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10-27-2014 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by ec_outlaw
I've heard stories about a "Harvard of cosmetology".
We need some more drama like that. I couldn't stop reading that trainwreck.
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10-27-2014 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by LazyTops5
Usually a deal breaker for me, mostly cause they usually look very trashy though.

Where is wu-tang?

Thread needs him
Wu settled down at least temporarily.
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10-27-2014 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
We need some more drama like that. I couldn't stop reading that trainwreck.
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10-28-2014 , 01:25 AM
I think there's a good chance that / those threads were nuked from orbit.

amichele, wasn't that also her.

Anyway my meet tonight went pretty well, she had to bail early for young kid, standard on weeknights.

The only notable thing was that within an hour, she both laughed and cried.

I got her going on her story; she talked herself into an emotional spot, and cried there at the table. I took her hand, she calmed down and we went on with the convo.

I think this is something from my demo. A woman (mom) in her forties, divorced, it's been a long time since anyone's actually listened to her. Gets her saying more than she means to.
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10-28-2014 , 05:58 AM
i think Chip should be a life coach
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10-28-2014 , 11:21 AM
Just focus on her like she's the center of the universe. She'll tell you everything.
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10-28-2014 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by ligastar
i think Chip should be a life coach
Judging from the women I've met in that age group ,I think he is.
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10-28-2014 , 05:41 PM
Just been turfed out of my house, landlady said she wants my room as a spare room, got a month to move.

Opinions on how I should tell dates this news? got a second date on thurs and three first dates sun, mon, tues. On first glance telling the truth seems fine but seems kinda beta getting ejected from a rented house and the possibility of dating a homeless bum might not appeal. or maybe that's stupid i dunno.

Gaaaaahh i love it here don't wanna move.
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10-28-2014 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by SandraXII
Just been turfed out of my house, landlady said she wants my room as a spare room, got a month to move.

Opinions on how I should tell dates this news? got a second date on thurs and three first dates sun, mon, tues. On first glance telling the truth seems fine but seems kinda beta getting ejected from a rented house and the possibility of dating a homeless bum might not appeal. or maybe that's stupid i dunno.

Gaaaaahh i love it here don't wanna move.
I assume you told the second date girl what part of town you live in already, so not too sure why you would mention this to her given it's only date #2. Maybe if you continue seeing her, let her know you have to move at the end of month or are looking for a new place.

Even if it came up in a how was your week convo it's not a big deal provided you are planning on finding a new place before you are booted. Also, the landlord gave you what seems like a legit excuse, so again not too sure what the issue would be.

For the first dates, just tell them what part of town you're currently living in and that you will be moving at the end of the month when your lease is up.
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10-28-2014 , 06:06 PM

Huh? You live someplace, and will be moving to a new place in a month. What's the big deal?
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10-28-2014 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by SandraXII
Just been turfed out of my house, landlady said she wants my room as a spare room, got a month to move.

Opinions on how I should tell dates this news? got a second date on thurs and three first dates sun, mon, tues. On first glance telling the truth seems fine but seems kinda beta getting ejected from a rented house and the possibility of dating a homeless bum might not appeal. or maybe that's stupid i dunno.

Gaaaaahh i love it here don't wanna move.
You are way overthinking this. Basically if it doesn't come up I wouldn't say anything, but if you start talking about what part of town you live in and where else in the city you've lived and what neighborhoods you like to go out in then it would be natural to say something (and you just say "Yeah I live in xxx but I am moving out at the end of the month. Thinking about staying in xxx or moving to yyy or zzz."). I feel like with how you even bothered to write this that you might come off awkward saying it. Do you legit think it's beta to move apartments? Is there a legit chance you will be living on the street? And yes, say the reason the landlady is doing it because that's a perfectly legit reason that has nothing to do with you. (also, don't use the word legit as much as I am in this post).
To me it's the equivalent of "In 6 weeks I am going on a 2 week business trip." Yeah, in a little bit of time I might be busy/out of town/living in a different part of town, but you don't need to "disclose" that info and if it flows naturally in the convo (you are talking about travelling for work or visiting cool places) there would never ever be a reason not to mention it.
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10-28-2014 , 06:20 PM
Yeah, all of you are right obviously, it was just I was a bit stunned at the news and it sucks getting kicked out of a house I love so much, and girls loved it too. but whatever, find a new one
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10-28-2014 , 08:50 PM
So TrainStationGirl rolls by Sunday night and we have some drinks at my place and bang. She has to obv work the next day, so she drives home at like 5am. She blows out a tire on the way home and has to call Triple A. Backtracking a bit, SG calls me Saturday night to shoot the **** as she's in MI with her exboyfriend and some girl he once dated. I read my TSG bobbo TR to her and she takes it kinda hard saying she doesn't know if she's ready for ATF stories. We talk again Sunday and she's leaning on me emotionally cuz her exbf is ripping into her life on the ride home. I tell her about my rice krispy treats and I agree to give her one the next day.

We meet up for lunch at some random park in the city and make out. I ask her if she wants to eat the treat with me that night and she says yes. Work ends and we meet up, we ride bikes back to her place, get there, eat the treats and just lounge for a while revealing what we've been doing while apart. I banged two broads, she made out with a guy at a bar and went on a bad date. Eventually we're making out heavy and naturally that leads to banging. She says she's been craving dick in her mouth and also compliments me on my kissing, saying I must have learned something while apart. I stay the night and we bang again in the morning and drive to work together. I basically tell her that we need to define parameters to what is going on. We agree to not jump right back in to something super serious but to begin seeing each other again. She says that for the first time since splitting up she's having feeling for me again. We do lunch together today and spend a lot of it making out.

I stay late for work and TSG conveniently misses her train and is there to ride home with me. I can tell she can tell that I'm acting different and she asks me to watch the game with her at a bar and I decline on account of a crazy busy day at work. She seems kinda let down but I give her a peck as she departs and say I'll see her tomorrow morning on the train. It's getting complicated.
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10-28-2014 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by SandraXII
Just been turfed out of my house, landlady said she wants my room as a spare room, got a month to move.

Opinions on how I should tell dates this news? got a second date on thurs and three first dates sun, mon, tues. On first glance telling the truth seems fine but seems kinda beta getting ejected from a rented house and the possibility of dating a homeless bum might not appeal. or maybe that's stupid i dunno.

Gaaaaahh i love it here don't wanna move.
I consistently tell women I live in the slums / ghetto. I tell them there is a neighborhood watch in my area. I then explain that I've been accused of being a sexual predator in my apartment building, that I've had two cops roll on me because the neighborhood watch nerd didn't believe I was digging in my own car for keys, that I don't have a functioning lock on my backdoor, that my landlord might sell the place from underneath me, etc. None of them have ever seemed to care.

If you're looking to get laid, the woman shouldn't give a fook as long as your pad isn't totally disgusting. If you're looking for a relationship, who wants some high maintenance broad that is gonna judge you on where you live?
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10-28-2014 , 09:15 PM
Girl responded to my funny text today with a "haha well played sir"

I hate when girls say the word sir or dude to me if we are dating. I flat out told one of my exes to stop using the term dude when referring to me. Am I just a giant nit?
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10-28-2014 , 09:37 PM

Uhm, yes?
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10-28-2014 , 10:20 PM
I should clarify I view "dude" and "bro" in the same context. Do you want your GF calling you bro?
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10-28-2014 , 10:29 PM
Not really, bubba.
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10-28-2014 , 10:56 PM
only if she lifts
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10-28-2014 , 11:26 PM

"Well played, sir" is a saying.

And re: dude, yes, you're a nit.

Bro would be weird, though.
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10-29-2014 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by LT22
Girl responded to my funny text today with a "haha well played sir"

I hate when girls say the word sir or dude to me if we are dating. I flat out told one of my exes to stop using the term dude when referring to me. Am I just a giant nit?
I actually demand that women call me sir. Preferably while saluting.
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10-29-2014 , 01:16 AM
I've been on a few dates with a girl who keeps using the word rad. That's one of the worst things about her so I guess I can manage. Plan to do the haunted hay ride forest **** with that one next week.

Got drinks set up with the girl who takes 95% of her pictures with her puppy on her profile so we'll see what kind of potential looney tune she is. She moved here from Minnesota a few months ago, so I have the advantage of everything here basically being new her.
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10-29-2014 , 01:31 AM
^ chances are very good you smash within 2 dates based on her being new to the area, a dog and its winter wife up season

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10-29-2014 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by DisGunBGud
I've been on a few dates with a girl who keeps using the word rad. That's one of the worst things about her so I guess I can manage.
very Seinfeldian.
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10-29-2014 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
I actually demand that women call me sir. Preferably while saluting.
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