice that, and it's not prude for her to not want to give you something just because you feel you deserve it.

to answer your question, no it's not weird.

to answer another question, if you don't want to date her then just stop seeing her. there's nothing wrong with you just wanting to fool around with someone as long as they're on the same page, which she's clearly not, so just part ways and stop beating yourself up and move on imo.
After thinking about my post, prolly came off in a wrong way. I just feel i'm a good guy and wouldn't give off an image that I would use a girl bc honestly I never have (I know my post might say otherwise but I worded it poorly). This comment is going to be lol but I just remember college being so easy with chicks vs now (I know college is much different than afterwards especially with parties + alcohol).

Btw this chick told me her ex-bf abused her and she still talks to him. Ugh I can't understand women sometimes... It seems like talking to someone that hit you or was verbally abusive to you would be some to keep any type of relationship with. I think I'm not really project a poor image with her. I haven't even pushed her to do anything too hard... Think she just has a much different value system than me.
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07-10-2015 , 07:11 PM
If she's still talking to him after abusing her,she's not worth pursuing right now.
That is,actual abuse,nowadays women are willing to say they were abused because he didn't listen,forgot her birthday, etc.
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07-10-2015 , 08:53 PM
yeah women and their made up abuse stories
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07-10-2015 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
If she's still talking to him after abusing her,she's not worth pursuing right now.
That is,actual abuse,nowadays women are willing to say they were abused because he didn't listen,forgot her birthday, etc.
good thing we dont let them vote or drive cars or hold down jobs
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07-10-2015 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
yeah women and their made up abuse stories
Yeah,it NEVER happens....
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07-10-2015 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by movieman2g
good thing we dont let them vote or drive cars or hold down jobs
Who's we, Kemosabee?
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07-11-2015 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
Who's we, Kemosabee?
Me, you, and my friend sarcasm.
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07-11-2015 , 12:12 PM
Gone Girl tho
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07-13-2015 , 04:39 PM
Anyone have success stories going on a 1st date with someone just before they went on vacation for 4+ days, then continuing to see them after they got back without any problems? Let's say it obviously went well but you didn't sleep with them.

Had one recently where the connection certainly seemed like it was there, kissed, etc. she actually proposed date #2 be the night after she got back a week later, but took two days to respond after I followed up "had a great time last night, have a great trip, let's check out x next week", replying "after giving it some thought, I actually didn't feel a connection with you, but best of luck with everything!"
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07-13-2015 , 07:37 PM

4 days is nothing, I doubt that had any significant effect.
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07-13-2015 , 08:33 PM
Agreed, 4 days is just a long weekend, not an extended period of time. Maybe she wanted more communication while she was "away"? Maybe she met someone else? Maybe it's another random thing.

Fwiw I have gone on a successful 2nd date after a long period off, but it's a lot of random things that have to happen. You have to be in somewhat communication even though you're not that close. You need to not have started seeing anyone else, and vice versa. Basically I don't think it's as much a factor as anything else that comes with the online dating territory
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07-13-2015 , 09:06 PM
Much more likely you just misread signals and there wasn't as much connection on her end as you thought. 4 days isn't a very long time. I imagine the same thing would've happened had she not gone anywhere.
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07-13-2015 , 11:38 PM
You texted her the next day. Why would 4 day trip affect her?
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07-14-2015 , 04:46 AM
Just celebrated 2 years since meeting my girlfriend from OK Cupid. Gave her a commitment ring to wear on her left ring finger. Looks like we're on our way to being one of those OK Cupid success stories.
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